/*backtest start: 2023-01-01 00:00:00 end: 2023-10-06 00:00:00 period: 2d basePeriod: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=4 //@author=Daveatt SystemName = "BEST Trailing Profit Strategy" // This string is to personalize the text that appears with your orders on the chart through strategy() calls and entry/exit markers, and in the alert default message. // Although leaving it empty will not cause problems in study mode, TradeId = "BEST" // These values are used both in the strategy() header and in the script's relevant inputs as default values so they match. // Unless these values match in the script's Inputs and the TV backtesting Properties, results between them cannot be compared. InitCapital = 1000000 InitPosition = 100 InitCommission = 0.075 InitPyramidMax = 1 CalcOnorderFills = true CalcOnTick = true DefaultQtyType = strategy.fixed DefaultQtyValue = strategy.fixed Precision = 2 Overlay=true // strategy(title=SystemName, shorttitle=SystemName, overlay=Overlay, // pyramiding=InitPyramidMax, initial_capital=InitCapital, default_qty_type=DefaultQtyType, default_qty_value=InitPosition, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, // commission_value=InitCommission, calc_on_order_fills=CalcOnorderFills, calc_on_every_tick=CalcOnTick, precision=2) // strategy(title=SystemName, shorttitle=SystemName, overlay=true, // pyramiding=0, default_qty_value=100, precision=7, currency=currency.USD, // commission_value=0.2,commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, initial_capital=10000) // // Author: Daveatt // Revision: R0.1 Beta // Date: 8-Dec-2019 // // inputs src = input(defval=close, type=input.source, title="Source") slowLength = input(20, "Fast Length",minval=2,step=1) fastLength = input(50, "Fast Length",minval=2,step=1) // Calculate moving averages fastSMA = sma(src, slowLength) slowSMA = sma(src, fastLength) // Calculate trading conditions enterLong = crossover(fastSMA, slowSMA) enterShort = crossunder(fastSMA, slowSMA) // trend states since_buy = barssince(enterLong) since_sell = barssince(enterShort) buy_trend = since_sell > since_buy sell_trend = since_sell < since_buy change_trend = (buy_trend and sell_trend[1]) or (sell_trend and buy_trend[1]) // get the entry price entry_price = valuewhen(enterLong or enterShort, src, 0) // Plot moving averages plot(series=fastSMA, color=color.teal) plot(series=slowSMA, color=color.orange) // Plot the entries plotshape(enterLong, style=shape.circle, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, size=size.small) plotshape(enterShort, style=shape.circle, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, size=size.small) /////////////////////////////// //======[ Take Profit ]======// /////////////////////////////// // Use TP? useTP = input(true, "Use take profit") // TP trailing ProfitTrailPerc = input(1.0, "Trailing Profit (%)",minval=0,step=0.5,type=input.float) * 0.01 use_TP_Trigger = input(true, "Use Take Profit Trigger") // Will trigger the take profit trailing once reached takeProfitTrigger = input(3.0, "Take Profit Trigger (%)",minval=0,step=0.5,type=input.float) * 0.01 // ttp := ttp>tp ? tp : ttp takeprofitPriceTrigger = 0.0 takeprofitPriceTrigger := if (use_TP_Trigger) if (buy_trend) entry_price * (1 + takeProfitTrigger) else entry_price * (1 - takeProfitTrigger) else -1 //plot(entry_price, title='entry_price', transp=100) var TP_Trigger_Long_HIT = false TP_Trigger_Long_HIT := useTP and use_TP_Trigger and buy_trend and high >= takeprofitPriceTrigger ? true : TP_Trigger_Long_HIT[1] var TP_Trigger_Short_HIT = false TP_Trigger_Short_HIT := useTP and use_TP_Trigger and sell_trend and low <= takeprofitPriceTrigger ? true : TP_Trigger_Short_HIT[1] display_long_TP_trigger = useTP and buy_trend and TP_Trigger_Long_HIT == false and takeprofitPriceTrigger != -1 display_short_TP_trigger = useTP and sell_trend and TP_Trigger_Short_HIT == false and takeprofitPriceTrigger != -1 display_TP_trigger = display_long_TP_trigger or display_short_TP_trigger //🔷🔷🔷 // @hugo: Will display the TP trigger as long as not hit // once the TP trigger is hit, the TP trailing will activate plot(display_TP_trigger ? takeprofitPriceTrigger : na, title='takeprofitPriceTrigger', transp=0, color=color.orange, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3) longTrailTP= 0.0, shortTrailTP = 0.0 // Trailing Profit // Start trailing once trigger is reached longTrailTP := if useTP and buy_trend tpValue = high * (1 + ProfitTrailPerc) max(tpValue, longTrailTP[1]) else 0 shortTrailTP := if useTP and sell_trend tpValue = low * (1 - ProfitTrailPerc) min(tpValue, shortTrailTP[1]) else 999999 //plot(longTrailTP, title='debug longTrailTP', transp=100) //plot(shortTrailTP, title='debug shortTrailTP', transp=100) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //*** TRAILING TAKE PROFIT HIT CONDITIONS TO BE USED IN ALERTS ***// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //🔷🔷🔷 // @hugo: I use crossover/crossunder for the alerts to trigger the events only once cond_long_trail_tp_hit = useTP and buy_trend and crossover(high, longTrailTP[1]) and (TP_Trigger_Long_HIT or use_TP_Trigger == false) cond_short_trail_tp_hit = useTP and sell_trend and crossunder(low, shortTrailTP[1]) and (TP_Trigger_Short_HIT or use_TP_Trigger == false) // 🔷🔷🔷 // Plot take profits values for confirmation // Display the trailing TP until not hit plot(series= useTP and buy_trend and high <= longTrailTP and (TP_Trigger_Long_HIT or use_TP_Trigger == false) ? longTrailTP : na, color=color.aqua, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2, title="Long Trail TP") plot(series= useTP and sell_trend and low >= shortTrailTP and (TP_Trigger_Short_HIT or use_TP_Trigger == false) ? shortTrailTP : na, color=color.aqua, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=2, title="Short Trail TP") close_long = cond_long_trail_tp_hit close_short = cond_short_trail_tp_hit // Submit entry orders strategy.entry("EL", long=true, when=enterLong) strategy.close("EL", when=close_long) //if (enterShort) strategy.entry("ES", long=false, when=enterShort) strategy.close("ES", when=close_short) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// ALERTS //////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// //* Put Entry Alerts below *// ////////////////////////////// // IN STUDY MODE ONLY // ⚠️⚠️⚠️ For alerts on the signal itself ⚠️⚠️⚠️ //alertcondition(buy_event, "Open Long", "LONG") //alertcondition(sell_event, "Open Short", "SHORT") // For the closes you will want to trigger these alerts on condition with alert // option "Once Per Bar" for TP and SL if change_trend TP_Trigger_Long_HIT := false TP_Trigger_Short_HIT := false