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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-13 15:45:58






  • 平滑移动平均线能有效跟踪趋势,避免被市场噪音影响,有利于抓取中长线趋势
  • 双重平滑移动平均线组合,能提高信号的可靠性,避免在非主流市场中产生错误交易
  • 交易量指标的引入,能过滤因低量造成的误导信号,避免不必要的损失
  • 策略参数优化空间大,可以根据不同品种和周期进行调整,适应性强


  • 平滑移动平均线系统在趋势反转点时容易晚识别信号,可能造成一定损失
  • 非主流行情下,双重平滑移动平均线仍有可能同时发出错误信号
  • 交易量指标效果受限,不能完全避免所有误导信号

为降低Above risks,以下优化方向可考虑:

  • 加入趋势力指标,辅助判断趋势反转点
  • 优化平滑移动平均线参数,使快慢配置更合理
  • 尝试不同交易量指标,提高对低量误导信号的过滤效果


  • 加入MACD等辅助指标判断趋势反转点
  • 调整ATR止损止盈参数,适应不同品种特性
  • 尝试增大建仓比例,提高策略收益率
  • 根据回测结果优化参数,提高策略稳定性



start: 2022-10-06 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-12 00:00:00
period: 2d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Designed per No Nonsense Forex VP rules
//Made to be as modular as possible, so we can swap the indicators in and out.
//Originated from causecelebre
//Tried to put in as much VP rules as possible

//Rules Implemented:
// - SL 1.5 x ATR
// - TP 1 x ATR
// - Entry conditions
//// - Entry within first confirmation cross over and 1 candle of second confirmation + volume
// - Exit conditions
//// - Exit on exit indicator or when baseline or confirmation flip 

//Trades entries
// - First entry L1 or S1 with standard SL and TP

//Included Indicators and settings
// - Confirmtion = SSL 8, 16
// - Volume = TDFI 6

// Strategy causecelebre https://www.tradingview.com/u/causecelebre/
// TDFI causecelebre https://www.tradingview.com/u/causecelebre/
// SSL Channel ErwinBeckers https://www.tradingview.com/u/ErwinBeckers/

// strategy(title="NNFX Strategy 3 Indicator Template | jh", overlay = true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=20000, currency=currency.USD, calc_on_order_fills=0,default_qty_type=strategy.fixed, default_qty_value=10000)

//  **** Set the main stuff  ****

price = close

// ATR stuff

slMultiplier = input(1.5, "SL")
tpMultiplier = input(1, "TP")

atrlength = input(title="ATR Length", defval=14, minval=1)
atrsmoothing = input(title="Smoothing", defval="SMA", options=["RMA", "SMA", "EMA", "WMA"])

ma_function(source, atrlength) => 
    if atrsmoothing == "RMA"
        rma(source, atrlength)
        if atrsmoothing == "SMA"
            sma(source, atrlength)
            if atrsmoothing == "EMA"
                ema(source, atrlength)
                wma(source, atrlength)

//plot(ma_function(tr(true), atrlength), title = "ATR", color=#991515, transp=0)

atr = ma_function(tr(true), atrlength)

//  **** Confirmation 1 Fast ****

//SSL 6

ssllen1=input(title="SSL 1 Length Period", defval=8)
smaHigh1=sma(high, ssllen1)
smaLow1=sma(low, ssllen1)
Hlv1 = na
Hlv1 := close > smaHigh1 ? 1 : close < smaLow1 ? -1 : Hlv1[1]
sslDown1 = Hlv1 < 0 ? smaHigh1: smaLow1
sslUp1   = Hlv1 < 0 ? smaLow1 : smaHigh1

plot(sslDown1, "SSL Down", linewidth=1, color=red)
plot(sslUp1, "SSL Up", linewidth=1, color=lime)

//Confirm Signals

c_Up = sslUp1
c_Down =sslDown1

//Signals based on crossover
c_cross_Long = crossover(c_Up, c_Down)
c_cross_Short = crossover(c_Down, c_Up)

//Signals based on signal position
c_trend_Long = c_Up > c_Down ? 1 : 0
c_trend_Short = c_Down > c_Up ? 1 : 0

confirm_Long = c_cross_Long
confirm_Short = c_cross_Short

plotshape(c_cross_Long, color = green, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.top)
plotshape(c_cross_Short, color = red, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.top)

//  **** Confirmation 2 Slow ****

//SSL 30


ssllen2=input(title="SSL 2 Length Period", defval=16)
smaHigh2=sma(high, ssllen2)
smaLow2=sma(low, ssllen2)
Hlv2 = na
Hlv2 := close > smaHigh2 ? 1 : close < smaLow2 ? -1 : Hlv2[1]
sslDown2 = Hlv2 < 0 ? smaHigh2: smaLow2
sslUp2   = Hlv2 < 0 ? smaLow2 : smaHigh2

plot(sslDown2, "SSL Down", linewidth=1, color=orange)
plot(sslUp2, "SSL Up", linewidth=1, color=blue)

//Confirm Signals
c2_Up = sslUp2
c2_Down = sslDown2

//Signals based on crossover
c2_cross_Long = crossover(c2_Up, c2_Down)
c2_cross_Short = crossover(c2_Down, c2_Up)

//Signals based on signal position
c2_trend_Long = c2_Up > c2_Down ? 1 : 0
c2_trend_Short = c2_Down > c2_Up ? 1 : 0

confirm2_Long = c2_trend_Long
confirm2_Short = c2_trend_Short

plotshape(c2_cross_Long, color = green, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.bottom)
plotshape(c2_cross_Short, color = red, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.bottom)

//  **** Volume Indicator Start ****


lookback = input(6, title = "TDFI Lookback") 
filterHigh = input(0.05, title = "Filter High") 
filterLow = input(-0.05, title = "Filter Low") 

mma = ema(price * 1000, lookback)
smma = ema(mma, lookback)

impetmma = mma - mma[1]
impetsmma= smma - smma[1]
divma = abs(mma - smma)
averimpet = (impetmma + impetsmma) / 2

number = averimpet
pow = 3
result = na

for i = 1 to pow - 1
    if i == 1
        result := number
    result := result * number

tdf = divma * result
ntdf = tdf / highest(abs(tdf), lookback * 3)

//Volume Signals
v_Long = ntdf > filterHigh ? 1 : 0
v_Short = filterLow > ntdf ? 1 : 0

volumeLong = v_Long
volumeShort = v_Short

// **************************** Logic to handle NNFX rules ****************************

//Checking for confirmation indication with 1 candle difference for second confirmtion and volume
enterLong   = confirm_Long and (confirm2_Long[0] or confirm2_Long[1])      and (volumeLong[0] or volumeLong[1]) ? 1 : 0
enterShort  = confirm_Short and (confirm2_Short[0] or confirm2_Short[1])   and (volumeShort[0] or volumeShort[1]) ? 1 : 0

exitLong = c_cross_Short or c2_cross_Short ? 1 : 0 
exitShort = c_cross_Long or c2_cross_Long ? 1 : 0 

//Entries and Exits

if (year>2009)

    //Long entries with standard 1.5 ATR for SL, 1 ATR for TP
    long_sl = price - (atr * slMultiplier)
    long_tp = price + (atr * tpMultiplier)

    //Short entries with standard 1.5 ATR for SL, 1 ATR for TP
    short_sl = price + (atr * slMultiplier)
    short_tp = price - (atr * tpMultiplier)

    strategy.close("L1", when = exitLong)
    strategy.close("S1", when = exitShort)

    strategy.exit("L Limit Exit", "L1", stop = long_sl, limit = long_tp)
    strategy.exit("S Limit Exit", "S1", stop = short_sl, limit = short_tp)

    strategy.order("L1", strategy.long, when = enterLong)
    strategy.order("S1", strategy.short, when = enterShort)


