该策略利用 255 周期的 EMA 和 MACD 指标来寻找反转交易机会。当价格远离 255 EMA 时,在 MACD 发生金叉或死叉时进行反向进入。
使用 255 周期 EMA 作为中长期趋势的判断。价格远离 EMA 代表进入超买超卖区域。
EMA 上方设定上轨,EMA 下方设定下轨,轨道宽度通过 ATR 指标动态调整。
MACD 指标采用标准参数(12,26,9)。当 MACD 金叉时为多头信号,死叉时为空头信号。
结合 EMA 超买超卖和 MACD 信号,在价格远离 EMA 时且 MACD 发生反转时,采取反向进入。
使用 255 周期 EMA 可以比较好地判断中长期趋势方向。
MACD 金叉死叉可以较敏感地捕捉短期反转机会。
EMA 上下轨场设定可以判断超买超卖区域,避免在趋势中随波逐流。
采用动态 ATR 止损可以有效控制风险。
MACD 信号可能出现假反转,导致不必要的损失。
可以测试不同的 EMA 周期参数,寻找更合适的中长期趋势判断指标。
可以尝试其他指标结合 EMA 来判断超买超卖区域。例如布林带,KD,RSI 等。
MACD 参数也可以进行优化,找到更敏感或者稳定的组合参数。
可以测试其他止损方式,例如 trailing 止损来锁定利润。
该策略整合 EMA 中长期趋势判断和 MACD 短期反转信号,在超买超卖区域反向交易,是一个基础的反转策略。该策略有一定的优势,但也存在一些风险需要防范。通过继续优化参数以及风险控制,该策略可以成为一个具有效率的量化交易策略。但任何策略都需要根据市场环境调整,不能橙子化,盲目跟单。
start: 2023-09-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-19 00:00:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © bufirolas
//--- From 15 Trading Examples by Trader Alyx ---
// Seems like this strategy works better if we reverse the EMA filter logic.
// "Description: This basic scalping strategy allows you to enter the market based upon sentiment
// provided by the EMA, set at 255 periods. When price is trading below the 255 EMA, you would
// look to enter a LONG BUY positions, and when price is trading above the 255 EMA, you would
// look to enter a SELL SHORT position. The MACD lagging indicator will show you clear signals for
// when to do this. When the MACD lines cross in a bullish manner and price is below the 255
// EMA, buy. When the MACD lines cross in a bearish manner and price is above the 255 EMA,
// sell.
// NOTE: Make sure that price is trading away from the 255EMA before entering a LONG or SHORT
// position. As you can see in the chart below, the clearest signs for trade entry were presented
// when price was trading AWAY from the 255EMA"
// strategy("255 EMA Strategy", overlay=true, pyramiding=1, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, default_qty_value=100, commission_value = 0.04, initial_capital=100)
i_reverse=input(false, title="Trade Reverse")
i_EMAreverse=input(true, title="EMA Reverse Entry")
i_EMAlength=input(defval=255, title="EMA Length")
i_EMAexpander=input(defval=5, title="EMA Expander")
i_MACDmult=input(defval=1, minval=1, title="MACD Mult")
//SL & TP Calculations
i_SL=input(true, title="Use Swing Lo/Hi Stop Loss & Take Profit")
i_SwingLookback=input(20, title="Swing Lo/Hi Lookback")
i_SLExpander=input(defval=0, step=.2, title="SL Expander")*.01
i_TPExpander=input(defval=0, step=.2, title="TP Expander")*.01
//Strategy Variables
[macdLine, signalLine, histLine]=macd(close, 12*i_MACDmult, 26*i_MACDmult, 9*i_MACDmult)
//SL & TP Variables
EMAbuy=i_EMAreverse ? close > EMAupper : close < EMAlower
EMAsell=i_EMAreverse ? close < EMAlower : close > EMAupper
MACDbuy=crossover(macdLine, signalLine)
MACDsell=crossunder(macdLine, signalLine)
//SL & TP Calculations
bought=strategy.position_size != strategy.position_size[1]
lSL=valuewhen(bought, SwingLow, 0)*(1-i_SLExpander)
sSL=valuewhen(bought, SwingHigh, 0)*(1+i_SLExpander)
lTP=strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price-(valuewhen(bought, SwingLow, 0))*(1-i_TPExpander))
sTP=strategy.position_avg_price - (valuewhen(bought, SwingHigh, 0) - strategy.position_avg_price)*(1+i_TPExpander*100)
islong=strategy.position_size > 0
isshort=strategy.position_size < 0
SL= islong ? lSL : isshort ? sSL : na
TP= islong ? lTP : isshort ? sTP : na
strategy.entry("long", long=not i_reverse?true:false, when=EMAbuy and MACDbuy)
strategy.entry("short", long=not i_reverse?false:true, when=EMAsell and MACDsell)
if i_SL
strategy.exit("longexit", "long", stop=SL, limit=TP)
strategy.exit("shortexit", "short", stop=SL, limit=TP)
plot(EMA, "EMA", color=color.white, linewidth=2)
plot(EMAupper, "EMA Upper Band")
plot(EMAlower, "EMA Lower Band")
plot(i_SL ? SL : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_cross, title="SL")
plot(i_SL ? TP : na, color=color.green, style=plot.style_cross, title="TP")