下一个交易周期,假设币价变为1500元,则总价值变为1500*7 + 3000= 13500,则应保持手中资金为13500*0.3 = 4050元,则应卖出4050 - 3000 = 1050的比特币,卖出数量为1050/1500 = 0.7个,手中剩余比特币7-0.7=6.3个,币价值为6.3*1500 = 9450。 资金与比特币价值比例为4050:9450 = 30:70。
var initAccount = null;
var initPrice = 0;
var stockHold = 0;
var moneyHold = 0;
var lastOrderID = null;
var prices = [];
function AdjustFloat(v) {
return Math.floor(v * 1000) / 1000;
function GetAccount() {
var account = null;
while (!(account = exchange.GetAccount())) {
Log('Get Account Error');
return account;
function GetCurrentPrice() {
var ticker = null;
while (!(ticker = exchange.GetTicker())) {
Log('Get Ticker Error');
return AdjustFloat(ticker.Last);
function GetOrders() {
var orders = null;
while (!(orders = exchange.GetOrders())) {
Log('Get Orders Error');
return orders;
function CancelPendingOrders() {
while (true) {
var orders = GetOrders();
if (orders.length === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < orders.length; i++) {
if (i < (orders.length - 1)) {
function GetStatus() {
var price = GetCurrentPrice();
var initStockValue = InitStock + InitMoney / initPrice;
var initMoneyValue = InitMoney + InitStock * initPrice;
var stockValueNow = stockHold + moneyHold / price;
var moneyValueNow = stockHold * price + moneyHold;
var stockEarned = stockValueNow - initStockValue;
var moneyEarned = moneyValueNow - initMoneyValue;
var averagePrice = 0;
var alpha = (stockHold - InitStock) * (price - initPrice);
var beta = moneyEarned - alpha;
var sum = 0;
if (prices.length > 0) {
for (var i = prices.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sum += prices[i];
averagePrice = sum / prices.length;
var logString = 'Stock Holding:' + AdjustFloat(stockHold) + '\n';
logString += 'Money Holding:' + AdjustFloat(moneyHold) + '\n';
logString += 'Stock Earned:' + AdjustFloat(stockEarned) + '\n';
logString += 'Money Earned:' + AdjustFloat(moneyEarned) + '\n';
logString += 'History Average price:' + averagePrice + '\n';
logString += 'Current Price:' + price + '\n';
logString += 'Alpha:' + alpha + '\n';
logString += 'Beta:' + beta;
return logString;
function CaculateHoldings() {
if (lastOrderID) {
var order = exchange.GetOrder(lastOrderID);
Log('last order:', order);
if (order.Status === ORDER_STATE_CLOSED) {
if (order.Type === ORDER_TYPE_BUY) { //Buy
stockHold += order.DealAmount;
moneyHold -= order.DealAmount * order.Price;
Log("Order Buy. stockHold +=:", order.DealAmount, ',Money -=:', order.DealAmount * order.Price);
} else { //Sell
stockHold -= order.DealAmount;
moneyHold += order.DealAmount * order.Price;
Log("Order Sell. stockHold -=:", order.DealAmount, ',Money +=:', order.DealAmount * order.Price);
function OnTick() {
var currentPrice = GetCurrentPrice();
//Log('History prices:',prices);
var stockValue = 0;
var totalValue = 0;
var ratio = 0;
stockValue = stockHold * currentPrice;
totalValue = stockValue + moneyHold;
ratio = stockValue / totalValue;
Log('Current Price:', currentPrice);
Log('stockHold:', stockHold);
Log('moneyHold:', moneyHold);
Log('stockValue:', stockValue);
Log('Current Ratio:', ratio);
if (ratio > StockRatio) { //Sell
Log('Current ratio > StockRatio');
var sellAmt = (stockValue - totalValue * StockRatio) / (currentPrice - SlidePrice);
lastOrderID = exchange.Sell(currentPrice - SlidePrice, sellAmt);
} else { //Buy
Log('Current ratio < StockRatio');
var buyAmt = (totalValue * StockRatio - stockValue) / (currentPrice + SlidePrice);
lastOrderID = exchange.Buy(currentPrice + SlidePrice, buyAmt);
Log('Order ID:', lastOrderID);
function main() {
if (InitStock < 0) {
Log('Stock less than zero.');
if (InitMoney < 0) {
Log('Money less than zero.');
//if(InvestInterval < 0){
// Log('InvestInterval less than zero.');
if (ErrorInterval < 0) {
Log('ErrorInterval less than zero.');
if (StockRatio < 0 || StockRatio > 1) {
Log('StockRatio should be a number from 0 to 1.');
Log(exchange.GetName(), exchange.GetCurrency());
initAccount = _G('InitAccount');
if (initAccount === null) {
initAccount = GetAccount();
_G('InitAccount', initAccount);
Log('InitAccount', initAccount);
initPrice = _G('InitPrice');
if (initPrice === null) {
initPrice = GetCurrentPrice();
_G('InitPrice', initPrice);
Log('InitPrice', initPrice);
if (UseAccount) {
InitMoney = initAccount.Balance + initAccount.FrozenBalance;
InitStock = initAccount.Stocks + initAccount.FrozenStocks;
Log('InitMoney:', InitMoney);
Log('InitStock:', InitStock);
stockHold = _G('StockHold');
if (stockHold === null) {
stockHold = InitStock;
Log('Set Stock Hold', stockHold);
moneyHold = _G('MoneyHold');
if (moneyHold === null) {
moneyHold = InitMoney;
Log('Set Money Hold', moneyHold);
if (_G('Prices') !== null) {
prices = _G('Prices');
while (true) {
Sleep(InvestInterval * 1000 * 60);
function onexit() {
_G('StockHold', stockHold);
_G('MoneyHold', moneyHold);
Log('Set Stock Hold', stockHold);
Log('Set Money Hold', moneyHold);
Log('Set prices:', prices);
Log('Robot Stopped!#ff0000@');