
Author: 小小梦, Created: 2022-10-09 15:56:22, Updated: 2023-09-15 20:50:38



本期我们来探讨一个来源于YouTube的「神奇的双EMA均线策略」,这个策略被称为“股票和加密货币市场杀手”。小编我观看视频了解到这个策略是一个trading view的pine语言策略,用到了2个trading view指标。看到视频中的回测效果非常好,FMZ也支持Trading View的Pine语言,所以就忍不住想要自己回测、测试分析。那么就开始整活!这就动手把视频中的策略复刻下来。



为了简便设计,我们就不使用视频上列举的Moving Average Exponential。我们使用trading view的内置ta.ema代替(其实都一样)。

2、VuManChu Swing Free指标

这个是一个Trading View上的指标,我们需要去Trading View上把源码扒下来。


VuManChu Swing Free代码:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

// Credits to the original Script - Range Filter DonovanWall https://www.tradingview.com/script/lut7sBgG-Range-Filter-DW/
// This version is the old version of the Range Filter with less settings to tinker with

study(title="Range Filter - B&S Signals", shorttitle="RF - B&S Signals", overlay=true)


//Range Size Function
rng_size(x, qty, n)=> 
//    AC       = Cond_EMA(abs(x - x[1]), 1, n)
    wper      = (n*2) - 1
    avrng     = ema(abs(x - x[1]), n)
    AC = ema(avrng, wper)*qty
    rng_size = AC

//Range Filter Function
rng_filt(x, rng_, n)=>
    r          = rng_
    var rfilt  = array.new_float(2, x)
    array.set(rfilt, 1, array.get(rfilt, 0))
    if x - r > array.get(rfilt, 1)
        array.set(rfilt, 0, x - r)
    if x + r < array.get(rfilt, 1)
        array.set(rfilt, 0, x + r)
    rng_filt1 = array.get(rfilt, 0)
    hi_band   = rng_filt1 + r
    lo_band   = rng_filt1 - r
    rng_filt  = rng_filt1
    [hi_band, lo_band, rng_filt]

//Range Source
rng_src = input(defval=close, type=input.source, title="Swing Source")

//Range Period
rng_per = input(defval=20, minval=1, title="Swing Period")

//Range Size Inputs
rng_qty   = input(defval=3.5, minval=0.0000001, title="Swing Multiplier")

//Bar Colors
use_barcolor = input(defval=false, type=input.bool, title="Bar Colors On/Off")


//Range Filter Values
[h_band, l_band, filt] = rng_filt(rng_src, rng_size(rng_src, rng_qty, rng_per), rng_per)

//Direction Conditions
var fdir = 0.0
fdir    := filt > filt[1] ? 1 : filt < filt[1] ? -1 : fdir
upward   = fdir==1 ? 1 : 0
downward = fdir==-1 ? 1 : 0

//Trading Condition
longCond = rng_src > filt and rng_src > rng_src[1] and upward > 0 or rng_src > filt and rng_src < rng_src[1] and upward > 0 
shortCond = rng_src < filt and rng_src < rng_src[1] and downward > 0 or rng_src < filt and rng_src > rng_src[1] and downward > 0

CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni[1]
longCondition = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1
shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1

filt_color = upward ? #05ff9b : downward ? #ff0583 : #cccccc
bar_color  = upward and (rng_src > filt) ? (rng_src > rng_src[1] ? #05ff9b : #00b36b) :
             downward and (rng_src < filt) ? (rng_src < rng_src[1] ? #ff0583 : #b8005d) : #cccccc


//Filter Plot
filt_plot = plot(filt, color=filt_color, transp=67, linewidth=3, title="Filter")

//Band Plots
h_band_plot = plot(h_band, color=color.new(#05ff9b, 100), title="High Band")
l_band_plot = plot(l_band, color=color.new(#ff0583, 100), title="Low Band")

//Band Fills
fill(h_band_plot, filt_plot, color=color.new(#00b36b, 92), title="High Band Fill")
fill(l_band_plot, filt_plot, color=color.new(#b8005d, 92), title="Low Band Fill")

//Bar Color
barcolor(use_barcolor ? bar_color : na)

//Plot Buy and Sell Labels
plotshape(longCondition, title = "Buy Signal", text ="BUY", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labelup, size = size.normal, location=location.belowbar, color = color.new(color.green, 0))
plotshape(shortCondition, title = "Sell Signal", text ="SELL", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labeldown, size = size.normal, location=location.abovebar, color = color.new(color.red, 0))

alertcondition(longCondition, title="Buy Alert", message = "BUY")
alertcondition(shortCondition, title="Sell Alert", message = "SELL")



  • 多头排列 快线在慢线上方。

  • 空头排列 快线在慢线下方。

VuManChu Swing Free指标:VuManChu Swing Free指标用来发出信号,再结合其它条件判断是否进行下单交易。从VuManChu Swing Free指标源码可以看出:longCondition变量就代表买入信号,shortCondition变量就代表卖出信号。后续编写下单条件就使用这两个变量。


1、进入多头的规则: 阳K线的收盘价要处在EMA快线的上方,两根EMA均线要呈现多头排列(快线在慢线上方),VuManChu Swing Free指标要出现买入信号(longCondition为真)。三个条件成立,这根K线就是做多入场的关键K线,这根K线的收盘价就是入场位置。

2、进入空头的规则(和多头相反): 阴K线的收盘价要处在EMA快线的下方,两根EMA均线要呈现空头排列(快线在慢线下方),VuManChu Swing Free指标要出现卖出信号(shortCondition为真)。三个条件成立,这根K线的收盘价就是做空入场位置。



VuManChu Swing Free指标的代码,我们直接原封不动地放进我们的策略代码中。



// extend
fastEmaPeriod = input(50, "fastEmaPeriod")         // 快线周期
slowEmaPeriod = input(200, "slowEmaPeriod")        // 慢线周期
loss = input(30, "loss")                           // 止损点数
trailPoints = input(30, "trailPoints")             // 移动止盈触发点数
trailOffset = input(30, "trailOffset")             // 移动止盈偏移量(点数)
amount = input(1, "amount")                        // 下单量

emaFast = ta.ema(close, fastEmaPeriod)             // 计算快线EMA
emaSlow = ta.ema(close, slowEmaPeriod)             // 计算慢线EMA

buyCondition = longCondition and emaFast > emaSlow and close > open and close > emaFast         // 做多入场条件
sellCondition = shortCondition and emaFast < emaSlow and close < open and close < emaFast       // 做空入场条件

if buyCondition and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, amount)
    strategy.exit("exit_long", "long", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset)
if sellCondition and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, amount)
    strategy.exit("exit_short", "short", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset)


1、longCondition变量为真(VuManChu Swing Free指标发出信号做多)。 2、emaFast > emaSlow (EMA多头排列)。 3、close > open (表示当前BAR为阳线),close > emaFast (表示收盘价在EMA快线上方)。





start: 2022-01-01 00:00:00
end: 2022-10-08 00:00:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"ETH_USDT"}]
args: [["ZPrecision",0,358374]]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

// Credits to the original Script - Range Filter DonovanWall https://www.tradingview.com/script/lut7sBgG-Range-Filter-DW/
// This version is the old version of the Range Filter with less settings to tinker with

study(title="Range Filter - B&S Signals", shorttitle="RF - B&S Signals", overlay=true)


//Range Size Function
rng_size(x, qty, n)=> 
//    AC       = Cond_EMA(abs(x - x[1]), 1, n)
    wper      = (n*2) - 1
    avrng     = ema(abs(x - x[1]), n)
    AC = ema(avrng, wper)*qty
    rng_size = AC

//Range Filter Function
rng_filt(x, rng_, n)=>
    r          = rng_
    var rfilt  = array.new_float(2, x)
    array.set(rfilt, 1, array.get(rfilt, 0))
    if x - r > array.get(rfilt, 1)
        array.set(rfilt, 0, x - r)
    if x + r < array.get(rfilt, 1)
        array.set(rfilt, 0, x + r)
    rng_filt1 = array.get(rfilt, 0)
    hi_band   = rng_filt1 + r
    lo_band   = rng_filt1 - r
    rng_filt  = rng_filt1
    [hi_band, lo_band, rng_filt]

//Range Source
rng_src = input(defval=close, type=input.source, title="Swing Source")

//Range Period
rng_per = input(defval=20, minval=1, title="Swing Period")

//Range Size Inputs
rng_qty   = input(defval=3.5, minval=0.0000001, title="Swing Multiplier")

//Bar Colors
use_barcolor = input(defval=false, type=input.bool, title="Bar Colors On/Off")


//Range Filter Values
[h_band, l_band, filt] = rng_filt(rng_src, rng_size(rng_src, rng_qty, rng_per), rng_per)

//Direction Conditions
var fdir = 0.0
fdir    := filt > filt[1] ? 1 : filt < filt[1] ? -1 : fdir
upward   = fdir==1 ? 1 : 0
downward = fdir==-1 ? 1 : 0

//Trading Condition
longCond = rng_src > filt and rng_src > rng_src[1] and upward > 0 or rng_src > filt and rng_src < rng_src[1] and upward > 0 
shortCond = rng_src < filt and rng_src < rng_src[1] and downward > 0 or rng_src < filt and rng_src > rng_src[1] and downward > 0

CondIni = 0
CondIni := longCond ? 1 : shortCond ? -1 : CondIni[1]
longCondition = longCond and CondIni[1] == -1
shortCondition = shortCond and CondIni[1] == 1

filt_color = upward ? #05ff9b : downward ? #ff0583 : #cccccc
bar_color  = upward and (rng_src > filt) ? (rng_src > rng_src[1] ? #05ff9b : #00b36b) :
             downward and (rng_src < filt) ? (rng_src < rng_src[1] ? #ff0583 : #b8005d) : #cccccc


//Filter Plot
filt_plot = plot(filt, color=filt_color, transp=67, linewidth=3, title="Filter")

//Band Plots
h_band_plot = plot(h_band, color=color.new(#05ff9b, 100), title="High Band")
l_band_plot = plot(l_band, color=color.new(#ff0583, 100), title="Low Band")

//Band Fills
fill(h_band_plot, filt_plot, color=color.new(#00b36b, 92), title="High Band Fill")
fill(l_band_plot, filt_plot, color=color.new(#b8005d, 92), title="Low Band Fill")

//Bar Color
barcolor(use_barcolor ? bar_color : na)

//Plot Buy and Sell Labels
plotshape(longCondition, title = "Buy Signal", text ="BUY", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labelup, size = size.normal, location=location.belowbar, color = color.new(color.green, 0))
plotshape(shortCondition, title = "Sell Signal", text ="SELL", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labeldown, size = size.normal, location=location.abovebar, color = color.new(color.red, 0))

alertcondition(longCondition, title="Buy Alert", message = "BUY")
alertcondition(shortCondition, title="Sell Alert", message = "SELL")

// extend
fastEmaPeriod = input(50, "fastEmaPeriod")
slowEmaPeriod = input(200, "slowEmaPeriod")
loss = input(30, "loss")
trailPoints = input(30, "trailPoints")
trailOffset = input(30, "trailOffset")
amount = input(1, "amount")

emaFast = ta.ema(close, fastEmaPeriod)
emaSlow = ta.ema(close, slowEmaPeriod)

buyCondition = longCondition and emaFast > emaSlow and close > open and close > emaFast
sellCondition = shortCondition and emaFast < emaSlow and close < open and close < emaFast

if buyCondition and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, amount)
    strategy.exit("exit_long", "long", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset)
if sellCondition and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, amount)
    strategy.exit("exit_short", "short", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset)















fantadong 这个策略会不会也是赌参数呢?

hyc1743 梦大,为什么图标上显示信号但是实盘没有开单呢 /upload/asset/23cc031609caa7a896da3.jpg /upload/asset/23cae1c5d5b26ec763ea6.jpg /upload/asset/23d49ff4aec3475793e5e.jpg

轻轻的云 梦大,建议从油管找两三个具有代表性的,改写难度较大,函数、参数、运算方式较多的策略做几个文字版的教程,比如带有类似【line.delete】这样的。(不需要策略盈利,就算是亏损的策略也无所谓,主要是用来学习写策略)。 我现在用这个双均线的策略,已经学会改一些不是非常复杂的组合策略了,改了十几个组合策略,其中有一两个确实是21年22年数据回测结果非常不错的,也已经在跑实盘测试了,但是遇到复杂函数参数运算这种【比如提示:line: 62 Could not find function or function reference 'line.delete',】而在FMZ PINE Script 文档并没有找到line.delete相关解释,用法说明,就懵圈了,所以希望梦大能弄点儿复杂策略改写一下,当然注释也多一些最好。就更方便学习了。[抱拳] 谢谢梦大。

海哥 时间选21年4月-10月,BTC比较惨

yingjun 看文档看不懂这个止盈止损是什么意思 方便解释一下吗?比如默认的30 意思就是btc跌了30刀?就止损?

轻轻的云 梦大,请教下,PINE可以写复杂点儿的止盈方式吗?比如分层级止盈这样的???谢谢。 如果PINE可以和JS混编就好了,比如用PINE写指标,JS写交易部分就方便多了。。。。。

yingjun 实盘会有-2022的报错

fmzero 保存策略提示这玩意 REST: sql: no rows in result set

fmzero 梦总牛逼

小小梦 哈哈,本身做趋势策略就是赌,赌未来行情有趋势,否则就做震荡策略了。

小小梦 不客气。

hyc1743 感谢梦大

小小梦 您好,这个是因为图表上显示的BUY标记只是文章中指标的信号显示,后面还结合了均线。 ``` //Plot Buy and Sell Labels plotshape(longCondition, title = "Buy Signal", text ="BUY", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labelup, size = size.normal, location=location.belowbar, color = color.new(color.green, 0)) plotshape(shortCondition, title = "Sell Signal", text ="SELL", textcolor = color.white, style=shape.labeldown, size = size.normal, location=location.abovebar, color = color.new(color.red, 0)) ``` plotshape(longCondition, title = "Buy Signal", text ="BUY 画图显示时,只是longCondition条件符合了。 下单条件在这一块: ``` if buyCondition and strategy.position_size == 0 strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, amount) strategy.exit("exit_long", "long", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset) if sellCondition and strategy.position_size == 0 strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, amount) strategy.exit("exit_short", "short", amount, loss=loss, trail_points=trailPoints, trail_offset=trailOffset) ```

轻轻的云 怪不得,明白了,谢谢

小小梦 line 这个对象在FMZ上暂时还没支持,所以有些带line这种的可能改不了。有些策略使用了这个对象参与计算了。

小小梦 应该是回测时间太长,数据多导致的。

小小梦 Pine语言教程里有章节有描述,您可以看下:https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/9390#%E5%B8%A6%E8%B7%9F%E8%B8%AA%E6%AD%A2%E6%8D%9F%E6%AD%A2%E7%9B%88%E7%9A%84%E8%B6%85%E7%BA%A7%E8%B6%8B%E5%8A%BF%E7%AD%96%E7%95%A5

轻轻的云 嗯嗯,我设置1年内或者10个月,基本上能完成,过了1年就会有这个提示或者一堆别的了。。。。。

小小梦 没有限制,这个报错应该是回测时间范围过大。

轻轻的云 好的,谢谢梦大,另外请教下,PINE回测时间区间有限制吗?我选择2021年1月1日,到2022年10月11日,提示错误: RuntimeError: abort(undefined) at Error at jsStackTrace (eval at self.onmessage (https://www.fmz.com/scripts/worker_detours.393054f7.js:1:147), <anonymous>:1:2096171) at stackTrace (eval at self.onmessage (https://www.fmz.com/scripts/worker_detours.393054f7.js:1:147), <anonymous>:1:2096345) at abort (eval at self.onmessage (https://www.fmz.com/scripts/worker_detours.393054f7.js:1:147), <anonymous>:1:2092408) at _abort (eval at self.onmessage (https://www.fmz.com/scripts/worker_detours.393054f7.js:1:147), <anonymous>:1:2137287) at <anonymous>:wasm-function[1297]:0x76bdc at <anonymous>:wasm-function[466]:0x3d789 at <anonymous>:wasm-function[477]:0x42e6b at <anonymous>:wasm-function[471]:0x4149e at <anonymous>:wasm-function[453]:0x3bf18 at <anonymous>:wasm-function[173]:0x13122 但是如果不改时间段就正常回测了。。。。 /upload/asset/5a09837c7498543a0c5c.jpg

小小梦 Pine应该可以设计更加复杂的止盈,嵌入JS代码这个暂时还没有。

小小梦 可以发下截图,看下具体报错。

小小梦 哦,不好意思,策略地址贴错了,已经修改啦~