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Market Maker Strategy 1.3

Author: Zero, Date: 2017-01-20 15:59:46
Tags: FMZ-officialMarket-maker


  • 支持参考盘对冲做市与独立盘自由做市
  • 支持对冲仓位管理模式与独立仓位管理模式
  • 可以自定义精度, 交易粒度, 交易频率
  • 可自定义同步比率
  • 功能太多, 都是真金白银打造实践出来的策略, 不在这里详说, 有意可直接联系


  • 所有需要流动性解决方案的机构或者个人





  • 一次性按交易所售权
  • 群 @小小梦 或者 Email: hi@botvs.com


Thanks for interested in this service.

We don’t need any private information regarding your exchange or your exchange’s users. The only thing we need is the public API of your exchange. There are NO market-making funds deposited in our platform or bank account, it’s all under your control, the market-making funds will be in your exchange’s normal user trading account that both the account name and password is holding by yourself.

For how the deployment works, please refer to our normal account working mechanism on our platform, I will explain a general idea as follow:

Users who came to our platform need to register an account (free of charge). This account can run our customized “Docker” system. (for how does a docker system working in general, please refer to wikipedia) . This “Docker” is not centralized deploy on our server. this “Docker” is deploying on the users’ local computer or the cloud server that users brought or leased, such as Google cloud, AWS and Microsoft Azure.

The advantage of such distributed deployment is that you don’t need worry about our servers be attacked, because the users are all independent deployment dockers with different locations, our platform does not store the user’s funds, data and trading log information. For the next step of deployment, this “Docker” will run a “robot” (Imagine this as an application example of a docker system, the price is 3 CNY per day, current exchange is about 0.43$ US dollar per day), and then you can run the market-making strategy on top of the robot. one robot can only run one strategy, but the docker can run countless robots.

This market-making strategy is working like this. You can deploy it yourself and adjust it yourself on your local computer or cloud server. This strategy is written in JavaScript. In addition, we will help you deploy it in the first place, until it fully functioned without any issues, after that, we will provide a life-time technical support. For example, you need to modify your exchange’s API interface, we will re-deploy for you for free.

This market-making strategy is our official designed quantitative strategy. By deploying it on your local computer or cloud server, communicate with your API interface through our platform. all of these operations are automated. During its operation, this strategy will send orders, place orders, withdraw orders and execute orders to increase the richness of your exchanges’ transaction records. But rest assured, these orders are designed to improve liquidity through the design of this strategy, not for being executed by traders who is trading on your exchange.

The most important thing is that they are all real pending orders, withdrawal orders, and executed trading!

Please let me know if you are interested.

Email: thefmzinc@gmail.com Telegram: @TheFmzQuant

Sincerely, FMZ Quant

template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6