
Author: ChaoZhang, Created: 2024-03-14 15:09:04, Updated: 2024-03-16 22:14:56

[trans] 如果您对发明者量化平台和量化交易行业有坚定的信仰;如果您相信科技创新可以让投资变得更智能、更高效。现在就加入全球领先的量化交易平台——发明者量化的全球KOL招募计划,成为我们的合作伙伴,共同推动量化投资的普及,一起携手共进、互利共赢。



  • 高达50%的客户消费分成
  • 个性化的专属推广链接和宣传物料
  • 细分市场和受众的营销指导
  • 不定期的经验分享和培训
  • 参与平台重大活动和节点的机会
  • 优先了解平台新品和业务动向


  1. 拥有量化交易相关领域的从业经验和行业影响力
  2. 运营有行业垂直社群、自媒体、公众号等,如:
    • 财经、科技、投资领域KOL,粉丝数≥1000
    • 量化交易从业者社群,活跃用户≥500
    • 行情分析平台(日活≥500)
  3. 认同发明者量化平台理念,看好量化交易发展前景
  4. 有良好的商业信誉和个人品德


  1. 在您的社交媒体、社群、自媒体等渠道发布平台介绍文章
  2. 向目标群体精准推送您的专属注册链接
  3. 举办线上分享会、交流会,分享量化交易的前景和技巧
  4. 向潜在客户提供发明者量化平台的产品咨询服务



  1. 严禁KOL自己使用自己的推广链接注册账户,刷取佣金,一经发现永久封禁账号,并追回已发放佣金。
  2. 严禁教唆、怂恿他人使用您的链接重复注册,否则将取消KOL资格,并追回已发放佣金。
  3. 禁止制作与官网相似度极高的钓鱼网站,误导用户输入敏感信息,一经发现永久封禁账号,并保留法律追诉权。
  4. KOL在社交媒体发布的平台相关内容须客观真实,不得捏造事实、歪曲信息、诋毁平台声誉,否则将终止合作并保留追究法律责任的权利。
  5. 禁止在推广过程中夸大宣传收益,例如承诺”投资一万,月入十万”等,避免给用户不切实际的预期,误导投资决策,否则将视情节轻重,给予警告、取消分佣甚至终止合作等处罚。
  6. KOL须积极引导用户树立正确的投资理念,提示量化交易存在风险,禁止以”零风险”、”稳赚不赔”等词汇蛊惑用户,否则将暂停合作资格,直至整改到位。





If you have a firm belief in the Financial Magic Zone Platform and the quantitative trading industry; if you believe that technological innovation can make investing smarter and more efficient, join the global KOL recruitment program of the world’s leading quantitative trading platform - Financial Magic Zone now. Become our partner, jointly promote the popularization of quantitative investing, and work together for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

How to join the Financial Magic Zone KOL Program?

Please fill out the application form, and our staff will contact you as soon as possible to explore the possibility of cooperation. By joining us, you will get:

  • Up to 50% of customer consumption share
  • Personalized exclusive promotional links and publicity materials
  • Marketing guidance for subdivided markets and audiences
  • Periodic experience sharing and training
  • Opportunities to participate in major platform events and milestones
  • Priority access to new products and business trends of the platform

Joining Conditions

  1. Have working experience and industry influence in quantitative trading related fields
  2. Operate industry vertical communities, self-media, official accounts, etc., such as:
    • KOLs in finance, technology, and investment with ≥1000 fans
    • Quantitative trading practitioner communities with ≥500 active users
    • Market analysis platforms (DAU ≥500)
  3. Identify with the Financial Magic Zone Platform concepts and be optimistic about the development prospects of quantitative trading
  4. Have good business reputation and personal ethics

Promotion Methods

  1. Publish platform introduction articles on your social media, communities, self-media and other channels
  2. Accurately push your exclusive registration link to target groups
  3. Hold online sharing sessions and exchanges to share the prospects and techniques of quantitative trading
  4. Provide product consulting services of the Financial Magic Zone Platform to potential customers

Through the above methods, attract customers to use your link to complete registration and consumption, and you can continuously obtain commission income.

Compliance Requirements (Must Read)

  1. It is strictly forbidden for KOLs to use their own promotion links to register accounts and falsely obtain commissions. Once discovered, the account will be permanently banned and the commissions already issued will be recovered.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to instigate or encourage others to use your link to register repeatedly, otherwise the KOL qualification will be cancelled and the commissions already issued will be recovered.
  3. It is prohibited to create phishing websites that are extremely similar to the official website to mislead users to enter sensitive information. Once discovered, the account will be permanently banned and the right to legal recourse will be reserved.
  4. The platform-related content published by KOLs on social media must be objective and truthful, and must not fabricate facts, distort information, or defame the platform’s reputation, otherwise cooperation will be terminated and the right to pursue legal responsibility will be reserved.
  5. It is prohibited to exaggerate publicity returns in the promotion process, such as promising “invest 10,000, earn 100,000 per month”, to avoid giving users unrealistic expectations and misleading investment decisions. Otherwise, penalties such as warnings, cancellation of commission sharing, or even termination of cooperation will be given according to the severity of the circumstances.
  6. KOLs must actively guide users to establish correct investment concepts and remind them that there are risks in quantitative trading. It is forbidden to use words such as “zero risk” and “guaranteed profit” to bewitch users, otherwise the cooperation qualification will be suspended until rectification is in place.

All KOL partners must strictly abide by the above compliance requirements and jointly maintain a good industry ecology. Financial Magic Zone Platform will use big data monitoring and enforce the law impartially against any violations without any tolerance.

Join the Financial Magic Zone KOL program now and build the future of the quantitative investment business with us!

Financial Magic Zone Platform reserves the right to modify, interpret and ultimately interpret this solicitation based on the principles of compliance and legality. If you have any questions, please contact our staff.

