
Initial Exploration of Applying Python Crawler on FMZ — Crawling Binance Announcement Content

创建于: 2022-04-08 15:47:43, 更新于: 2022-04-13 10:07:13
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Initial Exploration of Applying Python Crawler on FMZ —— Crawling Binance Announcement Content

Recently, I looked through our Forums and Digest, and there is no relevant information about Python crawler. Based on the FMZ spirit of comprehensive development, I went to simply learn about the concepts and knowledge of crawler. After learning about it, I found that there is still more to learn about “crawler technique”. This article is only a preliminary exploration of “crawler technique”, and a simplest practice of crawler technique on FMZ Quant trading platform.


For traders who like IPO trading, they always want to get the platform listing information as soon as possible. It is obviously unrealistic to manually stare at a platform website all the time. Then you need to use the crawler script to monitor the announcement page of the platform, and detect new announcements in order to be notified and reminded at the first time.

Initial Exploration

Use a very simple program as a start (really powerful crawler scripts are far more complex, so take your time). The program logic is very simple, that is, let the program continuously visit the announcement page of a platform, parse the acquired HTML content, and detect whether the content of a specifed label is updated.

Code Implementation

You can use some useful crawler structures. Considering that the demand is very simple, you can also write directly.

The python libraries to be used:

```bs4```, which can be simply regarded as the library used to parse the HTML code of web pages. 


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests

urlBinanceAnnouncement = “https://www.binancezh.io/en/support/announcement/c-48?navId=48” # Binance announcement web page address

def openUrl(url): headers = {‘User-Agent’: ‘Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.108 Safari/537.36’} r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) # use “requests” library to access url, namely the Binance announcement web page address

if r.status_code == 200:
    r.encoding = 'utf-8'
    # Log("success! {}".format(url))
    return r.text                          # if the access succeeds, return the text of the page content  
    Log("failed {}".format(url))

def main(): preNews_href = “” lastNews = “” Log(“watching…”, urlBinanceAnnouncement, “#FF0000”) while True: ret = openUrl(urlBinanceAnnouncement) if ret: soup = BeautifulSoup(ret, ‘html.parser’) # parse the page text into objects lastNewshref = soup.find(‘a’, class=‘css-1ej4hfo’)[“href”] # find specified lables, to obtain href lastNews = soup.find(‘a’, class_=‘css-1ej4hfo’).get_text() # obtain the content in the label if preNews_href == “”: preNews_href = lastNews_href if preNews_href != lastNews_href: # the label change detected, namely the new announcement generated Log(“New Cryptocurrency Listing update!”) # print the prompt message preNews_href = lastNews_href LogStatus(_D(), “\n”, “preNews_href:”, preNews_href, “\n”, “news:”, lastNews) Sleep(1000 * 10)



Initial Exploration of Applying Python Crawler on FMZ — Crawling Binance Announcement Content

Initial Exploration of Applying Python Crawler on FMZ — Crawling Binance Announcement Content

You can even extend it, such as the detection of new announcement, analysis of newly listed currency symbols, and automatic ordering of IPO trade.
