该策略整体来说适合 Intraday 强势趋势行情,特点是止损设置科学,砖块指标可提前识别趋势转变。通过参数调整可适应不同市场环境,是一款值得实盘验证的趋势追踪策略。
/*backtest start: 2022-12-20 00:00:00 end: 2023-12-26 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=4 strategy("Lancelot vstop intraday strategy", overlay=true, currency=currency.NONE, initial_capital = 100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.075, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100) ///Volatility Stop/// lengtha = input(title="Vstop length", type=input.integer, defval=26, minval=1) mult1a = 5 atr_a = atr(lengtha) max1a = 0.0 min1a = 0.0 is_uptrend_preva = false stopa = 0.0 vstop_preva = 0.0 vstop1a = 0.0 is_uptrenda = false is_trend_changeda = false max_a = 0.0 min_a = 0.0 vstopa = 0.0 max1a := max(nz(max_a[1]), ohlc4) min1a := min(nz(min_a[1]), ohlc4) is_uptrend_preva := nz(is_uptrenda[1], true) stopa := is_uptrend_preva ? max1a - mult1a * atr_a : min1a + mult1a * atr_a vstop_preva := nz(vstopa[1]) vstop1a := is_uptrend_preva ? max(vstop_preva, stopa) : min(vstop_preva, stopa) is_uptrenda := ohlc4 - vstop1a >= 0 is_trend_changeda := is_uptrenda != is_uptrend_preva max_a := is_trend_changeda ? ohlc4 : max1a min_a := is_trend_changeda ? ohlc4 : min1a vstopa := is_trend_changeda ? is_uptrenda ? max_a - mult1a * atr_a : min_a + mult1a * atr_a : vstop1a ///Volatility Stop/// lengthb = input(title="Vstop length", type=input.integer, defval=26, minval=1) mult1b = 10 atr_b = atr(lengthb) max1b = 0.0 min1b = 0.0 is_uptrend_prevb = false stopb = 0.0 vstop_prevb = 0.0 vstop1b = 0.0 is_uptrendb = false is_trend_changedb = false max_b = 0.0 min_b = 0.0 vstopb = 0.0 max1b := max(nz(max_b[1]), ohlc4) min1b := min(nz(min_b[1]), ohlc4) is_uptrend_prevb := nz(is_uptrendb[1], true) stopb := is_uptrend_prevb ? max1b - mult1b * atr_b : min1b + mult1b * atr_b vstop_prevb := nz(vstopb[1]) vstop1b := is_uptrend_prevb ? max(vstop_prevb, stopb) : min(vstop_prevb, stopb) is_uptrendb := ohlc4 - vstop1b >= 0 is_trend_changedb := is_uptrendb != is_uptrend_prevb max_b := is_trend_changedb ? ohlc4 : max1b min_b := is_trend_changedb ? ohlc4 : min1b vstopb := is_trend_changedb ? is_uptrendb ? max_b - mult1b * atr_b : min_b + mult1b * atr_b : vstop1b ///Volatility Stop/// lengthc = input(title="Vstop length", type=input.integer, defval=26, minval=1) mult1c = 15 atr_c = atr(lengthc) max1c = 0.0 min1c = 0.0 is_uptrend_prevc = false stopc = 0.0 vstop_prevc = 0.0 vstop1c = 0.0 is_uptrendc = false is_trend_changedc = false max_c = 0.0 min_c = 0.0 vstopc = 0.0 max1c := max(nz(max_c[1]), ohlc4) min1c := min(nz(min_c[1]), ohlc4) is_uptrend_prevc := nz(is_uptrendc[1], true) stopc := is_uptrend_prevc ? max1c - mult1c * atr_c : min1c + mult1c * atr_c vstop_prevc := nz(vstopc[1]) vstop1c := is_uptrend_prevc ? max(vstop_prevc, stopc) : min(vstop_prevc, stopc) is_uptrendc := ohlc4 - vstop1c >= 0 is_trend_changedc := is_uptrendc != is_uptrend_prevc max_c := is_trend_changedc ? ohlc4 : max1c min_c := is_trend_changedc ? ohlc4 : min1c vstopc := is_trend_changedc ? is_uptrendc ? max_c - mult1c * atr_c : min_c + mult1c * atr_c : vstop1c plot(vstopa, color=is_uptrenda ? color.green : color.red, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1) plot(vstopb, color=is_uptrendb ? color.green : color.red, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1) plot(vstopc, color=is_uptrendc ? color.green : color.red, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1) vstoplongcondition = close > vstopa and close > vstopb and close > vstopc and vstopa > vstopb and vstopa > vstopc and vstopb > vstopc vstoplongclosecondition = crossunder(close, vstopa) vstopshortcondition = close < vstopa and close < vstopb and close < vstopc and vstopa < vstopb and vstopa < vstopc and vstopb < vstopc vstopshortclosecondition = crossover(close, vstopa) ///Renko/// TF = input(title='TimeFrame', type=input.resolution, defval="240") ATRlength = input(title="ATR length", type=input.integer, defval=60, minval=2, maxval=100) SMAlength = input(title="SMA length", type=input.integer, defval=5, minval=2, maxval=100) SMACurTFlength = input(title="SMA CurTF length", type=input.integer, defval=20, minval=2, maxval=100) HIGH = security(syminfo.tickerid, TF, high) LOW = security(syminfo.tickerid, TF, low) CLOSE = security(syminfo.tickerid, TF, close) ATR = security(syminfo.tickerid, TF, atr(ATRlength)) SMA = security(syminfo.tickerid, TF, sma(close, SMAlength)) SMACurTF = sma(close, SMACurTFlength) RENKOUP = float(na) RENKODN = float(na) H = float(na) COLOR = color(na) BUY = int(na) SELL = int(na) UP = bool(na) DN = bool(na) CHANGE = bool(na) RENKOUP := na(RENKOUP[1]) ? (HIGH + LOW) / 2 + ATR / 2 : RENKOUP[1] RENKODN := na(RENKOUP[1]) ? (HIGH + LOW) / 2 - ATR / 2 : RENKODN[1] H := na(RENKOUP[1]) or na(RENKODN[1]) ? RENKOUP - RENKODN : RENKOUP[1] - RENKODN[1] COLOR := na(COLOR[1]) ? color.white : COLOR[1] BUY := na(BUY[1]) ? 0 : BUY[1] SELL := na(SELL[1]) ? 0 : SELL[1] UP := false DN := false CHANGE := false if not CHANGE and close >= RENKOUP[1] + H * 3 CHANGE := true UP := true RENKOUP := RENKOUP[1] + ATR * 3 RENKODN := RENKOUP[1] + ATR * 2 COLOR := color.lime SELL := 0 BUY := BUY + 3 BUY if not CHANGE and close >= RENKOUP[1] + H * 2 CHANGE := true UP := true RENKOUP := RENKOUP[1] + ATR * 2 RENKODN := RENKOUP[1] + ATR COLOR := color.lime SELL := 0 BUY := BUY + 2 BUY if not CHANGE and close >= RENKOUP[1] + H CHANGE := true UP := true RENKOUP := RENKOUP[1] + ATR RENKODN := RENKOUP[1] COLOR := color.lime SELL := 0 BUY := BUY + 1 BUY if not CHANGE and close <= RENKODN[1] - H * 3 CHANGE := true DN := true RENKODN := RENKODN[1] - ATR * 3 RENKOUP := RENKODN[1] - ATR * 2 COLOR := color.red BUY := 0 SELL := SELL + 3 SELL if not CHANGE and close <= RENKODN[1] - H * 2 CHANGE := true DN := true RENKODN := RENKODN[1] - ATR * 2 RENKOUP := RENKODN[1] - ATR COLOR := color.red BUY := 0 SELL := SELL + 2 SELL if not CHANGE and close <= RENKODN[1] - H CHANGE := true DN := true RENKODN := RENKODN[1] - ATR RENKOUP := RENKODN[1] COLOR := color.red BUY := 0 SELL := SELL + 1 SELL plotshape(UP, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.abovebar, size=size.normal) plotshape(DN, style=shape.arrowdown, location=location.belowbar, size=size.normal) p1 = plot(RENKOUP, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, color=COLOR) p2 = plot(RENKODN, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, color=COLOR) fill(p1, p2, color=COLOR, transp=80) ///Long Entry/// longcondition = vstoplongcondition and UP if (longcondition) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) ///Long exit/// closeconditionlong = vstoplongclosecondition or DN if (closeconditionlong) strategy.close("Long") // ///Short Entry/// // shortcondition = vstopshortcondition and DN // if (shortcondition) // strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short) // ///Short exit/// // closeconditionshort = vstopshortclosecondition or UP // if (closeconditionshort) // strategy.close("Short")