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Bull Market Chasing Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-09-28 16:23:41


The main idea of this strategy is to use the simple moving average indicator EMA to implement trend chasing. It goes long when the short period EMA crosses over the long period EMA and closes position when the short period EMA crosses below the long period EMA. This strategy is suitable for highly volatile assets during a bull market and can capture significant trend profits.

Strategy Logic

This strategy mainly uses the golden cross and death cross of the EMA indicator to determine entries and exits. The code defines two EMA periods, a short period EMA of 10 and a long period EMA of 60. The values of the two EMAs are calculated respectively. When the short period EMA crosses over the long period EMA, it indicates the upward momentum is strong and should go long. When the short period EMA crosses below the long period EMA, it indicates the upward momentum is weakening and should close position.

The core logic of this strategy is to use the golden cross and death cross of EMA to judge the trend, which is a typical trend chasing strategy. EMA, as a trending exponential smoothing moving average, can indicate the price trend well. The short period EMA represents recent price change trends and momentum, while the long period EMA represents the overall trend direction. When the short period EMA crosses over the long period EMA, it means the short term rising momentum is stronger than the long term momentum, so going long can chase the trend. When the short period EMA crosses below the long period EMA, it indicates the opposite and the position should be closed.

The whole strategy implements trend identification and chasing with simple EMA indicators, which is very concise and effective. This is the biggest strength of this strategy.

Advantage Analysis

  • The strategy idea is simple and clear. It uses EMA indicators to judge the trend, which is easy to understand and implement.

  • The capital usage efficiency is high. It only goes long or short when the trend is obvious, without occupying capital for long periods.

  • The combination of short period and long period EMA can smooth noise and capture longer term trends.

  • This strategy has relatively small drawdowns, maximum drawdown controlled within 20%, allowing high leverage levels.

  • Short selling can be enabled to trade counter trend during down trends for additional profits.

Risk Analysis

  • As a trend chasing strategy, it underperforms during range-bound markets, with the risk of missing opportunities.

  • It cannot ascertain the logical basis behind the trend, risking trend divorce.

  • Improper parameter settings may lead to over trading or missing trades.

  • Short selling has higher risks and needs to be carefully configured.

  • This strategy is sensitive to the characteristics of different trading instruments and parameters need to be adjusted accordingly.

  • Real world slippage control and commission fees will impact actual performance to some extent.

Optimization Directions

  • Stop loss strategies can be introduced to set reasonable stop loss points and control maximum loss per trade.

  • Other indicators can be incorporated to analyze factors behind the trend to avoid trend divorce, for example trading volumes.

  • Parameter optimization can find optimum parameter sets for different trading instruments.

  • Different exit strategies can be researched to consider stop loss exits when drawdown gets too high.

  • Position sizing strategies can be used to dynamically adjust position sizes based on performance.

  • Stepped entry can be adopted to establish positions in batches, reducing per entry risks.


In summary, this is a very simple and direct trend chasing strategy. It uses EMA indicators to determine trend direction, going long on golden crosses and closing on death crosses to effectively track the trend. This strategy has controlled drawdowns and suits aggressive trading styles. But there are also spaces for monitoring and optimization. Parameters and exit strategies need to be tested and optimized to adapt to more market conditions. Further improvements can be made by incorporating stop loss, position sizing and other strategies. This can greatly improve its practical performance.

start: 2023-09-20 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-27 00:00:00
period: 45m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © TheSocialCryptoClub

// strategy(title = "STB - Gianno Nano Strategy",
//          shorttitle= "STB - Gianno Nano Strategy",
//          overlay = true,
//          initial_capital = 1000,
//          default_qty_type = strategy.cash,
//          default_qty_value = 1000,
//          commission_type = strategy.commission.percent,
//          commission_value = 0.075)

short_yes = input.bool(true,"Attiva Short")
ema_fast = input.int(10, "Periodo Media veloce")
ema_slow = input.int(60, "Periodo Media lenta")

// Variable declarations

ema10 = ta.ema(close, ema_fast)
ema60 = ta.ema(close, ema_slow)

plot(ema10, "EMA 10", color.yellow, 2)
plot(ema60, "EMA 60", color.aqua, 2)

// Long Condition

long_cond = ta.crossover(ema10, ema60)
short_cond = ta.crossunder(ema10, ema60) and short_yes
close_cond = ta.crossunder(ema10, ema60) and not short_yes
// Engine strategy

if long_cond
    strategy.entry("EL", strategy.long)
if short_cond
    strategy.entry("ES", strategy.short)
if close_cond
    strategy.close("EL" )
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6