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Multi-Indicator Trend Reversal Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-23 15:33:59



This is a strategy that combines multiple indicators to identify trend reversal points in prices. The basic idea is that a single indicator alone often fails to perfectly identify turns in trends. Therefore, we select multiple indicators with similar functions and combine them, so that when multiple indicators give buy/sell signals simultaneously, we can relatively confirm the high probability of trend reversals and make trading decisions.

Strategy Logic

The strategy selects 5 different indicators for combination. These 5 indicators all have the ability to judge price trends. They are:

  1. Coral Trend Indicator: Uses a combination of triple or higher order exponential smoothing moving averages to determine price trends
  2. SSL Channel: Combines moving averages to determine price channels and trends
  3. Heikin Ashi RSI: Combines RSI indicator with intraday averages to determine trends
  4. MACD DEMA: Combines double exponential moving averages and MACD to determine trends
  5. WaveTrend Oscillator: Determines trends according to price channels

The trading logic of the strategy is that of the above 5 indicators, any 1 or more can be selected for combination. Only when multiple selected indicators give buy/sell signals simultaneously on a bar, will we open long/short positions accordingly.

For example, if we select 2 indicators: Coral Trend and SSL Channel. We will only go long when both of them give buy signals at the same time; and only go short when both of them give sell signals at the same time.

Through such multi-indicator verification, the reliability of trading signals can be greatly improved and avoid misleading by individual indicators.

Advantages of the Strategy

  1. Using a combination of multiple indicators can identify trend reversal situations with high probability and improve trading win rate
  2. Each indicator uses different calculation methods to make the signals more comprehensive and accurate
  3. Flexible combination by selecting from 1 to 5 indicators arbitrarily
  4. Detailed parameter settings are provided for each indicator for optimization across different markets
  5. Lookback window parameters provided to adjust sensitivity in identifying long/short points

Risks & Solutions

  1. Misleading risk of individual indicators

    • Solution: Verification through a combination of multiple indicators
  2. Improper parameter settings may cause too much sensitivity or dullness

    • Solution: Repeatedly test and optimize parameters based on different timeframes and products
  3. Certain lag between indicators

    • Solution: Set appropriate lookback time windows

Directions for Strategy Optimization

  1. Test more types of trend judgming indicators and expand the indicator pool to enrich combinations
  2. Increase machine learning algorithms to automatically identify optimal indicator combinations
  3. Add parameter adaptive optimization module for dynamic parameter adjustments
  4. Combine sentiment indicators, fundamentals etc. to identify trend reversals
  5. Develop quantitative risk management models to control trading risks


The strategy has overall achieved a relatively reliable trend reversal trading strategy. Its idea of using multi-indicator verification has great versatility and excellent extensibility. With further optimizations using technologies like machine learning and dynamic parameter optimization, its performance can be further improved and is worth in-depth research and application.

start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Any trade decisions you make are entirely your own responsibility//

strategy('GT 5.1 Strategy', 'GT 5.1 Strategy •', true, default_qty_type=strategy.cash)
dec1 = input(true,"HARSI", group=GROUP_6)
harsi_back = input.int(6, 'Lookback HARSI', group=GROUP_6, minval=1, maxval=32)
dec2 = input(true,"SSL", group=GROUP_6)
ssl_back = input.int(1, 'Lookback SSL', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=4)
dec3 = input(true,"CORAL", group=GROUP_6)
coral_back = input.int(4, 'Lookback CORAL', group=GROUP_6, minval=1, maxval=10)
dec4 = input(false,"MACD DEMA", group=GROUP_6)
macd_back =input.int(0, 'Lookback MACD DEMA', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=10)
dec5 = input(false,"WAVE TREND", group=GROUP_6)
wave_back=input.int(0, 'Lookback WAVE', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=10)


string GROUP_1 = 'Config » HARSI'
i_lenHARSI = input.int(14, 'Length', group=GROUP_1, minval=1)
i_smoothing = input.int(7, 'Open Smoothing', group=GROUP_1, minval=1, maxval=100)
f_zrsi(_source, _length) => ta.rsi(_source, _length) - 50
f_zstoch(_source, _length, _smooth, _scale) =>
    float _zstoch = ta.stoch(_source, _source, _source, _length) - 50
    float _smoothed = ta.sma(_zstoch, _smooth)
    float _scaled = (_smoothed / 100 )* _scale
f_rsi(_source, _length, _mode) =>
    float _zrsi = f_zrsi(_source, _length)
    var float _smoothed = na
    _smoothed := na(_smoothed[1]) ? _zrsi : (_smoothed[1] + _zrsi) / 2
    _mode ? _smoothed : _zrsi
f_rsiHeikinAshi(_length) =>
    float _closeRSI = f_zrsi(close, _length)
    float _openRSI = nz(_closeRSI[1], _closeRSI)
    float _highRSI_raw = f_zrsi(high, _length)
    float _lowRSI_raw = f_zrsi(low, _length)
    float _highRSI = math.max(_highRSI_raw, _lowRSI_raw)
    float _lowRSI = math.min(_highRSI_raw, _lowRSI_raw)
    float _close = (_openRSI + _highRSI + _lowRSI + _closeRSI) / 4
    var float _open = na
    _open := na(_open[i_smoothing]) ? (_openRSI + _closeRSI) / 2 : ((_open[1] * i_smoothing) + _close[1]) / (i_smoothing + 1)
    float _high = math.max(_highRSI, math.max(_open, _close))
    float _low = math.min(_lowRSI, math.min(_open, _close))
    [_open, _high, _low, _close]
[O, H, L, C] = f_rsiHeikinAshi(i_lenHARSI)


string GROUP_2 = 'Config » SSL Channel'
int len = input.int(10, 'Period', group=GROUP_2)
float smaHigh = ta.sma(high, len)
float smaLow = ta.sma(low, len)
float Hlv = na
Hlv := close > smaHigh ? 1 : close < smaLow ? -1 : Hlv[1]
float sslDown = Hlv < 0 ? smaHigh : smaLow
float sslUp = Hlv < 0 ? smaLow : smaHigh
plot(sslDown, linewidth=2, color=color.new(color.red, 0))
plot(sslUp, linewidth=2, color=color.new(color.lime, 0))


string GROUP_3 = 'Config » Coral Trend Candles'
src = close
sm = input.float(9, 'Smoothing Period', group=GROUP_3, minval=1)
cd = input.float(0.4, 'Constant D', group=GROUP_3, minval=0.1)
float di = (sm) / 2.0 + 1.0
float c1 = 2 / (di + 1.0)
float c2 = 1 - c1
float c3 = 3.0 * (cd * cd + cd * cd * cd)
float c4 = -3.0 * (2.0 * cd * cd + cd + cd * cd * cd)
float c5 = 3.0 * cd + 1.0 + cd * cd * cd + 3.0 * cd * cd
var float i1 = na
var float i2 = na
var float i3 = na
var float i4 = na
var float i5 = na
var float i6 = na
i1 := c1 * src + c2 * nz(i1[1])
i2 := c1 * i1 + c2 * nz(i2[1])
i3 := c1 * i2 + c2 * nz(i3[1])
i4 := c1 * i3 + c2 * nz(i4[1])
i5 := c1 * i4 + c2 * nz(i5[1])
i6 := c1 * i5 + c2 * nz(i6[1])
var float bfr = na
bfr := -cd * cd * cd * i6 + c3 * i5 + c4 * i4 + c5 * i3
color bfrC = bfr > nz(bfr[1]) ? color.green : bfr < nz(bfr[1]) ? color.red : color.blue
plot(bfr, title='Trend', linewidth=3, style=plot.style_circles, color=bfrC)

//=======================================================================MACD DEMA=======================================================================//
string GROUP_4 = 'Config » MACD DEMA'
sma = input(12,title='DEMA Short', group=GROUP_4)
lma = input(26,title='DEMA Long', group=GROUP_4)
tsp = input(9,title='Signal', group=GROUP_4)
//dolignes = input(true,title="Lines", group=GROUP_4)

MMEslowa = ta.ema(close,lma)
MMEslowb = ta.ema(MMEslowa,lma)
DEMAslow = ((2 * MMEslowa) - MMEslowb )
MMEfasta = ta.ema(close,sma)
MMEfastb = ta.ema(MMEfasta,sma)
DEMAfast = ((2 * MMEfasta) - MMEfastb)
LigneMACDZeroLag = (DEMAfast - DEMAslow)
MMEsignala = ta.ema(LigneMACDZeroLag, tsp)
MMEsignalb = ta.ema(MMEsignala, tsp)
Lignesignal = ((2 * MMEsignala) - MMEsignalb )
MACDZeroLag = (LigneMACDZeroLag - Lignesignal)
swap1 = MACDZeroLag>0?color.green:color.red

//p1 = plot(dolignes?LigneMACDZeroLag:na,"LigneMACD",color.blue)
//p2 = plot(dolignes?Lignesignal:na,"Signal",color.red)
//fill(p1, p2, color.blue)

//=======================================================================WAVE TREND=======================================================================//
string GROUP_5 = 'Config » WAVE TREND'

n1 = input(10, "Channel Length", group=GROUP_5)
n2 = input(21, "Average Length", group=GROUP_5)
//obLevel1 = input(60, "Over Bought Level 1", group=GROUP_5)
//obLevel2 = input(53, "Over Bought Level 2", group=GROUP_5)
//osLevel1 = input(-60, "Over Sold Level 1", group=GROUP_5)
//osLevel2 = input(-53, "Over Sold Level 2", group=GROUP_5)
ap = hlc3 
esa = ta.ema(ap, n1)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ta.ema(ci, n2)
wt1 = tci
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1,4)
//plot(0,"a" ,color.gray)
//plot(obLevel1,"a", color.red)
//plot(osLevel1,"a", color.green)
//plot(obLevel2,"a", color.red)
//plot(osLevel2,"a", color.green)
//plot(wt1,"a", color.green)
//plot(wt2,"a", color.red)
//plot(wt1-wt2,"a",color.blue, 1)

bool checker_1   = false   // HARSI BUY
bool checker_11  = false   // HARSI lookback BUY
bool checker_2   = false   // HARSI SELL
bool checker_21  = false   // HARSI lookback SELL
bool checker_3   = false   // SSL AL
bool checker_31  = false   // SSL lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_4   = false   // SSL SAT
bool checker_41  = false   // SSL lookback 0 dan büyükse sat
bool checker_5   = false   // CORAL AL
bool checker_51  = false   // CORAL lookback 1 den büyükse al
bool checker_6   = false   // CORAL SAT
bool checker_61  = false   // CORAL lookback 1 den büyükse sat
bool checker_7   = false   // MACD AL
bool checker_71  = false   // MACD lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_8   = false   // MACD SAT
bool checker_81  = false   // MACD lookback 0 dan büyükse sat
bool checker_9   = false   // WAVE AL
bool checker_91  = false   // WAVE lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_10  = false   // WAVE SAT
bool checker_101 = false   // WAVE lookback 0 dan büyükse sat

if harsi_back==1
    if ( C > O and C[1] < O[1] and C > C[1])
        checker_1 := true
//HARSI SELL                
    if (C < O and C[1] > O[1] )
        checker_2 := true
if harsi_back>1
    int say_1=0
    while harsi_back>say_1 and checker_11 == false
        if ( C[say_1] > O[say_1] and C[say_1+1] < O[say_1+1] and C[say_1] > C[say_1+1])
            checker_11 := true
    int say_2=0   
    while harsi_back>say_2 and checker_21 == false        
        if (C[say_2] < O[say_2] and C[say_2+1] > O[say_2+1])
            checker_21 := true
if ssl_back==0
    if (ta.crossover(sslUp, sslDown))
        checker_3 := true
    if (ta.crossover(sslDown, sslUp))
        checker_4 := true
if ssl_back>0
    int say_3=0
    while ssl_back>=say_3 and checker_31==false
        if (sslUp[say_3]>sslDown[say_3] and sslUp[say_3+1]<sslDown[say_3+1] )
            checker_31 := true
    int say_4=0
    while ssl_back>=say_4 and checker_41==false
        if (sslUp[say_4]<sslDown[say_4] and sslUp[say_4+1]>sslDown[say_4+1])
            checker_41 := true
if coral_back==1
    if(bfrC == color.green and bfrC[1] == color.red)
        checker_5 := true
    if(bfrC == color.red and bfrC[1] == color.green)
        checker_6 := true
if coral_back>1
    int say_5=0
    while coral_back>say_5 and checker_51 == false
        if(bfrC[say_5] == color.green and bfrC[say_5+1] == color.red)
            checker_51 := true
        say_5 := say_5+1
    int say_6=0
    while coral_back>say_6 and checker_61 == false
        if(bfrC[say_6] == color.red and bfrC[say_6+1] == color.green)
            checker_61 := true
        say_6 := say_6+1

if macd_back==0 
    if ta.crossover(LigneMACDZeroLag,Lignesignal)
        checker_7 := true
    if ta.crossover(Lignesignal,LigneMACDZeroLag) 
        checker_8 := true
if macd_back>0
    int say_7=0
    while macd_back>=say_7 and checker_71==false
        if ta.crossover(LigneMACDZeroLag[say_7],Lignesignal[say_7])
            checker_71 := true
    int say_8=0
    while macd_back>=say_8 and checker_81==false
        if ta.crossover(Lignesignal[say_8],LigneMACDZeroLag[say_8])
            checker_81 := true
//=======================================================================WAVE TREND=======================================================================//
if wave_back ==0
    if ta.crossover(wt1,wt2)
        checker_9  := true
    if ta.crossover(wt2,wt1)
        checker_10 :=true
if wave_back>0
    int say_9 =0
    while wave_back>=say_9 and checker_91==false
        if (ta.crossover(wt1[say_9],wt2[say_9]))
            checker_91 := true
    int say_10=0
    while wave_back>=say_10 and checker_101==false
        if (ta.crossover(wt2[say_10],wt1[say_10]))
            checker_101 := true
var buy  = false
var sell = true
//=======================================================================TEK SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
if buy == false and sell==true
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_1 or checker_11
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec2 == true and dec1==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_3 or checker_31
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up,textcolor= color.white, size=size.small, text="SSL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec3 == true and dec2==false and dec1== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_5 or checker_51
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up,textcolor= color.white, size=size.small, text="CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec4 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec1==false and dec5==false
        if checker_7 or checker_71
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec5 == true and dec1==false and dec2== false and dec3==false and dec4==false
        if checker_9 or checker_91
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================2 SEÇENEK=======================================================================// 
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1== true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_7 == true or checker_71==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="MACD\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================3 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
// dec 1 dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) 
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n  WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================4 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================5 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SUPER BUY")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================TEK SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
if buy == true and sell==false
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_2 or checker_21
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec2 == true and dec1==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_4 or checker_41
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec3 == true and dec2==false and dec1== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_6 or checker_61
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec4 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec1==false and dec5==false
        if checker_8 or checker_81
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec5 == true and dec1==false and dec2== false and dec3==false and dec4==false
        if checker_10 or checker_101
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================2 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2==true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 or checker_41 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
 //dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_8 == true or checker_81==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="MACD\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================3 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
// dec1 dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
            buy := false
// dec1 dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
            buy := false
// dec1 dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================4 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================5 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SUPER SELL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)            
            sell:= true
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6