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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-02 17:11:29



双EMA均线追踪策略(Dual Exponential Moving Average Trend Following Strategy)是一种基于均线交叉的趋势跟踪策略。该策略通过计算快线EMA和慢线EMA,并根据它们的交叉情况来判断当前趋势方向。当快线上穿慢线时,判断为看涨;当快线下穿慢线时,判断为看跌。根据判断出的趋势方向,该策略可以进行看涨或看跌操作。












  1. 动态调整EMA均线周期。可以根据市场波动率和最优参数回测结果,让EMA周期动态变化,避免固定周期下的过拟合问题。

  2. 增加过滤条件过滤虚假信号。例如可以结合交易量,过滤小幅震荡时产生的假交叉。也可以结合其他指标,如MACD、KDJ等,避免在不确定的时段产生信号。

  3. 优化止损止盈策略,结合ATR等指标,可以实现止损止盈的动态跟踪。避免止损过小和止盈过早的问题。

  4. 测试不同的持仓时间。持仓时间过长,容易被突发事件影响;持仓时间过短,则交易成本和滑点成本较高。找到最佳持仓天数,可以提高策略盈利能力。


双EMA均线追踪策略整体来说是一个稳健实用的趋势跟踪策略。它利用EMA均线交叉判断价格趋势,可以有效把握行情方向。同时 Settings灵活的交易方向设置提高了策略适应性;以及止损止盈设置控制了风险。通过进一步优化和完善,该策略可以成为量化交易的有力工具。

start: 2024-01-02 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-01 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

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// © TradersPostInc

strategy('TradersPost Example MOMO Strategy', overlay=true, default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, pyramiding=0)

startTime = input(defval = timestamp('01 Jan 2021 00:00 +0000'), title = 'Start Time', group = 'Date Range')
endTime = input(defval = timestamp('31 Dec 2023 23:59 +0000'), title = 'End Time', group = 'Date Range')
timeCondition = true
timeConditionEnd = timeCondition[1] and not timeCondition

fastEmaLength = input.int(defval = 8, title = 'Fast EMA Length')
slowEmaLength = input.int(defval = 21, title = 'Slow EMA Length')
sides = input.string(defval = 'Both', title = 'Sides', options = ['Long', 'Short', 'Both', 'None'])

fastEma = ta.ema(close, fastEmaLength)
slowEma = ta.ema(close, slowEmaLength)

isUptrend = fastEma >= slowEma
isDowntrend = fastEma <= slowEma
trendChanging = ta.cross(fastEma, slowEma)

ema105 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, '30', ta.ema(close, 105)[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
ema205 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, '30', ta.ema(close, 20)[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)
plot(ema105, linewidth=4, color=color.new(color.purple, 0), editable=true)
plot(ema205, linewidth=2, color=color.new(color.purple, 0), editable=true)

aa = plot(fastEma, linewidth=3, color=color.new(color.green, 0), editable=true)
bb = plot(slowEma, linewidth=3, color=color.new(color.red, 0), editable=true)
fill(aa, bb, color=isUptrend ? color.green : color.red, transp=90)

tradersPostBuy = trendChanging and isUptrend and timeCondition
tradersPostSell = trendChanging and isDowntrend and timeCondition

pips = syminfo.pointvalue / syminfo.mintick

percentOrPipsInput = input.string('Percent', title='Percent or Pips', options=['Percent', 'Pips'])

stopLossLongInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Stop Loss Long', minval=0)
stopLossShortInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Stop Loss Short', minval=0)

takeProfitLongInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Target Profit Long', minval=0)
takeProfitShortInput = input.float(defval=0, step=0.01, title='Target Profit Short', minval=0)

stopLossPriceLong = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostBuy, close, 0) * (stopLossLongInput / 100) * pips
stopLossPriceShort = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostSell, close, 0) * (stopLossShortInput / 100) * pips

takeProfitPriceLong = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostBuy, close, 0) * (takeProfitLongInput / 100) * pips
takeProfitPriceShort = ta.valuewhen(tradersPostSell, close, 0) * (takeProfitShortInput / 100) * pips

takeProfitALong = takeProfitLongInput > 0 ? takeProfitLongInput : na
takeProfitBLong = takeProfitPriceLong > 0 ? takeProfitPriceLong : na

takeProfitAShort = takeProfitShortInput > 0 ? takeProfitShortInput : na
takeProfitBShort = takeProfitPriceShort > 0 ? takeProfitPriceShort : na

stopLossALong = stopLossLongInput > 0 ? stopLossLongInput : na
stopLossBLong = stopLossPriceLong > 0 ? stopLossPriceLong : na

stopLossAShort = stopLossShortInput > 0 ? stopLossShortInput : na
stopLossBShort = stopLossPriceShort > 0 ? stopLossPriceShort : na

takeProfitLong = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? takeProfitALong : takeProfitBLong
stopLossLong = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? stopLossALong : stopLossBLong
takeProfitShort = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? takeProfitAShort : takeProfitBShort
stopLossShort = percentOrPipsInput == 'Pips' ? stopLossAShort : stopLossBShort

buyAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "buy", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
sellAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "sell", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'

exitLongAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'
exitShortAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit", "price": ' + str.tostring(close) + '}'

if (sides != "None")
    if tradersPostBuy
        strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when = sides != 'Short', alert_message = buyAlertMessage)
        strategy.close('Short', when = sides == "Short" and timeCondition, alert_message = exitShortAlertMessage)

    if tradersPostSell
        strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short, when = sides != 'Long', alert_message = sellAlertMessage)
        strategy.close('Long', when = sides == 'Long', alert_message = exitLongAlertMessage)

exitAlertMessage = '{"ticker": "' + syminfo.ticker + '", "action": "exit"}'

strategy.exit('Exit Long', from_entry = "Long", profit = takeProfitLong, loss = stopLossLong, alert_message = exitAlertMessage)
strategy.exit('Exit Short', from_entry = "Short", profit = takeProfitShort, loss = stopLossShort, alert_message = exitAlertMessage)

strategy.close_all(when = timeConditionEnd)
