教学策略: 当币价高于或低于设定值后,自动推送一条消息到微信。可设定最小推送间隔。
When the price of the currency is higher or lower than the set value, a message is automatically pushed to WeChat or telegram. The minimum push interval can be set.
This stragegy will sent a message to your telegram when the price is higher or lower than
the set price.
All stragegy must has a main function as the entrance.
function main() {
//change symbol,will cover the default exchange which was set when start a bot.Currency is a strategy arguments
exchange.IO("currency", Currency)
var lastPushTime = 0 //the variable of last push timestamp.
while(true){ //run a infinite loop, which is the basic structure
var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker) // for information about GetTicker, check on https://fmz-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/code_Instruction/Market%20API.html#getticker
if(ticker.Last > UpPrice || ticker.Last < LowPrice){ //ticker.Last represents the last deal price
if(Date.now() - lastPushTime > 300*1000){ //only push once in 5 mins, Date.now() return ms.
lastPushTime = Date.now() //update lastPushTime
Log(Currency, 'Price is: ', ticker.Last, '@') //Log the price on the bot's page and sent the message. '@' in the end means push message
Log(Currency, 'Price is: ', ticker.Last) //just log the price
Sleep(Interval*1000) //check the last price again after Interval seconds