import types # 导入类型模块 import time # 导入时间模块 import platform # 版本信息 versionMainValue = None isFirstCheck = True def typeOfstr(str): if str == "list": if versionMainValue == 2: return types.ListType elif versionMainValue == 3: return list elif str == "int": if versionMainValue == 2: return types.IntType elif versionMainValue == 3: return int elif str == "float": if versionMainValue == 2: return types.FloatType elif versionMainValue == 3: return float else: Log("error , typeOfstr used false") def CheckVersion(): global versionMainValue,isFirstCheck platformInfo = platform.python_version() if platformInfo[0] == '2': Log("您使用的托管者 python编译环境的python版本是",platformInfo) versionMainValue = 2 elif platformInfo[0] == '3': Log("您使用的托管者 python编译环境的python版本是",platformInfo) versionMainValue = 3 else: Log("其它版本") isFirstCheck = False def CancelPendingOrders(e, orderType = "") : # 取消所有未完成挂单 while True: # 循环 orders = e.GetOrders() LogStatus("orders:",orders,time.time()) # 测试 if(type(orders) != typeOfstr("list")): Sleep(RetryDelay) continue processed = 0 for j in range(len(orders)): if (type(orderType) == typeOfstr("int") and orders[j].Type != orderType): continue e.CancelOrder(orders[j].Id,orders[j]) processed += 1 if (j < (len(orders) - 1)): Sleep(RetryDelay) if(processed == 0): break def GetAccount(e, waitFrozen = False): account = null alreadyAlert = False while True: account = _C(e.GetAccount) if(not waitFrozen or (account.FrozenStocks < _GetMinStocks and account.FrozenBalance < 0.01)): break if(not alreadyAlert): alreadyAlert = True Log("发现账户有冻结的钱或币",account) Sleep(RetryDelay) return account def StripOrders(e,orderId = null): order = null while True: dropped = 0 orders = _C(e.GetOrders) for i in range(len(orders)): if(orders[i].Id == orderId): order = orders[i] else: extra = "" if(orders[i].DealAmount > 0): extra = "成交:" + str(orders[i].DealAmount) else: extra = "未成交" e.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id,"买单" if orders[i].Type == ORDER_TYPE_BUY else "卖单",extra) dropped += 1 if(dropped == 0): break Sleep(RetryDelay) return order def Trade(e,tradeType,tradeAmount,mode,slidePrice,maxAmount,maxSpace,retryDelay): initAccount = GetAccount(e,True) nowAccount = initAccount orderId = null prePrice = 0.0 dealAmount = 0.0 diffMoney = 0.0 isFirst = True tradeFunc = e.Buy if tradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY else e.Sell isBuy = (tradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) while True: ticker = _C(e.GetTicker) tradePrice = 0.0 if(isBuy): tradePrice = _N((ticker.Sell if mode == 0 else ticker.Buy) + slidePrice,4) else: tradePrice = _N((ticker.Buy if mode == 0 else ticker.Sell) - slidePrice,4) if(not orderId): if(isFirst): isFirst = False else: nowAccount = GetAccount(e,True) doAmount = 0.0; if(isBuy): diffMoney = _N(initAccount.Balance - nowAccount.Balance,4) dealAmount = _N(nowAccount.Stocks - initAccount.Stocks,4) doAmount = min(maxAmount,tradeAmount - dealAmount,_N((nowAccount.Balance - 10) / tradePrice,4)) else: diffMoney = _N(nowAccount.Balance - initAccount.Balance,4) dealAmount = _N(initAccount.Stocks - nowAccount.Stocks,4) doAmount = min(maxAmount,tradeAmount - dealAmount,nowAccount.Stocks) if(doAmount < _GetMinStocks): break prePrice = tradePrice orderId = tradeFunc(tradePrice,doAmount,ticker) if(not orderId): CancelPendingOrders(e,tradeType) else: if(mode == 0 or (abs(tradePrice - prePrice) > maxSpace)): orderId = null order = StripOrders(e,orderId) if(not order): orderId = null Sleep(retryDelay) if(dealAmount <= 0): Log("交易失败--TradeType:","buy" if tradeType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY else "sell"," ,diffMoney:",diffMoney," ,dealAmount",dealAmount," ,doAmount",doAmount) return null ret = {'price': _N(diffMoney/dealAmount,4),'amount':dealAmount} return ret # 调用时 这样写 ret['price'] 、 ret['amount'] def _Buy(e = exchange,amount = 0): if isFirstCheck: CheckVersion() if (type(e) == typeOfstr("int") or type(e) == typeOfstr("float")): amount = e e = exchange return Trade(e,ORDER_TYPE_BUY,amount,OpMode,SlidePrice,MaxAmount,MaxSpace,RetryDelay) def _Sell(e = exchange,amount = 0): if isFirstCheck: CheckVersion() if (type(e) == typeOfstr("int") or type(e) == typeOfstr("float")): amount = e e = exchange return Trade(e,ORDER_TYPE_SELL,amount,OpMode,SlidePrice,MaxAmount,MaxSpace,RetryDelay) def _CancelPendingOrders(e = exchange,orderType = ""): if isFirstCheck: CheckVersion() return CancelPendingOrders(e,orderType) def _GetAccount(e = exchange): if isFirstCheck: CheckVersion() return _C(e.GetAccount) _MACalcMethod = [TA.EMA,TA.MA][MAType] Interval = 200 def Cross(a,b): if isFirstCheck: CheckVersion() crossNum = 0 arr1 = [] arr2 = [] if type(a) == typeOfstr("list") and type(b) == typeOfstr("list"): arr1 = a arr2 = b else: records = null while True: records = exchange.GetRecords() if records and len(records) > a and len(records) > b: break Sleep(Interval) arr1 = _MACalcMethod(records,a) arr2 = _MACalcMethod(records,b) if len(arr1) != len(arr2): raise Exception("array length not equal") for i in range(len(arr1) - 1,-1,-1): if (type(arr1[i]) != typeOfstr("int") and type(arr1[i]) != typeOfstr("float")) or (type(arr2[i]) != typeOfstr("int") and type(arr2[i]) != typeOfstr("float")): break if arr1[i] < arr2[i] : if crossNum > 0 : break crossNum -= 1 elif arr1[i] > arr2[i] : if crossNum < 0 : break crossNum += 1 else: break return crossNum # 导出函数 ext.Buy = _Buy ext.Sell = _Sell ext.CancelPendingOrders = _CancelPendingOrders ext.GetAccount = _GetAccount ext.Cross = Cross # 测试 def main(): ret = ext.Buy(0.2) exchange.Sell(4500,1) Sleep(10 * 1000) ext.CancelPendingOrders() Log("ret:",ret) avgprice = ret['price'] dealamount = ret['amount'] Log("avgprice:",avgprice," dealamount:",dealamount)template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6