start: 2023-11-20 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-07 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// Copyright by HPotter v1.0 11/11/2019
// This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal.
// First strategy
// This System was created from the Book "How I Tripled My Money In The
// Futures Market" by Ulf Jensen, Page 183. This is reverse type of strategies.
// The strategy buys at market, if close price is higher than the previous close
// during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Slow Oscillator is lower than 50.
// The strategy sells at market, if close price is lower than the previous close price
// during 2 days and the meaning of 9-days Stochastic Fast Oscillator is higher than 50.
// Second strategy
// This is modified version of Dale Legan's "Confluence" indicator written by Gary Fritz.
// ================================================================
// Here is Gary`s commentary:
// Since the Confluence indicator returned several "states" (bull, bear, grey, and zero),
// he modified the return value a bit:
// -9 to -1 = Bearish
// -0.9 to 0.9 = "grey" (and zero)
// 1 to 9 = Bullish
// The "grey" range corresponds to the "grey" values plotted by Dale's indicator, but
// they're divided by 10.
// - For purpose educate only
// - This script to change bars colors.
Reversal123(Length, KSmoothing, DLength, Level) =>
vFast = sma(stoch(close, high, low, Length), KSmoothing)
vSlow = sma(vFast, DLength)
pos = 0.0
pos := iff(close[2] < close[1] and close > close[1] and vFast < vSlow and vFast > Level, 1,
iff(close[2] > close[1] and close < close[1] and vFast > vSlow and vFast < Level, -1, nz(pos[1], 0)))
Confluence(Harmonic, BuyBand, SellBand) =>
pos = 0.0
Price = close
STL = round((Harmonic * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
ITL = round((STL * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
LTL = round((ITL * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
HOFF = round(Harmonic / 2 - 0.5)
SOFF = round(STL / 2 - 0.5)
IOFF = round(ITL / 2 - 0.5)
xHavg = sma(Price, Harmonic)
xSavg = sma(Price, STL)
xIavg = sma(Price, ITL)
xLavg = sma(Price, LTL)
xvalue2 = xSavg - xHavg[HOFF]
xvalue3 = xIavg - xSavg[SOFF]
xvalue12 = xLavg - xIavg[IOFF]
xmomsig = xvalue2 + xvalue3 + xvalue12
xLavgOHLC = sma(ohlc4, LTL - 1)
xH2 = sma(Price, Harmonic - 1)
xS2 = sma(Price, STL - 1)
xI2 = sma(Price, ITL - 1)
xL2 = sma(Price, LTL - 1)
DerivH = (xHavg * 2) - xHavg[1]
DerivS = (xSavg * 2) - xSavg[1]
DerivI = (xIavg * 2) - xIavg[1]
DerivL = (xLavg * 2) - xLavg[1]
SumDH = Harmonic * DerivH
SumDS = STL * DerivS
SumDI = ITL * DerivI
SumDL = LTL * DerivL
LengH = Harmonic - 1
LengS = STL - 1
LengI = ITL - 1
LengL = LTL - 1
N1H = xH2 * LengH
N1S = xS2 * LengS
N1I = xI2 * LengI
N1L = xL2 * LengL
DRH = SumDH - N1H
DRS = SumDS - N1S
DRI = SumDI - N1I
DRL = SumDL - N1L
SumH = xH2 * (Harmonic - 1)
SumS = xS2 * (STL - 1)
SumI = xI2 * (ITL - 1)
SumL = xLavgOHLC * (LTL - 1)
xvalue5 = (SumH + DRH) / Harmonic
xvalue6 = (SumS + DRS) / STL
xvalue7 = (SumI + DRI) / ITL
xvalue13 = (SumL + DRL) / LTL
value9 = xvalue6 - xvalue5[HOFF]
value10 = xvalue7 - xvalue6[SOFF]
value14 = xvalue13 - xvalue7[IOFF]
xmom = value9 + value10 + value14
HT = sin(xvalue5 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue5 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
HTA = sin(xHavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xHavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
ST = sin(xvalue6 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue6 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
STA = sin(xSavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xSavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
IT = sin(xvalue7 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue7 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
ITA = sin(xIavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xIavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
xSum = HT + ST + IT
xErr = HTA + STA + ITA
Condition2 = (((xSum > xSum[SOFF]) and (xHavg < xHavg[SOFF])) or ((xSum < xSum[SOFF]) and (xHavg > xHavg[SOFF])))
Phase = iff(Condition2 , -1 , 1)
xErrSum = (xSum - xErr) * Phase
xErrSig = sma(xErrSum, SOFF)
xvalue70 = xvalue5 - xvalue13
xvalue71 = sma(xvalue70, Harmonic)
ErrNum = iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, 1,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, 2,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, 2,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, 3,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, -1,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, -2,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, -2,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, -3, 0))))))))
momNum = iff (xmom > 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig , 1,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, 2,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, 2,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, 3,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, -1,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, -2,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, -2,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, -3, 0))))))))
TCNum = iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, 1,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, 2,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, 2,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, 3,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, -1,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, -2,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, -2,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, -3,0))))))))
value42 = ErrNum + momNum + TCNum
Confluence = iff (value42 > 0 and xvalue70 > 0, value42,
iff (value42 < 0 and xvalue70 < 0, value42,
iff ((value42 > 0 and xvalue70 < 0) or (value42 < 0 and xvalue70 > 0), value42 / 10, 0)))
Res1 = iff (Confluence >= 1, Confluence, 0)
Res2 = iff (Confluence <= -1, Confluence, 0)
Res3 = iff (Confluence == 0, 0, iff (Confluence > -1 and Confluence < 1, 10 * Confluence, 0))
pos := iff(Res2 >= SellBand and Res2 != 0, -1,
iff(Res1 <= BuyBand and Res1 != 0, 1,
iff(Res3 != 0, 2, nz(pos[1], 0))))
strategy(title="Combo Backtest 123 Reversal & Confluence", shorttitle="Combo", overlay = true)
Length = input(14, minval=1)
KSmoothing = input(1, minval=1)
DLength = input(3, minval=1)
Level = input(50, minval=1)
Harmonic = input(10, minval=1)
BuyBand = input(9)
SellBand = input(-9)
reverse = input(false, title="Trade reverse")
posReversal123 = Reversal123(Length, KSmoothing, DLength, Level)
posConfluence = Confluence(Harmonic, BuyBand, SellBand)
pos = iff(posReversal123 == 1 and posConfluence == 1 , 1,
iff(posReversal123 == -1 and posConfluence == -1, -1, 0))
possig = iff(reverse and pos == 1, -1,
iff(reverse and pos == -1 , 1, pos))
if (possig == 1)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if (possig == -1)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
if (possig == 0)
barcolor(possig == -1 ? #b50404: possig == 1 ? #079605 : #0536b3 )