该策略是一个简单经典的跨越移动平均线策略,由著名交易员莱瑞·威廉姆斯创造。策略使用 9 日简单移动平均线作为快线,21 日指数移动平均线作为慢线。当价格上涨突破 9 日线时做多,当价格下跌突破 9 日线时做空。为过滤假突破,还引入 21 日线辅助判断趋势。
该策略基于移动平均线的黄金交叉和死亡交叉来判断做多和做空机会。当快线从下方上穿慢线时为黄金交叉,表示行情转 bullish,这样的突破做多;当快线 从上方下穿慢线时为死亡交叉,表示行情转 bearish,这样的突破做空。
为避免出现假突破导致虚拟损失,策略还引入 21 日线判断大趋势。只有在快线突破的同时,价格也突破 21 日线时,才采取交易行动。这样可以有效过滤掉许多假突破。
具体来说,做多的信号是:快线上涨突破昨日高点,同时快线突破 21 日线,这样多头才确立;做空信号是:快线下跌突破昨日低点,同时快线突破 21 日线,这样空头才确立。
参数优化。可以通过更系统的方法对 MA 周期参数组合进行测试,找到更优参数。
结合其他指标。引入 MACD、ATR、KD 等其他指标信号,获得更多维度的确认,提高策略稳定性。
// @_benac
strategy('Larry', overlay=true , initial_capital=1000 )
// //
// //
// Codigo Operacional //
// //
// //
// Usage for Stocks , or Criptos with value bigger then 1, cuz of 0.01 ´pip.
// Daily timeframe
//Observation Point
start = timestamp(2020, 00, 00, 00, 00) // backtest start window
finish = timestamp(2022, 01, 07, 23, 59) // backtest finish window
window() => true // create function "within window of time"
if time < start
strategy.close_all("Closing All")
// Take infos from inputs.
inp_mmshort = input.int(defval = 9, title = "Media Curta" )
inp_mminter = input.int(defval = 21, title = "Media Curta" )
// Risk Manager, here define max and min
inp_max = input.int(defval = 15, title = "Percentual Ganho" )
inp_min = input.int(defval = 5, title = "Percental Perda" )
// Converting the input to %
pmax = (inp_max / 100 )
pmin = (inp_min / 100)
// Infos From Moving Average
mm_short = ta.sma(close , inp_mmshort)
mm_inter = ta.ema(close , inp_mminter)
// Trend Logic
//Long Condition
//Setup do Larry Willians Bem Simples , media virou para cima e rompeu a maxima de referencia, compra.
tendencia_alta = mm_short[2] > mm_short[1] and mm_short > mm_short[1] and close > high[1] and close > mm_short and mm_short > mm_inter
tendencia_baixa = mm_short[2] < mm_short[1] and mm_short < mm_short[1] and close > low[1] and close < mm_short and mm_short < mm_inter
// Creating the entry
if tendencia_alta
strategy.entry("Compra" , strategy.long , stop = low - 0.01 )
stop_inst = low - 0.01
if tendencia_baixa
strategy.entry("Venda" , strategy.short , stop= high + 0.01 )
stop_inst = high + 0.01
// TrailingStop Creation
// Sell Position
if strategy.position_size < 0
gain_p = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * pmax)
stop_p = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) + (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * pmin)
// Managing the position
if close < gain_p
strategy.close_all(comment = " 1 - Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )
if close > stop_p
strategy.close_all(comment = " 2 - Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )
if high > mm_short[1]
strategy.close_all(comment = " 3 - Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )
// Buy Position
if strategy.position_size > 0
gain_p = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) + (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * pmax)
stop_p = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) * pmin)
// Managing the position
if close > gain_p
strategy.close_all(comment = " 1- Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )
if close < stop_p
strategy.close_all(comment = " 2 -Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )
if low < mm_short[1]
strategy.close_all(comment = " 3 -Ganho : " + str.tostring( gain_p) + " Perda : " + str.tostring( stop_p) )