简化了策略图表画线的逻辑, 可以直接调用封装好的函数
功能等同JS 版
移植于JS版 画线类库
# Python 2/3 兼容版本 import time chart = None series = [] labelIdx = {} preBarTime = 0 preFlagTime = 0 preDotTime = {} cfg = { "tooltip" : { "xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A" }, "legend" : { "enabled" : True }, "plotOptions" : { "candlestick" : { "color" : "#d75442", "upColor" : "#6ba583" } }, "rangeSelector" : { "buttons" : [{ "type" : "hour", "count" : 1, "text" : "1h", }, { "type" : 'hour', "count" : 3, "text" : "3h" }, { "type" : "hour", "count" : 8, "text" : "8h" }, { "type" : "all", "text" : "All" }], "selected" : 2, "inputEnabled" : True }, "series" : series, } def GetCfg(): global cfg return cfg # 画水平线 def PlotHLine(value = None, label = None, color = None, style = None): global cfg, chart if ("yAxis" in cfg) == False : cfg.setdefault("yAxis", {"plotLines" : []}) elif ("plotLines" in cfg["yAxis"]) == False : cfg["yAxis"].setdefault("plotLines", []) obj = { "value" : value, "color" : color or "red", "width" : 2, "dashStyle" : style or "Solid", "label" : { "text" : label or "", "align" : "center" } } found = False for i in range(len(cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"])) : if cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"][i]["label"]["text"] == label : cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"][i] = obj found = True if not found : cfg["yAxis"]["plotLines"].append(obj) if not chart : chart = Chart(cfg) chart.update(cfg) # 更新图表 else : chart.update(cfg) # 画K线 def PlotRecords(records, title = None): global labelIdx, series, preBarTime, chart if not chart : chart = Chart(cfg) chart.reset() if ("candlestick" in labelIdx) == False : cfg["__isStock"] = True seriesIdx = len(series) series.append({ "type" : "candlestick", "name" : "" if title == None else title, "id" : "primary", "data" : [] }) chart.update(cfg) labelIdx.setdefault("candlestick", seriesIdx) else : seriesIdx = labelIdx["candlestick"] if isinstance(records, dict) and ("Time" in records) == True : Bar = records if Bar["Time"] == preBarTime : chart.add(seriesIdx, [Bar["Time"], Bar["Open"], Bar["High"], Bar["Low"], Bar["Close"]], -1) elif Bar["Time"] > preBarTime : preBarTime = Bar.Time chart.add(seriesIdx, [Bar["Time"], Bar["Open"], Bar["High"], Bar["Low"], Bar["Close"]]) else : for i in range(len(records)) : if records[i]["Time"] == preBarTime : chart.add(seriesIdx, [records[i]["Time"], records[i]["Open"], records[i]["High"], records[i]["Low"], records[i]["Close"]], -1) elif records[i]["Time"] > preBarTime : preBarTime = records[i]["Time"] chart.add(seriesIdx, [records[i]["Time"], records[i]["Open"], records[i]["High"], records[i]["Low"], records[i]["Close"]]) return chart # 画指标线 def PlotLine(label, dot, Ntime = None): global labelIdx, chart, series, preDotTime if not chart : cfg.setdefault("xAxis", { "type" : "datetime" }) chart = Chart(cfg) chart.reset() if (label in labelIdx) == False : seriesIdx = len(series) preDotTime.setdefault(str(seriesIdx), 0) labelIdx[label] = seriesIdx series.append({ "type" : "line", "yAxis" : 0, "showInLegend" : True, "name" : label, "data" : [], "tooltip" : {"valueDecimals" : 5} }) chart.update(cfg) else : seriesIdx = labelIdx[label] if Ntime == None : Ntime = _N(time.time() * 1000, 0) if preDotTime[str(seriesIdx)] != Ntime : preDotTime[str(seriesIdx)] = Ntime chart.add(seriesIdx, [Ntime, dot]) else : chart.add(seriesIdx, [Ntime, dot], -1) return chart # 画标记 def PlotFlag(time, text, title, shape = "", color = ""): global chart, cfg, labelIdx, preFlagTime if not chart : chart = Chart(cfg) chart.reset() label = "flag" if (label in labelIdx) == False : seriesIdx = len(series) labelIdx[label] = seriesIdx series.append({ "type" : "flags", "onSeries" : "primary", "data" : [] }) chart.update(cfg) else : seriesIdx = labelIdx[label] obj = { "x" : time, "color" : color, "shape" : shape, "title" : title, "text" : text } if preFlagTime != time : preFlagTime = time chart.add(seriesIdx, obj) else : chart.add(seriesIdx, obj, -1) return chart # 设置图表标题 def PlotTitle(title, chartTitle = None): global cfg if ("subtitle" in cfg) == True : cfg["subtitle"] = {"text" : title} else : cfg.setdefault("subtitle", {"text" : title}) if chartTitle != None : if (title in cfg) == True : cfg["title"] = {"text" : chartTitle} else : cfg.setdefault("title", {"text" : chartTitle}) if chart : chart.update(cfg) # 导出函数 ext.GetCfg = GetCfg ext.PlotHLine = PlotHLine ext.PlotRecords = PlotRecords ext.PlotLine = PlotLine ext.PlotFlag = PlotFlag ext.PlotTitle = PlotTitle # 测试代码 def main(): isFirst = True while True: records = exchange.GetRecords() if records and len(records) > 0 : ext.PlotRecords(records, "BTC") if isFirst : ext.PlotFlag(records[-1]["Time"], "Start", "S") isFirst = False ext.PlotHLine(records[-1]["Close"], "Close") ticker = exchange.GetTicker() if ticker : ext.PlotLine("Last", ticker.Last) ext.PlotLine("buy", ticker.Buy + 10) ext.PlotTitle("Last" + str(ticker.Last)) Sleep(60000)template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6