
创建日期: 2023-12-29 15:46:15 最后修改: 2023-12-29 15:46:15
复制: 1 点击次数: 328





  1. 计算10期和20期的EMA均线,分别命名为ma00和ma01
  2. 当ma00上穿ma01时产生买入信号
  3. 当ma00下穿ma01时产生卖出信号
  4. 同时,当价格上穿ma00时,如果ma00高于ma01也会产生买入信号
  5. 类似当价格下穿ma00时,如果ma00低于ma01也会产生卖出信号
  6. 通过这种双重判断,可以避免错过部分买卖点
  7. 设置止损和止盈价格,实现风险控制


  1. 使用双EMA判断,可以有效过滤假突破
  2. 双重条件判断避免漏单
  3. 止损止盈设置有利于风险控制


  1. 双EMA均线策略属于趋势跟踪策略,在震荡行情下买卖频繁,容易止损
  2. 不能准确判断趋势反转点,可能导致亏损
  3. 停损点设置不当可能扩大亏损


  1. 可以适当优化EMA周期,寻找最佳参数组合
  2. 可以加入其他指标判断,提高策略稳定性
  3. 可以设置动态止损,根据市场波动实时调整止损点
start: 2023-12-21 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-28 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]


strategy(title='[STRATEGY][RS]MicuRobert EMA cross V1', shorttitle='S', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, initial_capital=100000)
USE_TRADESESSION = input(title='Use Trading Session?', type=bool, defval=true)
USE_TRAILINGSTOP = input(title='Use Trailing Stop?', type=bool, defval=true)
trade_session = input(title='Trade Session:',  defval='0400-1500', confirm=false)
istradingsession = not USE_TRADESESSION ? false : not na(time('1', trade_session))
trade_size = input(title='Trade Size:', type=float, defval=1)
tp = input(title='Take profit in pips:', type=float, defval=55.0) * (syminfo.mintick*10)
sl = input(title='Stop loss in pips:', type=float, defval=11.0) * (syminfo.mintick*10)
ma_length00 = input(title='EMA length:',  defval=10)
ma_length01 = input(title='DEMA length:',  defval=20)
price = input(title='Price source:', defval=open)

//  ||--- NO LAG EMA, Credit LazyBear:  ---||
f_LB_zlema(_src, _length)=>
    _ema1=ema(_src, _length)
    _ema2=ema(_ema1, _length)
//  ||-------------------------------------||

ma00 = f_LB_zlema(price, ma_length00)
ma01 = f_LB_zlema(price, ma_length01)
plot(title='M0', series=ma00, color=black)
plot(title='M1', series=ma01, color=black)

isnewbuy = change(strategy.position_size)>0 and change(strategy.opentrades)>0
isnewsel = change(strategy.position_size)<0 and change(strategy.opentrades)>0

buy_entry_price = isnewbuy ? price : buy_entry_price[1]
sel_entry_price = isnewsel ? price : sel_entry_price[1]
plot(title='BE', series=buy_entry_price, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size <= 0 ? na : aqua)
plot(title='SE', series=sel_entry_price, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size >= 0 ? na : aqua)
buy_appex = na(buy_appex[1]) ? price : isnewbuy ? high : high >= buy_appex[1] ? high : buy_appex[1]
sel_appex = na(sel_appex[1]) ? price : isnewsel ? low : low <= sel_appex[1] ? low : sel_appex[1]
plot(title='BA', series=buy_appex, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size <= 0 ? na : teal)
plot(title='SA', series=sel_appex, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size >= 0 ? na : teal)
buy_ts = buy_appex - sl
sel_ts = sel_appex + sl
plot(title='Bts', series=buy_ts, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size <= 0 ? na : red)
plot(title='Sts', series=sel_ts, style=circles, color=strategy.position_size >= 0 ? na : red)

buy_cond1 = crossover(ma00, ma01) and (USE_TRADESESSION ? istradingsession : true)
buy_cond0 = crossover(price, ma00) and ma00 > ma01 and (USE_TRADESESSION ? istradingsession : true)
buy_entry = buy_cond1 or buy_cond0
buy_close = (not USE_TRAILINGSTOP ? false : low <= buy_ts) or high>=buy_entry_price+tp//high>=last_traded_price + tp or low<=last_traded_price - sl //high >= hh or 
sel_cond1 = crossunder(ma00, ma01) and (USE_TRADESESSION ? istradingsession : true)
sel_cond0 = crossunder(price, ma00) and ma00 < ma01 and (USE_TRADESESSION ? istradingsession : true)
sel_entry = sel_cond1 or sel_cond0
sel_close = (not USE_TRAILINGSTOP ? false : high >= sel_ts) or low<=sel_entry_price-tp//low<=last_traded_price - tp or high>=last_traded_price + sl //low <= ll or 

strategy.entry('buy', long=strategy.long, qty=trade_size, comment='buy', when=buy_entry)
strategy.close('buy', when=buy_close)
strategy.entry('sell', long=strategy.short, qty=trade_size, comment='sell', when=sel_entry)
strategy.close('sell', when=sel_close)

//What i add .!
pos = iff(ma01 < ma00 , 1,
	    iff(ma01 > ma00 , -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) 
barcolor(pos == -1 ? red: pos == 1 ? green : blue)
plot(ma00, color=red, title="MA")
plot(ma01, color=blue, title="EMA")