start: 2022-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-07 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © muscleriot
//200 dma
//2000-2016 backtested
//1 signal per month only at end of month
//If > 200DMA enter long
//If < 200DMA goto cash
//results: 318% drawdown 17% vs 125% with 55% drawdown for buy and hold
strategy("200DMA last DOM - ajh", overlay =true,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)
// Use 100% of equity always
dma200 = ta.sma(close, 200)
plot(dma200, color=color.red, linewidth = 2)
//e =dayofmonth(time)
// backtesting date range
from_day = input.int(defval=1, title="From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
from_month = input.int(defval=1, title="From Month", minval=1, maxval=12)
from_year = input.int(defval=2018, title="From Year", minval=1900)
to_day = input.int(defval=1, title="To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
to_month = input.int(defval=1, title="To Month", minval=1, maxval=12)
to_year = input.int(defval=9999, title="To Year", minval=1900)
time_cond = time > timestamp(from_year, from_month, from_day, 00, 00) and
time < timestamp(to_year, to_month, to_day, 23, 59)
xLong = dayofmonth(time) == 30 and (close > dma200) ? true : na
xSell = dayofmonth(time) == 30 and (close < dma200) ? true : na
plotchar(xLong, "long","L", color=color.green)
plotchar(xSell, "Sell","S", color=color.red)
if (xLong == true) and time_cond
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
if (xSell == true) and time_cond