
创建日期: 2023-10-07 09:59:11 最后修改: 2023-10-07 09:59:11
复制: 0 点击次数: 376








  1. 利用布林带判断市场波动程度,有效识别异常状态。

  2. 突破点作为止损位,可以有效控制风险。

  3. 回归中轨设定合理目标位,避免过度追涨杀跌。

  4. 完整K线过滤假突破,提高信号质量。

  5. 简单参数设定,容易实施与优化。

  6. 逻辑清晰易理解,代码简洁优雅。



  1. 布林带参数不当可能导致失效。

  2. 突破可能是启动新趋势的开始,存在提前离场风险。

  3. 中轨目标位可能过于保守,无法持续获利。

  4. 大幅突破无法全部填满,存在滑点风险。

  5. 震荡趋势中可能造成频繁不必要交易。



  1. 评估趋势力度,调整参数或交易频率。

  2. 结合其他指标确定最佳入场时点。

  3. 根据波动程度调整止损幅度。

  4. 优化首目标位设定,实现流畅获利。

  5. 加入重新入场机制,优化盈利。

  6. 评估突破可信度,避免误交易。



start: 2023-09-06 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-06 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Bishnu103

strategy(title="Full Candle Outside BB [v1.0][Bishnu103]",shorttitle="OUTSIDE BB",overlay=true,calc_on_every_tick=true,backtest_fill_limits_assumption=2)

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// input variables
buy_session         = input(title="Buy Session", type=input.session, defval="0915-1430")
exit_inraday        = input(title="Exit Intraday?", type=input.bool, defval=true)
entry_distance      = input(title="Entry distance from alert", minval=1, maxval=10, defval=3)
show_bb_switch      = input(title="Show BB", type=input.bool, defval=true)
bbLength            = input(title="BB Length", minval=1, defval=20)
bbStdDev            = input(title="BB StdDev", minval=1, defval=2)

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// global variables
long_entry          = false
short_entry         = false
long_exit           = false
short_exit          = false

// variable values available across candles
var entry_price     = 0.0  
var sl_price        = 0.0
var exit_price      = 0.0
var candle_count    = 0

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// function to return bollinger band values based on candle poition passed 
getBB(pos) => [mBB, uBB, lBB] = bb(close[pos], bbLength, bbStdDev)

// function returns true if current time is within intraday byuing session set in input
BarInSession(sess) => time(timeframe.period, sess) != 0

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// strategy
// get current bb value
[mBB_0,uBB_0,lBB_0] = getBB(0)

// check if full candle outside upper BB
outside_uBB = low > uBB_0 and close <= open
outside_lBB = high < lBB_0 and close >= open

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// entry conditions 
long_entry   := outside_lBB
short_entry  := outside_uBB

// keep candle count since the alert generated so that order can be cancelled after N number of candle calling it out as invalid alert
candle_count := candle_count + 1
if long_entry or short_entry
    candle_count    := 0

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// risk management
// decide entry and sl price
if long_entry
    entry_price := high
if short_entry
    entry_price := low
if long_entry
    sl_price    := low
if short_entry
    sl_price    := high

// first exit is when price hits middle BB, gets updated for each candle based on it's middle BB value
exit_price  := mBB_0

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// position sizing
price = if close[0] > 25000
    price = close[0]

qty = 25000/price

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// entry
//if long_entry and strategy.position_size == 0
//    strategy.entry("BUY", strategy.long, qty, stop=entry_price, comment="BUY @ "+ tostring(entry_price)) 
if long_entry and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.order("BUY", strategy.long, qty, stop=entry_price, comment="BUY @ "+ tostring(entry_price))

//if short_entry and strategy.position_size == 0
//    strategy.entry("SELL", strategy.short, qty, stop=entry_price, comment="SELL @ "+ tostring(entry_price))
if short_entry and strategy.position_size == 0
    strategy.order("SELL", strategy.short, qty, stop=entry_price, comment="SELL @ "+ tostring(entry_price))

// cancel an order if N number of candles are completed after alert candle
strategy.cancel_all(candle_count > entry_distance)

// if current time is outside byuing session then do not enter intraday trade
strategy.cancel_all(timeframe.isintraday and not BarInSession(buy_session))

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// exit
if strategy.position_size > 0
    strategy.cancel("EXIT at MBB", true)
    strategy.cancel("EXIT at SL", true)
    strategy.order("EXIT at MBB", strategy.short, abs(strategy.position_size), limit=exit_price, comment="EXIT TG @ "+ tostring(exit_price))
    strategy.order("EXIT at SL", strategy.short, abs(strategy.position_size), stop=sl_price, comment="EXIT SL @ "+ tostring(sl_price))

if strategy.position_size < 0
    strategy.cancel("EXIT at MBB", true)
    strategy.cancel("EXIT at SL", true)
    strategy.order("EXIT at MBB", strategy.long, abs(strategy.position_size), limit=exit_price, comment="EXIT TG @ "+ tostring(exit_price))
    strategy.order("EXIT at SL", strategy.long, abs(strategy.position_size), stop=sl_price, comment="EXIT SL @ "+ tostring(sl_price))

// if intraday trade, close the trade at open of 15:15 candle //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO BE CORRECTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if timeframe.isintraday and exit_inraday and hour == 15 and minute == 00
    strategy.close("BUY",  when=strategy.position_size > 0, qty=strategy.position_size, comment="EXIT @ "+ tostring(close))
    strategy.close("SELL", when=strategy.position_size < 0, qty=strategy.position_size, comment="EXIT @ "+ tostring(close))

// ***********************************************************************************************************************
// plots    
// plot BB
[mBBp,uBBp,lBBp] = getBB(0)
p_mBB = plot(show_bb_switch ? mBBp : na, color=color.teal)
p_uBB = plot(show_bb_switch ? uBBp : na, color=color.teal)
p_lBB = plot(show_bb_switch ? lBBp : na, color=color.teal)