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deribit 能不能在SetContractType这个函数能不能整合进参数this_week next_week?

Author: jiaozheng, Created: 2018-04-18 11:47:56, Updated:

刚刚试了在deribit里试了SetContractType 发现不能用this-week这个参数,但发现交易所原本是支持订阅BTC-THISWEEK这个合约的 现在每次订阅合约都要手动写入BTC-27APR18



发明者量化-小小梦 Deribit 没有 this_week 和 next_week , Deribit 有接口 获取所有 可用合约 : 节选自 Deribit 文档 Get the open and available trading instruments. URI: https://www.deribit.com/api/v1/public/getinstruments URI Path: /api/v1/public/getinstruments Parameters: expired=true for returning all expired instruments. Else all currently traded instruments will be returned. Method: GET Result is JSON object: ``` {"success": true, // false or true "message": "", // empty or text message "result": [{ "kind": "option", // future or option "baseCurrency": "BTC", // currently BTC only "currency": "USD", // currently USD only "minTradeSize": 0.01, // minimum size "instrumentName": "BTC-30JAN15-450-P", // instrument name "isActive": true, // true or false "settlement": "month", "created": "2014-12-09 11:34:24 GMT", // GMT date time "expiration": "2015-01-30 15:00:00 GMT" // GMT date time "pricePrecision": 4 // specifies the number of decimal places for instrument prices, // usually 4 decimal places for options, 2 -- for futures }, ...]} ```