
创建日期: 2023-12-19 14:42:26 最后修改: 2023-12-19 14:42:26
复制: 0 点击次数: 331











  1. 移动平均线的交叉系统是一个简单有效判断反转的方法。双均线策略容易操作,历史效果良好。

  2. 结合RSI等指标来判断反转信号的可靠性,避免在非底部非顶部位置产生误导信号。

  3. 止盈、止损和跟踪止损机制帮助锁定利润,控制风险。



  1. 双均线策略容易在震荡行情中被套住。如果行情长期盘整,会频繁打开又平掉头寸。

  2. RSI等指标并不能完全避免错误信号的出现。例如快速突破上一波高点会让RSI无法进入超买区域等。

  3. 止损点过宽会增加亏损风险。止损幅度需要根据具体品种来调整。



  1. 可以测试不同类型的移动平均线,寻找最匹配的均线指标。

  2. 可以加入更多辅助指标,如MACD,KD,布林带等来丰富策略逻辑。

  3. 可以通过机器学习等方式来自动优化头寸管理参数,使止损止盈更为智能化。

  4. 不同品种的参数可以单独优化,以适应各品种的特点。



start: 2023-11-18 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-23 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("APEX - Tester - Buy/Sell Strategies - Basic - BACKTESTER", overlay = true)
//study("APEX - Tester - Buy/Sell Strategies - Basic ", overlay = true)
source_main             = close
puppy_sep               = input(false, title="  APEX Tester Buy/Sell Basic v01  ")
buy1_sep                = input(false, title="▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔" )
buy2_sep                = input(false, title="******** BUY STRATEGIES ********")
ma_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  MA  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
ma_length_short         = input(8,  minval=1, title="MA length - short")
ma_length_long          = input(9,  minval=1, title="MA length - long")
ma_useRes               = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
ma_candle_period        = input("5", title="MA - Different Time Frame")
ma_type                 = input("T3", title="MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
ma_detector             = input("Short Crosses Above Long", title="Detector", options=["Short Crosses Above Long",
 "Short Above Long","Price Cross Above Short","Price Above Short","Price Cross Above Long","Price Above Long","Price Above Both","Price Below Both"])
ma_use                  = input(false, title="Use Moving Average ? (On / Off)")

bb_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  BB  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
bb_length               = input(10,  minval=1, title="BB length")
bb_std                  = input(2.1, minval=0, type = float,  title="BB std")
bb_useDifferentRes      = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
bb_candle_period        = input("3",  title="BB - Time Frame")
bb_type                 = input("T3", title="MA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
bb_detector             = input("Price Cross Below", title="Detector", options=["Price Cross Below", "Price Below", "Price Cross Above", "Price Above"])
bb_use                  = input(true, title="Use BB ? (On / Off)")

rsi_sep                 = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  RSI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
rsi_length              = input(2,  minval=1, title="RSI length")
rsi_useDifferentRes     = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
rsi_candle_period       = input("3",  title="STOCH - Time Frame")
rsi_oversold            = input(defval = 12 , title = "RSI Oversold",  minval=0)
rsi_detector            = input("Signal Below Oversold", title="Detector", options=["Signal Below Oversold", "Cross Below Oversold", "Signal Above Oversold", "Cross Above Oversold"])
rsi_use                 = input(true, title="Use RSI ? (On / Off)")

stoch_sep               = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  STOCH  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
stoch_useDifferentRes   = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
stoch_candle_period     = input("3",  title="STOCH - Time Frame")
stoch_length_fk         = input(12,  minval=1, title="STOCH fast K")
stoch_length_sk         = input(1,   minval=1, title="STOCH slow K")
stoch_type_sk           = input("EMA", title="STOCH slow K", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
stoch_length_sd         = input(1,   minval=1, title="STOCH slow D")
stoch_type_sd           = input("EMA", title="STOCH slow D", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
stoch_oversold          = input(defval = 10 , title = "STOCH Oversold Treashold",  minval=0)
stoch_detector          = input("Signal Below Oversold", title="Detector", options=["Signal Below Oversold", "Cross Below Oversold", "Cross Above Oversold"])
stoch_use               = input(true, title="Use STOCH ? (On / Off)")

srsi_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  SRSI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
stochrsi_useDifferentRes= input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
stochrsi_candle_period  = input("3",  title="SRSI - Time Frame")
stochrsi_len            = input(14,  minval=1, title="RSI length")
stochrsi_stoch          = input(14,  minval=1, title="Time Period")
stochrsi_length_fk      = input(3,  minval=1, title="Fast K")
stochrsi_length_sd      = input(3,   minval=1, title="Slow D(or Fast)")
stochrsi_oversold       = input(defval = 30 , title = "STOCHRSI Oversold Treashold",  minval=0)
stochrsi_detector       = input("K Below Oversold", title="Detector", options=["K Cross Above D and Oversold", "K Cross Above D", "K Cross Above Oversold",
 "K Cross Below Oversold","K Below Oversold","K Above Oversold"])
stochrsi_use            = input(false, title="Use STOCHRSI (On / Off)?")

macd_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  MACD  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
macd_fast               = input(12,     title="MACD fast")
macd_slow               = input(26,     title="MACD slow")
macd_signal             = input(9,      title="MACD signal")
macd_useDifferentRes    = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
macd_candle_period      = input("3", title="MACD - Time Frame")
macd_detector           = input("MACD Cross Above Signal", title="Detector", options=["MACD Cross Above Signal", "MACD Above Signal", "MACD Below Signal", 
 "MACD Above Treshold", "MACD Below Treshold", "Centerline Cross Upward", "Centerline Cross Downward"])
macd_treshold           = input(defval = 0 , title = "Treshold", type = float)
macd_use                = input(false, title="Use MACD (On / Off)?")

cci_sep                 = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  CCI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
cci_len                 = input(14,      title="CCI Length")
cci_treshold            = input(100,     title="CCI Treshold")
cci_useDifferentRes     = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
cci_candle_period       = input("3",  title="CCI - Time Frame")
cci_detector            = input("Signal Below Treshold", title="Detector", options=["Signal Cross Above Treshold", "Signal Above Treshold", "Signal Cross Below Treshold", "Signal Below Treshold"])
cci_use                 = input(false, title="Use CCI (On / Off)?")

vwap_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  VWAP  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
vwap_useRes             = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
vwap_candle_period      = input("5", title="VWAP - Time Frame")
vwap_detector           = input("Price Above", title="Detector", options=["Price Cross Above","Price Above","Price Cross Below","Price Below"])
vwap_use                = input(false, title="Use VWAP (On / Off)?")

pc_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻Perc.Chan.⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
pc_change               = input(-2,  type=float,    title="Drop Percent")
pc_useDifferentRes      = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
pc_candle_period        = input("3",  title="Percent Change - Time Frame")
pc_use                  = input(false, title="Use Percent Change (On / Off)?")

sell0_sep                    = input(false, title="▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔" )
sell1_sep                    = input(false, title="******** SELL STRATEGIES ********")
sell_ma_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  MA  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_ma_length_short         = input(10,  minval=1, title="MA length - short")
sell_ma_length_long          = input(20,  minval=1, title="MA length - long")
sell_ma_useRes               = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_ma_candle_period        = input("5", title="MA - Different Time Frame")
sell_ma_type                 = input("EMA", title="MA Type", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
sell_ma_detector             = input("Short Crosses Below Long", title="Detector", options=["Short Crosses Below Long",
 "Short Below Long","Short Above Long","Price Cross Below Short","Price Below Short","Price Cross Below Long","Price Below Long","Price Above Both MA","Price Below Both MA"])
sell_ma_use                  = input(true, title="Use Moving Average ? (On / Off)")

sell_bb_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  BB  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_bb_length               = input(10,  minval=1, title="BB length")
sell_bb_std                  = input(2.1, minval=0, type = float,  title="BB std")
sell_bb_useDifferentRes      = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_bb_candle_period        = input("3",  title="BB - Time Frame")
sell_bb_type                 = input("T3", title="MA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
sell_bb_detector             = input("Price Cross Below", title="Detector", options=["Price Cross Above", "Price Above","Price Cross Below", "Price Below"])
sell_bb_use                  = input(false, title="Use BB ? (On / Off)")

sell_rsi_sep                 = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  RSI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_rsi_length              = input(2,  minval=1, title="RSI length")
sell_rsi_useDifferentRes     = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_rsi_candle_period       = input("3",  title="STOCH - Time Frame")
sell_rsi_overbought          = input(defval = 12 , title = "RSI Overbought",  minval=0)
sell_rsi_detector            = input("Signal Above Overbought", title="Detector", options=["Signal Below Overbought", "Cross Below Overbought", "Signal Above Overbought", "Cross Above Overbought"])
sell_rsi_use                 = input(false, title="Use RSI ? (On / Off)")

sell_stoch_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  STOCH  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_stoch_useDifferentRes    = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_stoch_candle_period      = input("3",  title="STOCH - Time Frame")
sell_stoch_length_fk          = input(12,  minval=1, title="STOCH fast K")
sell_stoch_length_sk          = input(1,   minval=1, title="STOCH slow K")
sell_stoch_type_sk            = input("EMA", title="STOCH slow K", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
sell_stoch_length_sd          = input(1,   minval=1, title="STOCH slow D")
sell_stoch_type_sd            = input("EMA", title="STOCH slow D", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "DEMA", "TEMA", "TRIMA", "KAMA", "MAMA", "T3"])
sell_stoch_overbought         = input(defval = 10 , title = "STOCH Overbought Treashold",  minval=0)
sell_stoch_detector           = input("Signal Above Overbought", title="Detector", options=["Signal Above Overbought", "Cross Below Overbought", "Cross Above Overbought"])
sell_stoch_use                = input(false, title="Use STOCH ? (On / Off)")

sell_stochrsi_sep             = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  SRSI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_stochrsi_useDifferentRes = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_stochrsi_candle_period   = input("3",  title="SRSI - Time Frame")
sell_stochrsi_len             = input(14,  minval=1, title="RSI length")
sell_stochrsi_stoch           = input(14,  minval=1, title="Time Period")
sell_stochrsi_length_fk       = input(3,  minval=1, title="Fast K")
sell_stochrsi_length_sd       = input(3,   minval=1, title="Slow D(or Fast)")
sell_stochrsi_overbought      = input(defval = 30 , title = "STOCHRSI Overbought Treashold",  minval=0)
sell_stochrsi_detector        = input("K Above Overbought", title="Detector", options=["K Cross Above D and Overbought", "K Cross Above D", "K Cross Above Overbought",
 "K Cross Below Overbought","K Below Overbought","K Above Overbought"])
sell_stochrsi_use             = input(false, title="Use STOCHRSI (On / Off)?")

sell_macd_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  MACD  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_macd_fast               = input(12,     title="MACD fast")
sell_macd_slow               = input(26,     title="MACD slow")
sell_macd_signal             = input(9,      title="MACD signal")
sell_macd_useDifferentRes    = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_macd_candle_period      = input("3", title="MACD - Time Frame")
sell_macd_detector           = input("MACD Cross Below Signal", title="Detector", options=["MACD Cross Below Signal", "MACD Above Signal", "MACD Below Signal", 
 "MACD Above Treshold", "MACD Below Treshold", "Centerline Cross Upward", "Centerline Cross Downward"])
sell_macd_treshold           = input(defval = 0 , title = "Treshold", type = float)
sell_macd_use                = input(false, title="Use MACD (On / Off)?")

sell_cci_sep                 = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  CCI  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_cci_len                 = input(14,      title="CCI Length")
sell_cci_treshold            = input(100,     title="CCI Treshold")
sell_cci_useDifferentRes     = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_cci_candle_period       = input("3",  title="CCI - Time Frame")
sell_cci_detector            = input("Signal Below Treshold", title="Detector", options=["Signal Cross Above Treshold", "Signal Above Treshold", "Signal Cross Below Treshold", "Signal Below Treshold"])
sell_cci_use                 = input(false, title="Use CCI (On / Off)?")

sell_vwap_sep                = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻  VWAP  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_vwap_useRes             = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_vwap_candle_period      = input("5", title="VWAP - Time Frame")
sell_vwap_detector           = input("Price Above", title="Detector", options=["Price Cross Above","Price Above","Price Cross Below","Price Below"])
sell_vwap_use                = input(false, title="Use VWAP (On / Off)?")

sell_pc_sep                  = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻Perc.Chan.⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
sell_pc_change               = input(2,  type=float,    title="Rise Percent")
sell_pc_useDifferentRes      = input(false, title="Check to turn ON Different Time Frame")
sell_pc_candle_period        = input("3",  title="Percent Change - Time Frame")
sell_pc_use                  = input(false, title="Use Percent Change (On / Off)?")
strat1_sep                   = input(false, title="▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔" )
strat2_sep                   = input(false, title="******** STRATEGY SETTINGS ********")


kama(src, len)=>
    xvnoise = abs(src - src[1])
    nfastend = 0.666
    nslowend = 0.0645
    nsignal = abs(src - src[len])
    nnoise = sum(xvnoise, len)
    nefratio = iff(nnoise != 0, nsignal / nnoise, 0)
    nsmooth = pow(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2)
    nAMA = 0.0
    nAMA := nz(nAMA[1]) + nsmooth * (src - nz(nAMA[1]))

mama(src, len)=>
    pi = 3.1415926
    sp = (4*src + 3*src[1] + 2*src[2] + src[3]) / 10.0
    p  = 0.0
    i2 = 0.0
    q2 = 0.0
    dt = (.0962*sp + .5769*nz(sp[2]) - .5769*nz(sp[4])- .0962*nz(sp[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    q1 = (.0962*dt + .5769*nz(dt[2]) - .5769*nz(dt[4])- .0962*nz(dt[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    i1 = nz(dt[3])
    jI = (.0962*i1 + .5769*nz(i1[2]) - .5769*nz(i1[4])- .0962*nz(i1[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    jq = (.0962*q1 + .5769*nz(q1[2]) - .5769*nz(q1[4])- .0962*nz(q1[6]))*(.075*nz(p[1]) + .54)
    i2_ = i1 - jq
    q2_ = q1 + jI
    i2 := .2*i2_ + .8*nz(i2[1])
    q2 := .2*q2_ + .8*nz(q2[1])
    re_ = i2*nz(i2[1]) + q2*nz(q2[1])
    im_ = i2*nz(q2[1]) - q2*nz(i2[1])
    re = 0.0
    im = 0.0
    re := .2*re_ + .8*nz(re[1])
    im := .2*im_ + .8*nz(im[1])
    p1 = iff(im!=0 and re!=0, 2*pi/atan(im/re), nz(p[1]))
    p2 = iff(p1 > 1.5*nz(p1[1]), 1.5*nz(p1[1]), iff(p1 < 0.67*nz(p1[1]), 0.67*nz(p1[1]), p1))
    p3 = iff(p2<6, 6, iff (p2 > 50, 50, p2))
    p := .2*p3 + .8*nz(p3[1])
    spp  = 0.0
    spp := .33*p + .67*nz(spp[1])
    phase = 180/pi * atan(q1 / i1)
    dphase_ = nz(phase[1]) - phase
    dphase = iff(dphase_< 1, 1, dphase_)
    alpha_ = fl / dphase
    alpha = iff(alpha_ < sl, sl, iff(alpha_ > fl, fl, alpha_))
    mama = 0.0
    mama := alpha*src + (1 - alpha)*nz(mama[1])
t3(src, len)=>
    xe1_1 = ema(src,    len)
    xe2_1 = ema(xe1_1,  len)
    xe3_1 = ema(xe2_1,  len)
    xe4_1 = ema(xe3_1,  len)
    xe5_1 = ema(xe4_1,  len)
    xe6_1 = ema(xe5_1,  len)
    b_1 = 0.7
    c1_1 = -b_1*b_1*b_1
    c2_1 = 3*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c3_1 = -6*b_1*b_1-3*b_1-3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c4_1 = 1+3*b_1+b_1*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1
    nT3Average_1 = c1_1 * xe6_1 + c2_1 * xe5_1 + c3_1 * xe4_1 + c4_1 * xe3_1

variant(type, src, len) =>
    v1 = sma(src, len)                                                  // Simple
    v2 = ema(src, len)                                                  // Exponential
    v3 = 2 * v2 - ema(v2, len)                                          // Double Exponential
    v4 = 3 * (v2 - ema(v2, len)) + ema(ema(v2, len), len)               // Triple Exponential
    v5 = wma(src, len)                                                  // Weighted
    v6 = sma(sma(src, ceil(len / 2)), floor(len / 2) + 1)               // TRIMA
    v7 = kama(src, len)                                                 // KAMA
    v8 = mama(src, len)                                                 // MAMA
    v9 = t3(src, len)                                                   // T3
    type=="EMA"?v2 : type=="DEMA"?v3 : type=="TEMA"?v4 : type=="WMA"?v5 : type=="TRIMA"?v6 : type=="KAMA"?v7 : type=="MAMA"?v8 : type=="T3"?v9 : v1
calc_cci(src, len, res) => 
    cci_ma     = sma(src, len)
    cci        = (src - cci_ma) / (0.015 * dev(src, len))
    cci_res    = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res, cci)

calc_macd(macd_fast, macd_slow, src, res) => 
    macd       = ema(src, macd_fast) - ema(src, macd_slow)
    res_macd   = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res, macd)    


rsi     = rsi(source_main, rsi_length)
per_rsi = rsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, rsi_candle_period, rsi):rsi

rsiBelow       = false
rsiCrossBelow  = false
rsiCrossAbove  = false
rsiAbove       = false

rsiBelow      := per_rsi<rsi_oversold
rsiCrossBelow := crossunder(per_rsi, rsi_oversold)
rsiCrossAbove := crossover(per_rsi, rsi_oversold)
rsiAbove      := per_rsi>rsi_oversold

rsiBuy = rsi_use ? (
 rsi_detector=="Signal Below Oversold"?rsiBelow:
 rsi_detector=="Cross Below Oversold"?rsiCrossBelow:
 rsi_detector=="Cross Above Oversold"?rsiCrossAbove:
 rsi_detector=="Signal Above Oversold"?rsiAbove:
 false ) : true

stoch_k = variant(stoch_type_sk, stoch(source_main, high, low, stoch_length_fk), stoch_length_sk)
stoch_d = variant(stoch_type_sd, stoch_k, stoch_length_sd)
per_stoch_k = stoch_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, stoch_candle_period, stoch_k):stoch_k
per_stoch_d = stoch_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, stoch_candle_period, stoch_d):stoch_d

stochBelow       = false
stochCrossBelow  = false
stochCrossAbove  = false

stochBelow      := per_stoch_k<stoch_oversold
stochCrossBelow := crossunder(per_stoch_k, stoch_oversold)
stochCrossAbove := crossover(per_stoch_k, stoch_oversold)

stochBuy = stoch_use ? (
 stoch_detector=="Signal Below Oversold"?stochBelow:
 stoch_detector=="Cross Below Oversold"?stochCrossBelow:
 stoch_detector=="Cross Above Oversold"?stochCrossAbove: 
 false ) : true

stochrsi_rsi     = rsi(source_main, stochrsi_len)
stochrsi_stoch_k = sma(stoch(stochrsi_rsi, stochrsi_rsi, stochrsi_rsi, stochrsi_stoch), stochrsi_length_fk)
stochrsi_stoch_d = sma(stochrsi_stoch_k, stochrsi_length_sd)
per_stochrsi_k   = stochrsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, stochrsi_candle_period, stochrsi_stoch_k):stochrsi_stoch_k
per_stochrsi_d   = stochrsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, stochrsi_candle_period, stochrsi_stoch_d):stochrsi_stoch_d

stochrsiKDCrossOversold     = false
stochrsiKDCross             = false
stochrsiKCrossAboveOversold = false
stochrsiKCrossBelowOversold = false
stochrsiKBelowOversold      = false
stochrsiKAboveOversold      = false

stochrsiKDCrossOversold     := crossover(per_stochrsi_k, per_stochrsi_d) and per_stochrsi_k<stochrsi_oversold
stochrsiKDCross             := crossover(per_stochrsi_k, per_stochrsi_d)
stochrsiKCrossAboveOversold := crossover(per_stochrsi_k, stochrsi_oversold)
stochrsiKCrossBelowOversold := crossunder(per_stochrsi_k, stochrsi_oversold)
stochrsiKBelowOversold      := per_stochrsi_k<stochrsi_oversold
stochrsiKAboveOversold      := per_stochrsi_k>stochrsi_oversold

stochrsiBuy = stochrsi_use ? (
 stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Above D and Oversold"?stochrsiKDCrossOversold:
 stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Above D"?stochrsiKDCross:
 stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Above Oversold"?stochrsiKCrossAboveOversold:
 stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Below Oversold"?stochrsiKCrossBelowOversold:
 stochrsi_detector=="K Below Oversold"?stochrsiKBelowOversold:
 stochrsi_detector=="K Above Oversold"?stochrsiKAboveOversold: 
 false ) : true

per_cci = calc_cci(hlc3, cci_len, cci_candle_period)

cciBelow      = false
cciCrossBelow = false
cciCrossAbove = false
cciAbove      = false

cciBelow      := per_cci<cci_treshold
cciCrossBelow := crossover(per_cci, cci_treshold)
cciCrossAbove := crossunder(cci_treshold, per_cci)
cciAbove      := per_cci>cci_treshold

cciBuy  = cci_use ? (
 cci_detector=="Signal Below Treshold"?cciBelow:
 cci_detector=="Signal Cross Belove Treshold"?cciCrossBelow:
 cci_detector=="Signal Cross Above Treshold"?cciCrossAbove:
 cci_detector=="Signal Above Treshold"?cciAbove:
 false ) : true 

fastMA  = ema(source_main, macd_fast)
slowMA  = ema(source_main, macd_slow)
macd    = fastMA - slowMA
signal  = sma(macd, macd_signal)
delta   = macd - signal

outmacd   = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, macd_candle_period, macd)
outsignal = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, macd_candle_period, signal)
outdelta  = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, macd_candle_period, delta)

plot_macd   = macd_useDifferentRes?outmacd:macd
plot_signal = macd_useDifferentRes?outsignal:signal
plot_delta  = macd_useDifferentRes?outdelta:delta

MACDCrossAboveSignal = false
CenterlineCrossUpwards = false
CenterlineCrossDownwards = false
MACDAboveSignal = false
MACDBelowSignal = false
MACDAboveTreshold = false
MACDBelowTreshold = false

MACDCrossAboveSignal     := crossunder(plot_signal, plot_macd)
CenterlineCrossUpwards   := crossover(plot_delta, 0)
CenterlineCrossDownwards := crossunder(plot_delta, 0)
MACDAboveSignal          := plot_macd > plot_signal
MACDBelowSignal          := plot_macd < plot_signal
MACDAboveTreshold        := plot_macd > macd_treshold
MACDBelowTreshold        := plot_macd < macd_treshold

macdBuy=macd_use ? (
 macd_detector=="MACD Cross Above Signal"?MACDCrossAboveSignal:
 macd_detector=="Centerline Cross Upwards"?CenterlineCrossUpwards:
 macd_detector=="Centerline Cross Downwards"?CenterlineCrossDownwards:
 macd_detector=="MACD above Signal"?MACDAboveSignal:
 macd_detector=="MACD below Signal"?MACDBelowSignal:
 macd_detector=="MACD above Treshold"?MACDAboveTreshold:
 macd_detector=="MACD below Treshold"?MACDBelowTreshold:
 false ) : true

bb_basis     = variant(bb_type, source_main, bb_length)
bb_dev       = bb_std * stdev(source_main, bb_length)
bb_upper     = bb_basis + bb_dev
bb_lower     = bb_basis - bb_dev
per_lower_bb = bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, bb_candle_period, bb_lower):bb_lower
per_upper_bb = bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, bb_candle_period, bb_upper):bb_upper
per_bb_basis = bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, bb_candle_period, bb_basis):bb_basis

bbBelow      = false
bbCrossBelow = false
bbCrossAbove = false
bbAbove      = false

bbBelow      := per_lower_bb>close or per_lower_bb>low
bbAbove      := per_lower_bb<high  or per_lower_bb<close
bbCrossAbove := crossover(source_main, per_lower_bb)
bbCrossBelow := crossunder(source_main, per_lower_bb)

bbBuy = stochrsi_use ? (
 bb_detector=="Price Cross Below"?bbCrossBelow:
 bb_detector=="Price Below"?bbBelow:
 bb_detector=="Price Cross Above"?bbCrossAbove:
 bb_detector=="Price Above"?bbAbove:false ) : true

plot(per_bb_basis,  color=green, linewidth=2)
p1 = plot(per_upper_bb, color=green)
p2 = plot(per_lower_bb, color=green)
fill(p1, p2)

//MA Calculation 
ma_short     = variant(ma_type, source_main, ma_length_short)
ma_long      = variant(ma_type, source_main, ma_length_long)
per_ma_short = ma_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, ma_candle_period, ma_short):ma_short
per_ma_long  = ma_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, ma_candle_period, ma_long ):ma_long 

p1ma = plot(ma_use?per_ma_short:na, color=green)
p2ma = plot(ma_use?per_ma_long:na , color=red)

ShortCrossesAboveLong  = false
ShortAboveLong         = false
PriceCrossesAboveShort = false
PriceAboveShort        = false
PriceCrossesAboveLong  = false
PriceAboveLong         = false
PriceAboveBoth         = false
PriceBelowBoth         = false

ShortCrossesAboveLong  := crossover(per_ma_short, per_ma_long)
ShortAboveLong         := per_ma_short > per_ma_long
PriceCrossesAboveShort := ( close > per_ma_short or high > per_ma_short ) and low < per_ma_short
PriceAboveShort        := close > per_ma_short or high > per_ma_short 
PriceCrossesAboveLong  := ( close > per_ma_long or high > per_ma_long ) and low < per_ma_long
PriceAboveLong         := close > per_ma_long or high > per_ma_long
PriceAboveBoth         := ( close > per_ma_long or high > per_ma_long ) and (close > per_ma_short or high > per_ma_short )
PriceBelowBoth         := ( close < per_ma_long or low < per_ma_long ) and (close < per_ma_short or low < per_ma_short )        

maBuy = ma_use ? ( ma_detector=="Short Crosses Above Long"?ShortCrossesAboveLong:
 ma_detector=="Short Above Long"?ShortAboveLong:
 ma_detector=="Price Cross Above Short"?PriceCrossesAboveShort:
 ma_detector=="Price Above Short"?PriceAboveShort:
 ma_detector=="Price Crosses Above Long"?PriceCrossesAboveLong:
 ma_detector=="Price Above Long"?PriceAboveLong:
 ma_detector=="Price Above Both"?PriceAboveBoth:
 ma_detector=="Price Below Both"?PriceBelowBoth:
 false ) : true

var_vwap = vwap(hlc3)
per_vwap = vwap_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid,vwap_candle_period,var_vwap):var_vwap

PriceCrossAbove = false
PriceAbove      = false
PriceCrossBelow = false
PriceBelow      = false

PriceCrossAbove := ( close > per_vwap or high > per_vwap ) and low < per_vwap
PriceAbove      := close > per_vwap or high > per_vwap
PriceCrossBelow := ( close < per_vwap or low < per_vwap ) and high > per_vwap
PriceBelow      := close < per_vwap or low < per_vwap

vwapBuy  = false
vwapBuy := vwap_use ?( 
 vwap_detector=="Price Cross Above"?PriceCrossAbove:
 vwap_detector=="Price Above"?PriceAbove:
 vwap_detector=="Price Cross Below"?PriceCrossBelow:
 vwap_detector=="Price Below"?PriceBelow:false ) : true

price_change      = (close - close[1])/close[1]*100
per_price_change  = pc_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, pc_candle_period, price_change):price_change 

pcBuy = false
pcBuy := pc_use ? ( per_price_change < pc_change ) : true


sell_rsi     = rsi(source_main, sell_rsi_length)
sell_per_rsi = sell_rsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_rsi_candle_period, sell_rsi):sell_rsi

sell_rsiBelow       = false
sell_rsiCrossBelow  = false
sell_rsiCrossAbove  = false
sell_rsiAbove       = false

sell_rsiBelow      := sell_per_rsi<sell_rsi_overbought
sell_rsiCrossBelow := crossunder(sell_per_rsi, sell_rsi_overbought)
sell_rsiCrossAbove := crossover(sell_per_rsi, sell_rsi_overbought)
sell_rsiAbove      := sell_per_rsi>sell_rsi_overbought

sell_rsiBuy = sell_rsi_use ? (
 sell_rsi_detector=="Signal Below Overbought"?sell_rsiBelow:
 sell_rsi_detector=="Cross Below Overbought"?sell_rsiCrossBelow:
 sell_rsi_detector=="Cross Above Overbought"?sell_rsiCrossAbove:
 sell_rsi_detector=="Signal Above Overbought"?sell_rsiAbove:
 false ) : true

sell_stoch_k = variant(sell_stoch_type_sk, stoch(source_main, high, low, sell_stoch_length_fk), sell_stoch_length_sk)
sell_stoch_d = variant(sell_stoch_type_sd, sell_stoch_k, sell_stoch_length_sd)
sell_per_stoch_k = sell_stoch_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_stoch_candle_period, sell_stoch_k):sell_stoch_k
sell_per_stoch_d = sell_stoch_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_stoch_candle_period, sell_stoch_d):sell_stoch_d

sell_stochAbove       = false
sell_stochBelow       = false
sell_stochCrossAbove  = false

sell_stochAbove      := sell_per_stoch_k>sell_stoch_overbought
sell_stochBelow      := sell_per_stoch_k<sell_stoch_overbought
sell_stochCrossAbove := crossover(sell_per_stoch_k, sell_stoch_overbought)

sell_stochBuy = sell_stoch_use ? (
 sell_stoch_detector=="Signal Above Overbought"?sell_stochAbove:
 sell_stoch_detector=="Signal Below Overbought"?sell_stochBelow:
 sell_stoch_detector=="Cross Above Overbought"?sell_stochCrossAbove: 
 false ) : true

sell_stochrsi_rsi     = rsi(source_main, sell_stochrsi_len)
sell_stochrsi_stoch_k = sma(stoch(sell_stochrsi_rsi, sell_stochrsi_rsi, sell_stochrsi_rsi, sell_stochrsi_stoch), sell_stochrsi_length_fk)
sell_stochrsi_stoch_d = sma(sell_stochrsi_stoch_k, sell_stochrsi_length_sd)
sell_per_stochrsi_k   = sell_stochrsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_stochrsi_candle_period, sell_stochrsi_stoch_k):sell_stochrsi_stoch_k
sell_per_stochrsi_d   = sell_stochrsi_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_stochrsi_candle_period, sell_stochrsi_stoch_d):sell_stochrsi_stoch_d

sell_stochrsiKDCrossOverbought     = false
sell_stochrsiKDCross               = false
sell_stochrsiKCrossAboveOverbought = false
sell_stochrsiKCrossBelowOverbought = false
sell_stochrsiKBelowOverbought      = false
sell_stochrsiKAboveOverbought      = false

sell_stochrsiKDCrossOverbought     := crossover(sell_per_stochrsi_k, sell_per_stochrsi_d) and sell_per_stochrsi_k>sell_stochrsi_overbought
sell_stochrsiKDCross               := crossover(sell_per_stochrsi_k, sell_per_stochrsi_d)
sell_stochrsiKCrossAboveOverbought := crossover(sell_per_stochrsi_k, sell_stochrsi_overbought)
sell_stochrsiKCrossBelowOverbought := crossunder(sell_per_stochrsi_k, sell_stochrsi_overbought)
sell_stochrsiKBelowOverbought      := sell_per_stochrsi_k<sell_stochrsi_overbought
sell_stochrsiKAboveOverbought      := sell_per_stochrsi_k>sell_stochrsi_overbought

sell_stochrsiBuy = sell_stochrsi_use ? (
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Below D and Overbought"?sell_stochrsiKDCrossOverbought:
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Below D"?sell_stochrsiKDCross:
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Above Overbought"?sell_stochrsiKCrossAboveOverbought:
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Cross Below Overbought"?sell_stochrsiKCrossBelowOverbought:
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Below Overbought"?sell_stochrsiKBelowOverbought:
 sell_stochrsi_detector=="K Above Overbought"?sell_stochrsiKAboveOverbought: 
 false ) : true

sell_per_cci = calc_cci(hlc3, sell_cci_len, sell_cci_candle_period)

sell_cciBelow      = false
sell_cciCrossBelow = false
sell_cciCrossAbove = false
sell_cciAbove      = false

sell_cciBelow      := sell_per_cci<sell_cci_treshold
sell_cciCrossBelow := crossunder(sell_per_cci, sell_cci_treshold)
sell_cciCrossAbove := crossover(sell_cci_treshold, sell_per_cci)
sell_cciAbove      := sell_per_cci>sell_cci_treshold

sell_cciBuy  = sell_cci_use ? (
 sell_cci_detector=="Signal Below Treshold"?sell_cciBelow:
 sell_cci_detector=="Signal Cross Belove Treshold"?sell_cciCrossBelow:
 sell_cci_detector=="Signal Cross Above Treshold"?sell_cciCrossAbove:
 sell_cci_detector=="Signal Above Treshold"?sell_cciAbove:
 false ) : true 

sell_fastMA  = ema(close, sell_macd_fast)
sell_slowMA  = ema(close, sell_macd_slow)
sell_macd    = sell_fastMA - sell_slowMA
sell_signal  = sma(sell_macd, sell_macd_signal)
sell_delta   = sell_macd - sell_signal

sell_outmacd   = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_macd_candle_period, sell_macd)
sell_outsignal = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_macd_candle_period, sell_signal)
sell_outdelta  = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_macd_candle_period, sell_delta)

sell_plot_macd   = sell_macd_useDifferentRes?sell_outmacd:sell_macd
sell_plot_signal = sell_macd_useDifferentRes?sell_outsignal:sell_signal
sell_plot_delta  = sell_macd_useDifferentRes?sell_outdelta:sell_delta

sell_MACDCrossBelowSignal = false
sell_CenterlineCrossUpwards = false
sell_CenterlineCrossDownwards = false
sell_MACDAboveSignal = false
sell_MACDBelowSignal = false
sell_MACDAboveTreshold = false
sell_MACDBelowTreshold = false

sell_MACDCrossBelowSignal     := crossover(sell_plot_signal, sell_plot_macd)
sell_CenterlineCrossUpwards   := crossover(sell_plot_delta, 0.0)
sell_CenterlineCrossDownwards := crossunder(sell_plot_delta, 0.0)
sell_MACDAboveSignal          := sell_plot_macd > sell_plot_signal
sell_MACDBelowSignal          := sell_plot_macd < sell_plot_signal
sell_MACDAboveTreshold        := sell_plot_macd > sell_macd_treshold
sell_MACDBelowTreshold        := sell_plot_macd < sell_macd_treshold

sell_macdBuy=sell_macd_use ? (
 sell_macd_detector=="MACD Cross Below Signal"?sell_MACDCrossBelowSignal:
 sell_macd_detector=="Centerline Cross Upwards"?sell_CenterlineCrossUpwards:
 sell_macd_detector=="Centerline Cross Downwards"?sell_CenterlineCrossDownwards:
 sell_macd_detector=="MACD above Signal"?sell_MACDAboveSignal:
 sell_macd_detector=="MACD below Signal"?sell_MACDBelowSignal:
 sell_macd_detector=="MACD above Treshold"?sell_MACDAboveTreshold:
 sell_macd_detector=="MACD below Treshold"?sell_MACDBelowTreshold:
 false ) : true

sell_bb_basis     = variant(bb_type, source_main, sell_bb_length)
sell_bb_dev       = sell_bb_std * stdev(source_main, sell_bb_length)
sell_bb_upper     = sell_bb_basis + sell_bb_dev
sell_bb_lower     = sell_bb_basis - sell_bb_dev
sell_per_lower_bb = sell_bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_bb_candle_period, sell_bb_lower):sell_bb_lower
sell_per_upper_bb = sell_bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_bb_candle_period, sell_bb_upper):sell_bb_upper
sell_per_bb_basis = sell_bb_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_bb_candle_period, sell_bb_basis):sell_bb_basis

sell_bbBelow      = false
sell_bbCrossBelow = false
sell_bbCrossAbove = false
sell_bbAbove      = false

sell_bbBelow      := sell_per_upper_bb>close or sell_per_upper_bb>low
sell_bbAbove      := sell_per_upper_bb<high  or sell_per_upper_bb<close
sell_bbCrossAbove := crossover(source_main, sell_per_upper_bb)
sell_bbCrossBelow := crossunder(source_main, sell_per_upper_bb)

sell_bbBuy = sell_bb_use ? (
 sell_bb_detector=="Price Cross Below"?sell_bbCrossBelow:
 sell_bb_detector=="Price Below"?sell_bbBelow:
 sell_bb_detector=="Price Cross Above"?sell_bbCrossAbove:
 sell_bb_detector=="Price Above"?sell_bbAbove:false ) : true

//SELL MA Calculation 
sell_ma_short     = variant(sell_ma_type, source_main, sell_ma_length_short)
sell_ma_long      = variant(sell_ma_type, source_main, sell_ma_length_long)
sell_per_ma_short = sell_ma_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_ma_candle_period, sell_ma_short):sell_ma_short
sell_per_ma_long  = sell_ma_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_ma_candle_period, sell_ma_long ):sell_ma_long 

sell_p1ma = plot(sell_ma_use?sell_per_ma_short:na, color=green)
sell_p2ma = plot(sell_ma_use?sell_per_ma_long:na , color=red)

sell_ShortCrossesBelowLong   = false
sell_ShortBelowLong          = false
sell_ShortAboveLong          = false
sell_PriceCrossesBelowShort  = false
sell_PriceBelowShort         = false
sell_PriceCrossesBelowLong   = false
sell_PriceBelowLong          = false
sell_PriceAboveBoth          = false
sell_PriceBelowBoth          = false

sell_ShortCrossesBelowLong  := crossunder(sell_per_ma_short, sell_per_ma_long)
sell_ShortBelowLong         := sell_per_ma_short < sell_per_ma_long
sell_ShortAboveLong         := sell_per_ma_short > sell_per_ma_long
sell_PriceCrossesBelowShort := ( close > sell_per_ma_short or high > sell_per_ma_short ) and low < sell_per_ma_short
sell_PriceBelowShort        := close > sell_per_ma_short or high > sell_per_ma_short 
sell_PriceCrossesBelowLong  := ( close > sell_per_ma_long or high > sell_per_ma_long ) and low < sell_per_ma_long
sell_PriceBelowLong         := close > sell_per_ma_long or high > sell_per_ma_long
sell_PriceAboveBoth         := ( close > sell_per_ma_long or high > sell_per_ma_long ) and (close > sell_per_ma_short or high > sell_per_ma_short )
sell_PriceBelowBoth         := ( close < sell_per_ma_long or low < sell_per_ma_long ) and (close < sell_per_ma_short or low < sell_per_ma_short )        

sell_maBuy = sell_ma_use ? ( 
 sell_ma_detector=="Short Crosses Below Long"?sell_ShortCrossesBelowLong:
 sell_ma_detector=="Short Below Long"?sell_ShortBelowLong :
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Cross Below Short"?sell_PriceCrossesBelowShort:
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Below Short"?sell_PriceBelowShort:
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Cross Below Long"?sell_PriceBelowShort:
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Below Long"?sell_PriceCrossesBelowLong: 
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Above Both"?sell_PriceAboveBoth:
 sell_ma_detector=="Price Below Both"?sell_PriceBelowBoth:
 false ) : true

sell_var_vwap = vwap(hlc3)
sell_per_vwap = sell_vwap_useRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid,sell_vwap_candle_period,sell_var_vwap):sell_var_vwap

sell_PriceCrossAbove = false
sell_PriceAbove      = false
sell_PriceCrossBelow = false
sell_PriceBelow      = false

sell_PriceCrossAbove := ( close > sell_per_vwap or high > sell_per_vwap ) and low < sell_per_vwap
sell_PriceAbove      := close > sell_per_vwap or high > sell_per_vwap
sell_PriceCrossBelow := ( close < sell_per_vwap or low < sell_per_vwap ) and high > sell_per_vwap
sell_PriceBelow      := close < sell_per_vwap or low < sell_per_vwap

sell_vwapBuy  = false
sell_vwapBuy := sell_vwap_use ?( 
 sell_vwap_detector=="Price Cross Above"?sell_PriceCrossAbove:
 sell_vwap_detector=="Price Above"?sell_PriceAbove:
 sell_vwap_detector=="Price Cross Below"?sell_PriceCrossBelow:
 sell_vwap_detector=="Price Below"?sell_PriceBelow:false ) : true

sell_price_change      = (close - close[1])/close[1]*100
sell_per_price_change  = sell_pc_useDifferentRes?request.security(syminfo.tickerid, sell_pc_candle_period, sell_price_change):sell_price_change 

sell_pcBuy = false
sell_pcBuy := sell_pc_use ? ( sell_per_price_change > sell_pc_change ) : true

allBuy = false
allBuy := rsiBuy and bbBuy and stochBuy and stochrsiBuy and cciBuy and macdBuy and maBuy and vwapBuy and pcBuy

allSell = false
allSell := sell_rsiBuy and sell_bbBuy and sell_stochBuy and sell_stochrsiBuy and sell_cciBuy and sell_macdBuy and sell_maBuy and sell_vwapBuy and sell_pcBuy

buy  = allBuy
sell = (
 sell_pc_use?sell_pcBuy:false or
 sell_vwap_use?sell_vwapBuy:false or 
 sell_rsi_use?sell_rsiBuy:false or
 sell_ma_use?sell_maBuy:false or
 sell_bb_use?sell_bbBuy:false or
 sell_cci_use?sell_cciBuy:false or
 sell_macd_use?sell_macdBuy:false or
 sell_stoch_use?sell_stochBuy:false or
 sell_stochrsi_use?sell_stochrsiBuy:false ) ? true : false

//*** This Trade Management Section of code is a modified version of that found in   ***//
//*** "How to automate this strategy for free using a chrome extension" by CryptoRox ***//
//*** Modifications and tradeState engine by JustUncleL.                             ***// 

//* Backtesting Period Selector | Component *//

// * https://www.tradingview.com/script/eCC1cvxQ-Backtesting-Period-Selector-Component *//
// * https://www.tradingview.com/u/pbergden/ *//
// * Modifications made by JustUncleL*//

testStartYear = input(2018, "Backtest Start Year",minval=1980)
testStartMonth = input(9, "Backtest Start Month",minval=1,maxval=12)
testStartDay = input(20, "Backtest Start Day",minval=1,maxval=31)
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)

testStopYear = 9999 //input(9999, "Backtest Stop Year",minval=1980)
testStopMonth = 12 // input(12, "Backtest Stop Month",minval=1,maxval=12)
testStopDay = 31 //input(31, "Backtest Stop Day",minval=1,maxval=31)
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)

testPeriod() => time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false

//* Strategy Component *//
high_ = high
low_  = low

BLUE = #0000FFFF
RED  = #FF0000FF
LIME = #00FF00FF
GRAY = #808080FF
DARKRED   = #8B0000FF
//fastExit  = input(false,title="Use Opposite Trade as a Close Signal")
//clrBars   = input(true,title="Colour Candles to Trade Order state")

fastExit = true
clrBars  = false
//orderType = input("LongsOnly",title="What type of Orders", options=["Longs+Shorts","LongsOnly","ShortsOnly","Flip"])
orderType = "LongsOnly"
isLong   = (orderType != "ShortsOnly")
isShort  = (orderType != "LongsOnly")

//* Put Entry and special Exit conditions here *//

//* tradeState Engine  *//
INACTIVE    = 0   // No trades open
ACTIVELONG  = 1   // Long Trade Started
ACTIVESHORT = -1  // Short Trade Started

// Keep track of current trade state
longClose = false, longClose := nz(longClose[1],false)
shortClose = false, shortClose := nz(shortClose[1],false)
tradeState = INACTIVE, tradeState := nz(tradeState[1])
tradeState := tradeState==INACTIVE ?   buy==1 and (barstate.isconfirmed or barstate.ishistory) and isLong and not longClose and not shortClose? ACTIVELONG :
                               sell==1  and (barstate.isconfirmed or barstate.ishistory) and isShort and not longClose and not shortClose? ACTIVESHORT : 
                          tradeState : tradeState

//Entry Triggers, this happens when tradeState changes from neutral to active
longCondition  = false
shortCondition = false
longCondition  := change(tradeState) and tradeState==ACTIVELONG
shortCondition := change(tradeState) and tradeState==ACTIVESHORT
if orderType=="Flip"
    temp = longCondition
    longCondition  := shortCondition
    shortCondition := temp
//end if

//SPECIAL Exit Condition.
// Exit on Average Fast/Slow MA cross over, force no repaint
longExitC  =  sell ? 1 : 0
shortExitC = 0

// Exit Trigger without SL set and trade Actine
longExit = change(longExitC) and longExitC==1 and tradeState==1
shortExit = change(shortExitC) and shortExitC==1 and tradeState==-1

// -- debugs
//plotchar(tradeState,"tradeState at Event",location=location.bottom, color=na)
//plotchar(longCondition, title="longCondition",color=na)
//plotchar(shortCondition, title="shortCondition",color=na)
//plotchar(tradeState, title="tradeState",color=na)
// -- /debugs

//======[ Deal Entry Prices ]======//

last_open_longCondition = na
last_open_shortCondition = na
last_open_longCondition := longCondition ? close : nz(last_open_longCondition[1])
last_open_shortCondition := shortCondition ? close : nz(last_open_shortCondition[1])

//======[ Position State ]======//

in_longCondition  = tradeState == ACTIVELONG
in_shortCondition = tradeState == ACTIVESHORT

//======[ Trailing Stop ]======//

// This Trailing Stop Starts as soon as trade is Started
isTS = input(false, "Trailing Stop")
ts   = input(3.0, "Trailing Stop (%)", minval=0,step=0.1, type=float) /100

// Initialise and track highs and lows
short_ts = false, long_ts = false
last_high = 0.0, last_high := nz(last_high[1],na)
last_low = 0.0, last_low := nz(last_low[1],na)
last_high_short = 0.0, last_high_short := nz(last_high_short[1],na)
last_low_long = 0.0, last_low_long := nz(last_low_long[1],na)

if in_longCondition == true
    last_high :=  (na(last_high) or high_ > last_high) ? high_ : last_high
    last_low_long :=  (na(last_low_long) or low_ < last_low_long) ? low_ : last_low_long
    long_ts :=  isTS and (low_ <= last_high - last_high * ts)
if in_longCondition == false
    long_ts := false
    last_high := na
    last_low_long := na
//end if

if in_shortCondition == true
    last_low := (na(last_low) or low_ < last_low) ? low_ : last_low
    last_high_short := (na(last_high_short) or high_ > last_high_short) ? high_ : last_high_short
    short_ts := isTS and (high_ >= last_low + last_low * ts)
if in_shortCondition == false
    short_ts := false
    last_low := na
    last_high_short := na
//end if

//======[ Take Profit ]======//

isTP = input(true, "Take Profit")
tp   = input(1.0, "Take Profit (%)",minval=0,step=0.1,type=float) / 100
ttp  = input(0.0, "Trailing Profit (%)",minval=0,step=0.1,type=float) / 100
ttp := ttp>tp ? tp : ttp

long_tp  = isTP and in_longCondition  and (last_high >= last_open_longCondition + last_open_longCondition * tp)  and (low_ <= last_high - last_high * ttp)
short_tp = isTP and in_shortCondition and (last_low <= last_open_shortCondition - last_open_shortCondition * tp) and (high_ >= last_low + last_low * ttp)

//======[ Stop Loss ]======//

isSL     = input(true, "Stop Loss")
sl       = input(2.0, "Stop Loss (%)", minval=0,step=0.1, type=float) / 100
long_sl  =  isSL and in_longCondition and (low_ <= last_open_longCondition - last_open_longCondition * sl)
short_sl = isSL and in_shortCondition and (high_ >= last_open_shortCondition + last_open_shortCondition * sl)

//======[ Stop on Opposite ]======//

//NOTE Short exit signal is non-repainting, no need to force it, if Pyramiding keep going
long_sos = (fastExit or (not isTS and not isSL)) and longExit and in_longCondition
short_sos = (fastExit or (not isTS and not isSL)) and shortExit and in_shortCondition 

//======[ Close Signals ]======//

// Create a single close for all the different closing conditions, all conditions here are non-repainting
longClose  := isLong and (long_tp or long_sl or long_ts or long_sos) and not longCondition
shortClose := isShort and (short_tp or short_sl or short_ts or short_sos) and not shortCondition

//======[ Plot Colors ]======//

longCloseCol = na
shortCloseCol = na
longCloseCol := long_tp ? green : long_sl ? maroon : long_ts ? purple : long_sos ? orange :longCloseCol[1]
shortCloseCol := short_tp ? green : short_sl ? maroon : short_ts ? purple : short_sos ? orange : shortCloseCol[1]
tpColor = isTP and in_longCondition ? lime : isTP and in_shortCondition ? lime : na
slColor = isSL and in_longCondition ? red : isSL and in_shortCondition ? red : na

//======[ Strategy Plots ]======//

plot(isTS and in_longCondition?
     last_high - last_high * ts : na, "Buy Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isTP and in_longCondition and last_high < last_open_longCondition + last_open_longCondition * tp ? 
     last_open_longCondition + last_open_longCondition * tp : na, "Long TP Active", tpColor, style=3,join=false, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isTP and in_longCondition and last_high >= last_open_longCondition +  last_open_longCondition * tp ? 
     last_high - last_high * ttp : na, "Buy Trailing", black, style=2, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isSL and in_longCondition and last_low_long > last_open_longCondition - last_open_longCondition * sl ? 
     last_open_longCondition - last_open_longCondition * sl : na, "Long SL", slColor, style=3,join=false, linewidth=1,offset=1)

plot(isTS and in_shortCondition?
     last_low + last_low * ts : na, "Short Trailing", fuchsia, style=2, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isTP and in_shortCondition and last_low > last_open_shortCondition - last_open_shortCondition * tp ? 
     last_open_shortCondition - last_open_shortCondition * tp : na, "Short TP Active", tpColor, style=3,join=false, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isTP and in_shortCondition and last_low <= last_open_shortCondition -  last_open_shortCondition * tp ? 
     last_low + last_low * ttp : na, "Short Trailing", black, style=2, linewidth=1,offset=1)
plot(isSL and in_shortCondition and last_high_short < last_open_shortCondition + last_open_shortCondition * sl ? 
     last_open_shortCondition + last_open_shortCondition * sl : na, "Short SL", slColor, style=3,join=false, linewidth=1,offset=1)

// Colour code the candles for Profit/Loss: Profit=LIGHT colour,  Loss=DARK colour 
bclr = not clrBars ? na : tradeState==INACTIVE ? GRAY : 
                          in_longCondition ? close<last_open_longCondition? DARKGREEN : LIME :
                          in_shortCondition ? close>last_open_shortCondition? DARKRED : RED : GRAY
barcolor(bclr,title="Trade State Bar Colouring")

//======[ Alert Plots ]======//

// //LONGS
// plotshape(longCondition?close:na, title="Buy", color=green, textcolor=green, transp=0, 
//           style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small,text="Buy",offset=0)
// plotshape(longClose?close:na,    title="Sell", color=longCloseCol, textcolor=white, transp=0, 
//           style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.small,text="Sell",offset=0)
// plotshape(shortCondition?close:na, title="Short", color=red, textcolor=red, transp=0, 
//           style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.small,text="SHORT",offset=0)
// plotshape(shortClose?close:na, title="Short Close", color=shortCloseCol, textcolor=white, transp=0, 
//           style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.small,text="Short",offset=0)

// Autoview alert syntax - This assumes you are trading coins BUY and SELL on Binance Exchange
// WARNING*** Only use Autoview to automate a strategy after you've sufficiently backtested and forward tested the strategy.
// You can learn more about the syntax here:
//      http://autoview.with.pink/#syntax and you can watch this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epN5Tjinuxw

// For the opens you will want to trigger BUY orders on LONGS (eg ETHBTC) with alert option "Once Per Bar Close"
// and SELL orders on SHORTS (eg BTCUSDT)
//      b=buy q=0.001 e=binance s=ethbtc  u=currency t=market  ( LONG )
// or   b=sell q=0.001 e=binance s=btcusdt t=market ( SHORT )
//alertcondition(longCondition, "Open Long", "LONG")
//alertcondition(shortCondition, "Open Short", "SHORT")

// For the closes you will want to trigger these alerts on condition with alert option "Once Per Bar"
// (NOTE: with Renko you can only use "Once Per Bar Close" option)
//      b=sell q=99% e=binance s=ethbtc t=market  ( CLOSE LONGS )
// or   b=buy q=99% e=binance s=btcusdt  u=currency t=market  ( CLOSE SHORTS )
// This gets it as it happens and typically results in a better exit live than in the backtest. 
// It works really well for counteracting some market slippage
//alertcondition(longClose, "Close Longs", "CLOSE LONGS")
//alertcondition(shortClose, "Close Shorts", "CLOSE SHORTS")

//======[ Strategy Entry and Exits ]======//

if testPeriod() and isLong
    strategy.entry("Long", 1, when=longCondition)
    strategy.close("Long", when=longClose )

//if testPeriod() and isShort
//    strategy.entry("Short", 0,  when=shortCondition)
//    strategy.close("Short", when=shortClose )
// --- Debugs
// --- /Debugs

//======[ Reset Variables ]======//

if longClose or shortClose
    tradeState := INACTIVE
    in_longCondition := false
    in_shortCondition := false
    last_low := na
    last_low_long := na
    last_high := na
    last_high_short := na

// EOF

//-- SUPPORT/RESISTANCE LINES    by:ByDipsOnly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
sr_sep             = input(false, title="⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻ S/R Lines  ⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻⎻")
show_SPlines_input = input(true, "Show S/R Lines")
tf = timeframe.period

vamp = input(title="VolumeMA",  defval=6)
vam = sma(volume, vamp)

upside = high[3]>high[4] and high[4]>high[5] and high[2]<high[3] and high[1]<high[2] and volume[3]>vam[3]
downside = low[3]<low[4] and low[4]<low[5] and low[2]>low[3] and low[1]>low[2] and volume[3]>vam[3]

calcup() =>
    fractalup = na
    fractalup := upside ? high[3] : fractalup[1]

calcdown() =>
    fractaldown = na
    fractaldown := downside ? low[3] : fractaldown[1]

fuptf = request.security(syminfo.tickerid,tf == "current" ? timeframe.period : tf, calcup())
fdowntf = request.security(syminfo.tickerid,tf == "current" ? timeframe.period : tf, calcdown())

plotup = show_SPlines_input==true?fuptf:na
plotdown = show_SPlines_input==true?fdowntf:na
plot(plotup, "FractalUp", color=yellow, linewidth=1, style=cross, transp=0, offset =-3, join=false)
plot(plotdown, "FractalDown", color=blue, linewidth=1, style=cross, transp=0, offset=-3, join=false)

fractalupalert = na
fractalup = na
fractalup := upside ? high[3] : fractalup[1]
fractalupalert := high[3] > open or fractalup[1] > open
alertcondition(show_SPlines_input?fractalupalert:na, title="R Line", message='R Line')
//-- END SUPPORT/RESISTANCE LINES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
