Sentiment Oscillator

创建日期: 2022-05-05 18:52:16 最后修改: 2022-05-05 20:45:11
复制: 2 点击次数: 956
start: 2020-05-04 00:00:00
end: 2022-05-03 23:59:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © dannylimardi

strategy("Sentiment Oscillator with Backtest", "Sentiment Oscillator", overlay=false)

msLen = input(49, type=input.integer, title="Market Sentiment Lookback Length", group="Parameters")
emaLen1 = input(40, type=input.integer, title="Fast EMA Length", group="Parameters")
emaLen2 = input(204, type=input.integer, title="Slow EMA Length", group="Parameters")
signalLen = input(20, type=input.integer, title="Signal Length", group="Parameters")
showMs = input(false, type=input.bool, title="Show Market Sentiment Line?", group="Plots")
showHist = input(true, type=input.bool, title="Show Momentum Histogram?", group="Plots")
showMacd = input(true, type=input.bool, title="Show MACD Line?", group="Plots")
showSignal = input(true, type=input.bool, title="Show Signal Line?", group="Plots")
showDots = input(true, type=input.bool, title="Plot Dots when MACD and Signal Line cross?", group="Plots")
showCpv = input(false, type=input.bool, title="[Show Change/Volume of Each Bar?]", group="Plots")
showEma1 = input(false, type=input.bool, title="[Show Fast EMA?]", group="Plots")
showEma2 = input(false, type=input.bool, title="[Show Slow EMA?]", group="Plots")
longStrategy = input(true, type=input.bool, title="Backtest Long Strategy?", group="Long Strategy")
entryVar1 = input(title="Long Entry Variable 1",defval="Histogram", options=["Market Sentiment", "Fast EMA", "Slow EMA", "MACD", "Signal Line", "Histogram"], group="Long Strategy")
entryCond = input(title="Long Entry Condition", defval="Crossing Over", options=["Crossing Over", "Crossing Under"], group="Long Strategy")
entryVar2 = input(title="Long Entry Variable 2", defval="Zero Line", options=["Market Sentiment", "Fast EMA", "Slow EMA", "MACD", "Signal Line", "Histogram", "Zero Line"], group="Long Strategy")
exitVar1 = input(title="Long Exit Variable 1",defval="MACD", options=["Market Sentiment", "Fast EMA", "Slow EMA", "MACD", "Signal Line", "Histogram"], group="Long Strategy")
exitCond = input(title="Long Exit Condition", defval="Crossing Under", options=["Crossing Over", "Crossing Under"], group="Long Strategy")
exitVar2 = input(title="Long Exit Variable 2", defval="Zero Line", options=["Market Sentiment", "Fast EMA", "Slow EMA", "MACD", "Signal Line", "Histogram", "Zero Line"], group="Long Strategy")
useCPV = input(false, type=input.bool, title="Use Alternate Calculation Method?", group="Other Settings", tooltip="If checked, the Market Sentiment will be the EMA of Change Per Volume of each bar, instead of the default calculation method (Price Change EMA divided by Volume EMA). The alternate method may be slightly more responsive, but will result in bigger fluctuations when there is a huge change in volume. If this method is checked, I recommend changing the Long Exit Strategy to 'Signal Line Crossing Under Zero'.")
mcTheme = input(false, type=input.bool, title="Use Alternate Color Scheme?", group="Other Settings", tooltip="If checked, the MACD, Signal, and Histogram will all be plotted as areas and histograms")

priceChange = close - close[1]
changePerVolume = (priceChange/volume) * 10000000  // (The 1000000 doesn't have any significance, it's just to avoid color-change errors when the values are too small.)
priceChangeEma = ema(priceChange, msLen)
volumeEma = ema(volume, msLen)
marketSentiment = useCPV ? ema(changePerVolume, msLen) : priceChangeEma/volumeEma * 1000000000
msEma1 = ema(marketSentiment, emaLen1)
msEma2 = ema(marketSentiment, emaLen2)
macd = msEma1-msEma2
signal = ema(macd, signalLen)
hist = macd-signal

//Strategy Function and String Definitions

var entryVar1_ = 0.0
var entryVar2_ = 0.0
var exitVar1_ = 0.0
var exitVar2_ = 0.0

if entryVar1 == "Market Sentiment" 
    entryVar1_ := marketSentiment
else if entryVar1 == "Fast EMA"
    entryVar1_ := msEma1
else if entryVar1 =="Slow EMA"
    entryVar1_ := msEma2
else if entryVar1 == "MACD"
    entryVar1_ := macd
else if entryVar1 == "Signal Line" 
    entryVar1_ := signal
else if entryVar1 == "Histogram" 
    entryVar1_ := hist
if entryVar2 == "Market Sentiment" 
    entryVar2_ := marketSentiment
else if entryVar2 == "Fast EMA"
    entryVar2_ := msEma1
else if entryVar2 =="Slow EMA"
    entryVar2_ := msEma2
else if entryVar2 == "MACD"
    entryVar2_ := macd
else if entryVar2 == "Signal Line" 
    entryVar2_ := signal
else if entryVar2 == "Histogram" 
    entryVar2_ := hist
else if entryVar2 == "Zero Line"
    entryVar2_ := 0
if exitVar1 == "Market Sentiment" 
    exitVar1_ := marketSentiment
else if exitVar1 == "Fast EMA"
    exitVar1_ := msEma1
else if exitVar1 =="Slow EMA"
    exitVar1_ := msEma2
else if exitVar1 == "MACD"
    exitVar1_ := macd
else if exitVar1 == "Signal Line" 
    exitVar1_ := signal
else if exitVar1 == "Histogram" 
    exitVar1_ := hist
if exitVar2 == "Market Sentiment" 
    exitVar2_ := marketSentiment
else if exitVar2 == "Fast EMA"
    exitVar2_ := msEma1
else if exitVar2 =="Slow EMA"
    exitVar2_ := msEma2
else if exitVar2 == "MACD"
    exitVar2_ := macd
else if exitVar2 == "Signal Line" 
    exitVar2_ := signal
else if exitVar2 == "Histogram" 
    exitVar2_ := hist
else if exitVar2 == "Zero Line"
    exitVar2_ := 0
entryCond_(entryVar1_, entryVar2_) =>
    if entryCond == "Crossing Over"
        crossover(entryVar1_, entryVar2_)
    else if entryCond == "Crossing Under"
        crossunder(entryVar1_, entryVar2_)

exitCond_(exitVar1_, exitVar2_) =>
    if exitCond == "Crossing Over"
        crossover(exitVar1_, exitVar2_)
    if exitCond == "Crossing Under"
        crossunder(exitVar1_, exitVar2_)

longEntry = entryCond_(entryVar1_, entryVar2_)
longExit = exitCond_(exitVar1_, exitVar2_)

up = crossover(macd, signal)
down = crossunder(macd, signal)

greenDot = up ? valuewhen(up, signal, 0) : na
redDot = down ? valuewhen(down, signal, 0) : na

//Plot colors
col_grow_above = #26A69A
col_grow_below = #FFCDD2
col_fall_above = #B2DFDB
col_fall_below = #EF5350
col_macd = #0094ff
col_signal = #ff6a00

plot(showMacd ? macd : na, title="MACD", color=mcTheme ? #6f62e3 : col_macd, transp=mcTheme ? 15 : 0,
 style=mcTheme ? plot.style_histogram : plot.style_line)
plot(showSignal ? signal : na, title="Signal", color=mcTheme ? (signal > 0 ? : : col_signal, transp=mcTheme ? 85 : 0,
 style=mcTheme ? plot.style_area : plot.style_line)
plot(showHist ? hist : na, title="Histogram", style=mcTheme ? plot.style_columns : plot.style_area, 
 color=mcTheme ? (hist > 0 ? color.teal : : (hist>=0 ? (hist[1] < hist ? col_grow_above : col_fall_above) : (hist[1] < hist ? col_grow_below : col_fall_below)), 
 transp=mcTheme ? 15 : 20)
plot(showDots ? greenDot : na, color=color.lime, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=5, transp=40)
plot(showDots ? redDot : na,, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=5, transp=40)
plot(0, color=color.white, transp=80)
plot(showEma1 ? msEma1 : na, color=color.aqua)
plot(showEma2 ? msEma2 : na, color=color.yellow)
plot(showMs ? marketSentiment : na, color=color.lime)
plot(showCpv ? changePerVolume : na, color=changePerVolume > changePerVolume[1] ? color.teal :

if longStrategy
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=longEntry)
    strategy.close("Buy", when=longExit)