Moving Average Bollinger Bands RSI Combo Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-09-13 11:57:39

This strategy combines moving averages, Bollinger Bands and RSI to assess price trends and overbought/oversold levels for trade signals. It harnesses strengths of multiple indicators to improve accuracy.

Strategy Logic:

  1. Calculate moving average and Bollinger Bands to determine price trend.

  2. Calculate RSI to identify overbought/oversold levels.

  3. Enter long when price breaks above BB lower band and RSI bullish crossover. Vice versa for short.

  4. Use stop loss to control loss per trade.


  1. Multi-indicator verification reduces bad trades.

  2. RSI complements limitations of MAs.

  3. BB identifies breakout levels.


  1. Time-consuming to optimize multiple parameters.

  2. Some redundancy between RSI and BBs.

  3. Breakouts prone to failures and reversals.

In summary, this strategy combines MAs, BBs and RSI to identify both trend and reversal trade opportunities. Using multiple indicators can improve results but requires parameter optimization and risk control.

start: 2023-08-13 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-12 00:00:00
period: 30m
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © LucasVivien

strategy("MA Bolinger Bands + RSI ", shorttitle="MABB + RSI", overlay=true)

// User input
source   = input(title="Price source"    , type=input.source  , defval=close)
RSIlen   = input(title="RSI Length"      , type=input.integer , defval=6    , group="RSI") 
RSIlvlOB = input(title="RSI Overbough"   , type=input.integer , defval=50   , group="RSI")
RSIlvlOS = input(title="RSI Oversold"    , type=input.integer , defval=50   , group="RSI")
RSIN     = input(title="RSI Neutral"     , type=input.integer , defval=50   , group="RSI")
MAlen    = input(title="MA Length"       , type=input.integer , defval=200  , group="MABB")
BBlen    = input(title="BB Length"       , type=input.integer , defval=200  , group="MABB")
BBmult   = input(title="BB multiplier"   , type=input.float   , defval=2.0  , group="MABB" , tooltip="Set BB closer / appart", minval=0.001, maxval=50)
MAtype   = input(title="MA type"         , type=input.string  , defval="SMA", group="MABB" , tooltip="MA type used in BB", options=["SMA", "EMA", "HMA"])
//SLmult   = input(title="SL value"        ,type=input.float    , defval=0.06)

// Used indicators 
RSI = rsi(source, RSIlen)
MA  = sma(source, MAlen)

if MAtype == "EMA"
    MA := ema(source, MAlen)
if MAtype == "HMA"
    MA := hma(source, MAlen)

// Perform Calculations
BBdev   = BBmult * stdev(source, BBlen)
BBupper = MA + BBdev
BBlower = MA - BBdev

longSL  = close - close * 0.06
shortSL = close + close * 0.06

// Signals validation ([0] is trade displayed from strategy() on chart => long/short entry)
BBbull      = (open < BBlower) and (close > BBlower)
BBbear      = (open > BBupper) and (close < BBupper)

RSIbull     = crossover(RSI , RSIN)
RSIbear     = crossunder(RSI, RSIN)

Longsignal  = (BBbull) and (RSIbull or RSIbull[1] or
 RSIbull[2] or RSIbull[3] or RSIbull[4] or 
 RSIbull[5] or RSIbull[6] or RSIbull[7] or 
 RSIbull[8] or RSIbull[9] or RSIbull[10])
Shortsignal = (BBbear) and (RSIbear or RSIbear[1] or 
 RSIbear[2] or RSIbear[3] or RSIbear[4] or 
 RSIbear[5] or RSIbear[6] or RSIbear[7] or 
 RSIbear[8] or RSIbear[9] or RSIbear[10])

// Save SL values
var SLlongsaved  = 0.0 
var SLshortsaved = 0.0 
if Longsignal  and (strategy.position_size == -1) ///////////////////////////////
    SLlongsaved  := longSL 
if Shortsignal and (strategy.position_size == 1)  ////////////////////////////////
    SLshortsaved := shortSL

// Plots
  //plotshape(Longsignal , size=size.small, color=color.teal)
  //plotshape(Shortsignal, size=size.small, color=color.fuchsia)
plot(Longsignal  ? longSL  : na,, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=6)
plot(Shortsignal ? shortSL : na,, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=6)
p1 = plot(BBupper,title="Bollinger Bands Upper Line", color=color.gray, transp=60)
p2 = plot(BBlower,title="Bollinger Bands Lower Line", color=color.gray, transp=60)
plot(MA, title="Bollinger Bands MA Basis Line" , color=color.white, transp=50)
fill(p1, p2, color=color.white, transp=92)

// Strategy Entry & Exit
  //if Longsignal
strategy.entry(id="Long entry", long=true, when=Longsignal) //, oca_name="x", oca_type=strategy.oca.cancel)
  //if Shortsignal
strategy.entry(id="Short entry", long=false, when=Shortsignal) //, oca_name="x", oca_type=strategy.oca.cancel)
strategy.close(id="Long exit", when=strategy.position_size > 0)//, from_entry="Long entry"  //, when=strategy.position_size > 0 // , stop=SLlongsaved)
strategy.close(id="Short Exit", when=strategy.position_size < 0)//, from_entry="Short entry" //, when=strategy.position_size < 0 //, stop=SLshortsaved)

plot(strategy.position_size) //////////////////////////////////////////////
