承压指标追踪策略是根据Alexander Elder博士的Elder Ray指标设计的,用于测量市场的买入和卖出压力。该策略采用13日指数移动平均线来表示市场价值的共识,使用承压指标来测量卖方将价格推低共识价值的能力。
承压指标追踪策略概念简单,通过比较单一指标和指定阈值来判断 entrada 和 salida,容易操作。但作为基于指标的策略,可优化空间还很大,可从指标、止损、股票筛选等方面进行综合优化,使策略更稳定可靠。
start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
//@version = 2
// Copyright by HPotter v1.0 07/12/2016
// Developed by Dr Alexander Elder, the Elder-ray indicator measures buying
// and selling pressure in the market. The Elder-ray is often used as part
// of the Triple Screen trading system but may also be used on its own.
// Dr Elder uses a 13-day exponential moving average (EMA) to indicate the
// market consensus of value. Bear Power measures the ability of sellers to
// drive prices below the consensus of value. Bear Power reflects the ability
// of sellers to drive prices below the average consensus of value.
// Bull Power is calculated by subtracting the 13-day EMA from the day's High.
// Bear power subtracts the 13-day EMA from the day's Low.
// You can use in the xPrice any series: Open, High, Low, Close, HL2, HLC3, OHLC4 and ect...
// You can change long to short in the Input Settings
// Please, use it only for learning or paper trading. Do not for real trading.
strategy(title="Elder Ray (Bear Power) Strategy Backtest")
Length = input(13, minval=1)
Trigger = input(0)
reverse = input(false, title="Trade reverse")
hline(0, color=purple, linestyle=line)
xPrice = close
xMA = ema(xPrice,Length)
DayLow = iff(dayofmonth != dayofmonth[1], low, min(low, nz(DayLow[1])))
nRes = DayLow - xMA
pos = iff(nRes > Trigger, 1,
iff(nRes < Trigger, -1, nz(pos[1], 0)))
possig = iff(reverse and pos == 1, -1,
iff(reverse and pos == -1, 1, pos))
if (possig == 1)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if (possig == -1)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
barcolor(possig == -1 ? red: possig == 1 ? green : blue )
plot(nRes, color=blue, title="Bear Power", style = histogram)