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Dual Trend Filtering Optimization Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-27 14:46:32



This strategy uses average double filtering and multi-level trend direction confirmation mechanisms to design a relatively stable tracking system. It consists of three main parts:

  1. An optimized trend tracking system based on improved double peak oscillators to determine the major trend direction.

  2. A sub-trend filtering system based on a combination of multiple cycle moving averages to further filter out some noise.

  3. The Alpha Index provides final confirmation to ensure reliability of trading signals.

With the triple protection described above, the strategy can judge major trends more accurately and filter short-term market noise very effectively.


Main Trend Tracking

It uses an improved double peak oscillator TOTT and a Close Series double trend filter to calculate the main trend direction. TOTT itself has very strong filtering capabilities against noise. The Close Series provides an additional level of confirmation. The combination of the two can determine major trends very accurately.

Subtrend Filtering

In addition to the main trend judging system, the strategy also sets up a sub-trend filtering system based on EMA combinations of multiple cycles. According to the Golden Cross and Dead Cross confirmation levels of the EMA lines, the reliability of judgments on the main trend direction is further improved and more noise is filtered out.

Alpha Confirmation

When entering and exiting positions, the strategy also checks the value of the Alpha Index to ensure reliability of final trading signals. Alpha reflects the buying and selling power in the market and is a good confirmation indicator.


  • Multi-level protection design for more accurate major trend judgments
  • Powerful noise filtering capability
  • Stable and reliable trading signals
  • Large parameter optimization space


  • Signal frequency may be low
  • The tracking system uses moving averages, which can be broken in drastic market changes

To mitigate the risks, parameters can be adjusted to optimize tracker sensitivity, or more reversal indicators can be added as final filters.

Optimization Directions

  • Adjust double peak oscillator parameters to find better parameter combinations
  • Try parameter optimization of different moving average types
  • Optimize moving average cycles in EMA combination
  • Enhance Alpha filtering mechanism
  • Add stop loss mechanism


The overall design of this strategy is robust, with proper measures and multiple protections. The powerful noise filtering gives it stable performance. There is room for further improvement through continuous parameter optimization and mechanism enhancements.

start: 2023-02-20 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-26 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © KivancOzbilgic

strategy('TOTT-OCC R5.1 wixca-buy-sell', 'TOTT', overlay=true)
src = input(close, title='Source')
length = input.int(18, 'OTT Period', minval=1)
percent = input.float(1, 'Optimization Constant', step=0.1, minval=0)
coeff1 = input.float(0.001, 'Twin OTT Coefficient', step=0.001, minval=0)
showsupport = input(title='Show Support Line?', defval=true)
showsignalsk1 = input(title='Show Signals?', defval=true)
mav = input.string(title='Moving Average Type', defval='EMA', options=['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA', 'TMA', 'VAR', 'WWMA', 'ZLEMA', 'TSF'])
highlighting = input(title='Highlighter On/Off ?', defval=true)
Var_Func(src, length) =>
    valpha = 2 / (length + 1)
    vud1 = src > src[1] ? src - src[1] : 0
    vdd1 = src < src[1] ? src[1] - src : 0
    vUD = math.sum(vud1, 9)
    vDD = math.sum(vdd1, 9)
    vCMO = nz((vUD - vDD) / (vUD + vDD))
    VAR = 0.0
    VAR := nz(valpha * math.abs(vCMO) * src) + (1 - valpha * math.abs(vCMO)) * nz(VAR[1])
VAR = Var_Func(src, length)
Wwma_Func(src, length) =>
    wwalpha = 1 / length
    WWMA = 0.0
    WWMA := wwalpha * src + (1 - wwalpha) * nz(WWMA[1])
WWMA = Wwma_Func(src, length)
Zlema_Func(src, length) =>
    zxLag = length / 2 == math.round(length / 2) ? length / 2 : (length - 1) / 2
    zxEMAData = src + src - src[zxLag]
    ZLEMA = ta.ema(zxEMAData, length)
ZLEMA = Zlema_Func(src, length)
Tsf_Func(src, length) =>
    lrc = ta.linreg(src, length, 0)
    lrc1 = ta.linreg(src, length, 1)
    lrs = lrc - lrc1
    TSF = ta.linreg(src, length, 0) + lrs
TSF = Tsf_Func(src, length)
getMA(src, length) =>
    ma = 0.0
    if mav == 'SMA'
        ma := ta.sma(src, length)

    if mav == 'EMA'
        ma := ta.ema(src, length)

    if mav == 'WMA'
        ma := ta.wma(src, length)

    if mav == 'TMA'
        ma := ta.sma(ta.sma(src, math.ceil(length / 2)), math.floor(length / 2) + 1)

    if mav == 'VAR'
        ma := VAR

    if mav == 'WWMA'
        ma := WWMA

    if mav == 'ZLEMA'
        ma := ZLEMA

    if mav == 'TSF'
        ma := TSF

MAvg = getMA(src, length)
fark = MAvg * percent * 0.01
longStop = MAvg - fark
longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
longStop := MAvg > longStopPrev ? math.max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop
shortStop = MAvg + fark
shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
shortStop := MAvg < shortStopPrev ? math.min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop
dir = 1
dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
dir := dir == -1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir
MT = dir == 1 ? longStop : shortStop
OTT = MAvg > MT ? MT * (200 + percent) / 200 : MT * (200 - percent) / 200
OTTup = OTT * (1 + coeff1)
OTTdn = OTT * (1 - coeff1)

PPLOT = plot(showsupport ? MAvg : na, color=color.new(#0585E1, 0), linewidth=2, title='Support Line')

pALLup = plot(nz(OTTup[2]), color=color.new(color.green, 0), linewidth=2, title='OTTup')
pALLdn = plot(nz(OTTdn[2]), color=color.new(color.red, 0), linewidth=2, title='OTTdown')

buySignalk1 = ta.crossover(MAvg, OTTup[2])
sellSignalk1 = ta.crossunder(MAvg, OTTdn[2])
K11 = ta.barssince(buySignalk1)
K22 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk1)
O11 = ta.barssince(buySignalk1[1])
O22 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk1[1])

//plotshape(buySignalk1 and showsignalsk1 and O11 > K22 ? math.min(low, OTTdn) : na, title='Buy', text='Buy', location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.green, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
//plotshape(sellSignalk1 and showsignalsk1 and O22 > K11 ? math.max(high, OTTup) : na, title='Sell', text='Sell', location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.red, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
mPlot = plot(ohlc4, title='', style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, display=display.none)
//longFillColor = highlighting ? O22 > K11 ? color.green : na : na
//shortFillColor = highlighting ? O11 > K22 ? color.red : na : na
//fill(mPlot, PPLOT, title='UpTrend Highligter', color=longFillColor, transp=90)
//fill(mPlot, PPLOT, title='DownTrend Highligter', color=shortFillColor, transp=90)
fill(pALLup, pALLdn, title='Flat Zone Highligter', color=color.new(#e0e2e9, 12))

//plotshape(ta.crossover (AlphaTrend,OTTup), style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(color.blue, 0), size=size.tiny, title='AT>OTT', text='AL1', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(ta.crossunder(AlphaTrend,OTTdn), style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(color.red, 0), size=size.tiny, title='OTT<AT', text='SAT1', textcolor=color.white)

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
//© vixca


//indicator('L&S', overlay=true)  //pyramiding=1, initial_capital=1000,default_qty_type = strategy.cash, calc_on_order_fills=false,default_qty_value = 1000, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.2,calc_on_every_tick=true)

//strategy('Twin Optimized Trend Tracker', 'TOTT', overlay=true)
src2 = input(close, title='Source')
length2 = input.int(69, 'OTT Period', minval=1)
percent2 = input.float(1, 'Optimization Constant', step=0.1, minval=0)
coeff2 = input.float(0.001, 'Twin OTT Coefficient', step=0.001, minval=0)
showsupport2 = input(title='Show Support Line?', defval=true)
showsignalsk2 = input(title='Show Signals?', defval=true)
mav2 = input.string(title='Moving Average Type', defval='VAR2', options=['SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA', 'TMA', 'VAR2', 'WWMA', 'ZLEMA2', 'TSF2'])
highlighting2 = input(title='Highlighter On/Off ?', defval=true)
Var_Func2(src2, length2) =>
    valpha = 2 / (length2 + 1)
    vud1 = src2 > src2[1] ? src2 - src2[1] : 0
    vdd1 = src2 < src2[1] ? src2[1] - src2 : 0
    vUD = math.sum(vud1, 9)
    vDD = math.sum(vdd1, 9)
    vCMO = nz((vUD - vDD) / (vUD + vDD))
    VAR2 = 0.0
    VAR2 := nz(valpha * math.abs(vCMO) * src2) + (1 - valpha * math.abs(vCMO)) * nz(VAR2[1])
VAR2 = Var_Func2(src2, length2)
Wwma_Func2(src2, length) =>
    wwalpha = 1 / length2
    WWMA2 = 0.0
    WWMA2 := wwalpha * src2 + (1 - wwalpha) * nz(WWMA2[1])
WWMA2 = Wwma_Func2(src2, length2)
Zlema_Func2(src2, length) =>
    zxLag = length2 / 2 == math.round(length2 / 2) ? length2 / 2 : (length2 - 1) / 2
    zxEMAData = src2 + src2 - src2[zxLag]
    ZLEMA2 = ta.ema(zxEMAData, length2)
ZLEMA2 = Zlema_Func2(src2, length2)
Tsf_Func2(src2, length2) =>
    lrc = ta.linreg(src2, length2, 0)
    lrc1 = ta.linreg(src2, length2, 1)
    lrs = lrc - lrc1
    TSF2 = ta.linreg(src2, length2, 0) + lrs
TSF2 = Tsf_Func2(src2, length2)
getMA2(src2, length2) =>
    ma = 0.0
    if mav2 == 'SMA'
        ma := ta.sma(src2, length2)

    if mav2 == 'EMA'
        ma := ta.ema(src2, length2)

    if mav2 == 'WMA'
        ma := ta.wma(src2, length2)

    if mav2 == 'TMA'
        ma := ta.sma(ta.sma(src2, math.ceil(length2 / 2)), math.floor(length2 / 2) + 1)

    if mav2 == 'VAR2'
        ma := VAR2

    if mav2 == 'WWMA2'
        ma := WWMA2

    if mav2 == 'ZLEMA2'
        ma := ZLEMA2

    if mav2 == 'TSF2'
        ma := TSF2

mav2g = getMA2(src2, length2)
fark2 = mav2g * percent2 * 0.01
longStop2 = mav2g - fark2
longStop2Prev = nz(longStop2[1], longStop2)
longStop2 := mav2g > longStop2Prev ? math.max(longStop2, longStop2Prev) : longStop2
shortStop2 = mav2g + fark2
shortStop2Prev = nz(shortStop2[1], shortStop2)
shortStop2 := mav2g < shortStop2Prev ? math.min(shortStop2, shortStop2Prev) : shortStop2
dir2 = 1
dir2 := nz(dir2[1], dir2)
dir2 := dir2 == -1 and mav2g > shortStop2Prev ? 1 : dir2 == 1 and mav2g < longStop2Prev ? -1 : dir2
MT2 = dir2 == 1 ? longStop2 : shortStop2
OTT2 = mav2g > MT2 ? MT2 * (200 + percent2) / 200 : MT * (200 - percent) / 200
OTT2up = OTT2 * (1 + coeff2)
OTT2dn = OTT2 * (1 - coeff2)

PPLOT2 = plot(showsupport2 ? mav2g : na, color=color.new(#0585E1, 0), linewidth=2, title='Support Line')

pALLup2 = plot(nz(OTT2up[2]), color=color.new(color.green, 0), linewidth=2, title='OTT2up')
pALLdn2 = plot(nz(OTT2dn[2]), color=color.new(color.red, 0), linewidth=2, title='OTT2down')

buySignalk2 = ta.crossover(mav2g, OTT2up[2])
sellSignalk2 = ta.crossunder(mav2g, OTT2dn[2])
K111 = ta.barssince(buySignalk2)
K222 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk2)
O111 = ta.barssince(buySignalk2[1])
O222 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk2[1])

//plotshape(buySignalk2 and showsignalsk2 and O111 > K222 ? math.min(low, OTT2dn) : na, title='Buy2', text='Buy2', location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.green, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
//plotshape(sellSignalk2 and showsignalsk2 and O222 > K111 ? math.max(high, OTT2up) : na, title='Sell2', text='Sell2', location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.red, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))
mPlot2 = plot(ohlc4, title='', style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0, display=display.none)
longFillColor2 = highlighting2 ? O222 > K111 ? color.green : na : na
shortFillColor2 = highlighting2 ? O111 > K222 ? color.red : na : na
//fill(mPlot2, PPLOT2, title='UpTrend Highligter', color=longFillColor2, transp=90)
//fill(mPlot2, PPLOT2, title='DownTrend Highligter', color=shortFillColor2, transp=90)
fill(pALLup2, pALLdn2, title='Flat Zone Highligter', color=color.new(#9d7fce, 33))

//ema kesişimi yapmak için ekledim
//wma34 = ta.wma(close, 34)
//ema1 = ta.ema(close, 900)
src4 = input(title='Source', defval=close)
//length3 = input(34, 'wma')
//lenght4 = input(1000, "ema")
//plot(ta.wma(src4, length3), color=color.new(#dbbce0, 0), linewidth=3, title='wma34')
//plot(ta.ema(src4, lenght4), color=color.new(#080c05, 0), linewidth=3, title='ema1')

//plotshape(ta.crossover (close[3],ta.ema(close, 900))and (close > ta.ema(close,900)), style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#21f356, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Longtrend', text='LT', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(ta.crossunder (close[3],ta.ema(close, 900)) and (close < ta.ema(close,900)), style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#a7510b, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Shorttrend', text='ST', textcolor=color.white)

//long_signal = ta.crossover (close,OTT2up) and (close [3] > OTT2up)  // and ta.crossover (AlphaTrend,OTTup)  //and ta.crossover(ta.ema(close, 5), ta.ema(close, 21))
//short_signal = ta.crossunder (close,OTTdn) and (close[3] < OTTdn) // and ta.crossunder (AlphaTrend,OTTdn) //and ta.crossunder(ta.ema(close,5), ta.ema(close, 21))
//long_signal1 = ta.crossover(mav2g,OTT2up[2]) 
//short_signal1 = ta.crossunder(mav2g, OTT2dn[2])

//plotshape(long_signal, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(color.blue, 0), size=size.tiny, title='wixcaAL', text='wixAL', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(short_signal, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(color.red, 0), size=size.tiny, title='wixcaSAT', text='wixSAT', textcolor=color.white)

//strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long, when=long_signal)
//strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short, when=short_signal)

//plotshape(buySignalk1 and showsignalsk1 and O11 > K22 ? math.min(low, OTTdn) : na, title='Buy', text='Buy', location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=color.new(color.green, 0), textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0))

//indicator("EMA5 Strategy with Sequential Labels", overlay=true)

// EMA hesaplama
//emaLength = 21
//ema21 = ta.ema(close, emaLength)

// Mum kapanışı EMA5'in altında ise short aç
//shortCondition = close < ema21

// Mum kapanışı EMA5'in üstündeyse long aç
//longCondition = close > ema21

// Sinyal sayacı
//var int signalCount = 0

// Ticaret sinyallerini plot et ve ardışık numaralandırma
//plotshape(series=shortCondition, title="Short Signal", color=color.red, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar) //text = string(signalCount + 1))
//plotshape(series=longCondition, title="Long Signal", color=color.green, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar)//, text = str.tostring(signalCount + 2))

// Sinyal sayacını güncelle
//if (shortCondition or longCondition)
 //   signalCount := signalCount + 2


//strategy(title='Open Close Cross Strategy R5.1 revised by JustUncleL', shorttitle='OCC Strategy R5.1', overlay=true, pyramiding=0, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, calc_on_every_tick=false)

// Revision:        5
// Original Author: @JayRogers
// Revision Author: JustUncleL revisions 3, 4, 5
//  - There are drawing/painting issues in pinescript when working across resolutions/timeframes that I simply
//    cannot fix here.. I will not be putting any further effort into developing this until such a time when
//    workarounds become available. 
//    NOTE: Re-painting has been observed infrequently with default settings and seems OK up to Alternate 
//          multiplier of 5.
//          Non-repainting mode is available by setting "Delay Open/Close MA" to 1 or more, but the reported
//          performance will drop dramatically.
// R5.1 Changes by JustUncleL
//  - Upgraded to Version 3 Pinescript.
//  - Added option to select Trade type (Long, Short, Both or None)
//  - Added bar colouring work around patch.
//  - Small code changes to improve efficiency.
//  - NOTE: To enable non-Repainting mode set "Delay Open/Close MA" to 1 or more.
//  9-Aug-2017
//  - Correction on SuperSmooth MA calculation.
// R5 Changes by JustUncleL
//  - Corrected cross over calculations, sometimes gave false signals.
//  - Corrected Alternate Time calculation to allow for Daily,Weekly and Monthly charts.
//  - Open Public release.
// R4 Changes By JustUncleL
//  - Change the way the Alternate resolution in selected, use a Multiplier of the base Time Frame instead,
//    this makes it easy to switch between base time frames.
//  - Added TMA and SSMA moving average options. But DEMA is still giving the best results.
//  - Using "calc_on_every_tick=false" ensures results between backtesting and real time are similar.
//  - Added Option to Disable the coloring of the bars.
//  - Updated default settings.
// R3 Changes by JustUncleL:
//  - Returned a simplified version of the open/close channel, it shows strength of current trend.
//  - Added Target Profit Option.
//  - Added option to reduce the number of historical bars, overcomes the too many trades limit error.
//  - Simplified the strategy code.
//  - Removed Trailing Stop option, not required and in my opion does not work well in Trading View,
//    it also gives false and unrealistic performance results in backtesting.
// R2 Changes:
//  - Simplified and cleaned up plotting, now just shows a Moving Average derived from the average of open/close.
//  - Tried very hard to alleviate painting issues caused by referencing alternate resolution..
// Description:
//  - Strategy based around Open-Close Crossovers.
// Setup:
//  - I have generally found that setting the strategy resolution to 3-4x that of the chart you are viewing
//    tends to yield the best results, regardless of which MA option you may choose (if any) BUT can cause
//    a lot of false positives - be aware of this
//  - Don't aim for perfection. Just aim to get a reasonably snug fit with the O-C band, with good runs of
//    green and red.
//  - Option to either use basic open and close series data, or pick your poison with a wide array of MA types.
//  - Optional trailing stop for damage mitigation if desired (can be toggled on/off)
//  - Positions get taken automagically following a crossover - which is why it's better to set the resolution
//    of the script greater than that of your chart, so that the trades get taken sooner rather than later.
//  - If you make use of the stops, be sure to take your time tweaking the values. Cutting it too fine
//    will cost you profits but keep you safer, while letting them loose could lead to more drawdown than you
//    can handle.
//  - To enable non-Repainting mode set "Delay Open/Close MA" to 1 or more.

// === INPUTS ===
useRes = input(defval=true, title='Use Alternate Resolution?')
intRes = input(defval=3, title='Multiplier for Alernate Resolution')
stratRes = timeframe.ismonthly ? str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier * intRes, '###M') : timeframe.isweekly ? str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier * intRes, '###W') : timeframe.isdaily ? str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier * intRes, '###D') : timeframe.isintraday ? str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier * intRes, '####') : '60'
basisType = input.string(defval='SMMA', title='MA Type: ', options=['SMA', 'EMA', 'DEMA', 'TEMA', 'WMA', 'VWMA', 'SMMA', 'HullMA', 'LSMA', 'ALMA', 'SSMA', 'TMA'])
basisLen = input.int(defval=8, title='MA Period', minval=1)
offsetSigma = input.int(defval=6, title='Offset for LSMA / Sigma for ALMA', minval=0)
offsetALMA = input.float(defval=0.85, title='Offset for ALMA', minval=0, step=0.01)
scolor = input(false, title='Show coloured Bars to indicate Trend?')
delayOffset = input.int(defval=0, title='Delay Open/Close MA (Forces Non-Repainting)', minval=0, step=1)
tradeType = input.string('BOTH', title='What trades should be taken : ', options=['LONG', 'SHORT', 'BOTH', 'NONE'])
// === /INPUTS ===

// Constants colours that include fully non-transparent option.
green100 = #008000FF
lime100 = #00FF00FF
red100 = #FF0000FF
blue100 = #0000FFFF
aqua100 = #00FFFFFF
darkred100 = #8B0000FF
gray100 = #808080FF

// Returns MA input selection variant, default to SMA if blank or typo.
variant(type, src, len, offSig, offALMA) =>
    v1 = ta.sma(src, len)  // Simple
    v2 = ta.ema(src, len)  // Exponential
    v3 = 2 * v2 - ta.ema(v2, len)  // Double Exponential
    v4 = 3 * (v2 - ta.ema(v2, len)) + ta.ema(ta.ema(v2, len), len)  // Triple Exponential
    v5 = ta.wma(src, len)  // Weighted
    v6 = ta.vwma(src, len)  // Volume Weighted
    v7 = 0.0
    sma_1 = ta.sma(src, len)  // Smoothed
    v7 := na(v7[1]) ? sma_1 : (v7[1] * (len - 1) + src) / len
    v8 = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(src, len / 2) - ta.wma(src, len), math.round(math.sqrt(len)))  // Hull
    v9 = ta.linreg(src, len, offSig)  // Least Squares
    v10 = ta.alma(src, len, offALMA, offSig)  // Arnaud Legoux
    v11 = ta.sma(v1, len)  // Triangular (extreme smooth)
    // SuperSmoother filter
    // © 2013  John F. Ehlers
    a1 = math.exp(-1.414 * 3.14159 / len)
    b1 = 2 * a1 * math.cos(1.414 * 3.14159 / len)
    c2 = b1
    c3 = -a1 * a1
    c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
    v12 = 0.0
    v12 := c1 * (src + nz(src[1])) / 2 + c2 * nz(v12[1]) + c3 * nz(v12[2])
    type == 'EMA' ? v2 : type == 'DEMA' ? v3 : type == 'TEMA' ? v4 : type == 'WMA' ? v5 : type == 'VWMA' ? v6 : type == 'SMMA' ? v7 : type == 'HullMA' ? v8 : type == 'LSMA' ? v9 : type == 'ALMA' ? v10 : type == 'TMA' ? v11 : type == 'SSMA' ? v12 : v1

// security wrapper for repeat calls
reso(exp, use, res) =>
    security_1 = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, res, exp, gaps=barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
    use ? security_1 : exp

// === /BASE FUNCTIONS ===

// === SERIES SETUP ===
closeSeries = variant(basisType, close[delayOffset], basisLen, offsetSigma, offsetALMA)
openSeries = variant(basisType, open[delayOffset], basisLen, offsetSigma, offsetALMA)
// === /SERIES ===

// === PLOTTING ===

// Get Alternate resolution Series if selected.
closeSeriesAlt = reso(closeSeries, useRes, stratRes)
openSeriesAlt = reso(openSeries, useRes, stratRes)
trendColour = closeSeriesAlt > openSeriesAlt ? color.rgb(148, 106, 226) : color.rgb(146, 80, 80, 62)
bcolour = closeSeries > openSeriesAlt ? lime100 : red100
barcolor(scolor ? bcolour : na, title='Bar Colours')
closeP = plot(closeSeriesAlt, title='Close Series', color=trendColour, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line, transp=20)
openP = plot(openSeriesAlt, title='Open Series', color=trendColour, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line, transp=20)
fill(closeP, openP, color=trendColour, transp=80)

// === /PLOTTING ===

// === ALERT conditions
xlong = ta.crossover(closeSeriesAlt, openSeriesAlt)
xshort = ta.crossunder(closeSeriesAlt, openSeriesAlt)
longCond = xlong  // alternative: longCond[1]? false : (xlong or xlong[1]) and close>closeSeriesAlt and close>=open
shortCond = xshort  // alternative: shortCond[1]? false : (xshort or xshort[1]) and close<closeSeriesAlt and close<=open
// === /ALERT conditions.

// === STRATEGY ===
// stop loss
slPoints = input.int(defval=0, title='Initial Stop Loss Points (zero to disable)', minval=0)
tpPoints = input.int(defval=0, title='Initial Target Profit Points (zero for disable)', minval=0)
// Include bar limiting algorithm
ebar = input.int(defval=10000, title='Number of Bars for Back Testing', minval=0)
dummy = input(false, title='- SET to ZERO for Daily or Longer Timeframes')
// Calculate how many mars since last bar
tdays = (timenow - time) / 60000.0  // number of minutes since last bar
tdays := timeframe.ismonthly ? tdays / 1440.0 / 5.0 / 4.3 / timeframe.multiplier : timeframe.isweekly ? tdays / 1440.0 / 5.0 / timeframe.multiplier : timeframe.isdaily ? tdays / 1440.0 / timeframe.multiplier : tdays / timeframe.multiplier  // number of bars since last bar
//set up exit parameters
TP = tpPoints > 0 ? tpPoints : na
SL = slPoints > 0 ? slPoints : na

// Make sure we are within the bar range, Set up entries and exit conditions
//if (ebar == 0 or tdays <= ebar) and tradeType != 'NONE'
//    strategy.entry('long', strategy.long, when=longCond == true and tradeType != 'SHORT')
//    strategy.entry('short', strategy.short, when=shortCond == true and tradeType != 'LONG')
//    strategy.close('long', when=shortCond == true and tradeType == 'LONG')
//    strategy.close('short', when=longCond == true and tradeType == 'SHORT')
//    strategy.exit('XL', from_entry='long', profit=TP, loss=SL)
//    strategy.exit('XS', from_entry='short', profit=TP, loss=SL)

// === /STRATEGY ===
// eof

line1=ta.ema (close, 5)
line2=ta.ema(close, 20)
line3=ta.ema(close, 13)
trendColour1= line1 >= line2 ? color.rgb(108, 187, 110) : color.rgb(204, 87, 87)
p1 = plot(line1, title="ema5", color=#3179f5, linewidth=3)
p2 = plot(line2, title="ema20", color=#18c71d, linewidth=3)
fill(p1, p2, title = "5-20 Background", color = trendColour1, transp=80)

//length6 = input(50, 'sma1')
//plot(ta.sma(src4, length6), color=color.new(color.lime, 0), linewidth=3, title='sma50')

//length7 = input(200, 'sma2')
//plot(ta.sma(src4, length7), color=color.new(color.olive, 0), linewidth=3, title='sma200')

//length8 = input(900, 'ema3')
//plot(ta.ema(src4, length8), color=color.new(color.teal, 0), linewidth=3, title='ema900')

//longCondition =long
//if longCondition
//    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

//shortCondition = short 
//if shortCondition
  //  strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

//if (ebar == 0 or tdays <= ebar) and tradeType != 'NONE'
  //  strategy.entry('long', strategy.long, when=longCond == true and tradeType != 'SHORT')
   // strategy.entry('short', strategy.short, when=shortCond == true and tradeType != 'LONG')
    //strategy.close('long', when=shortCond == true and tradeType == 'LONG')
    //strategy.close('short', when=longCond == true and tradeType == 'SHORT')
    //strategy.exit('XL', from_entry='long', profit=TP, loss=SL)
    //strategy.exit('XS', from_entry='short', profit=TP, loss=SL)

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// author © KivancOzbilgic
// developer © KivancOzbilgic
//indicator('AlphaTrend', shorttitle='AT', overlay=true, format=format.price, precision=2, timeframe='')
coeff = input.float(1, 'Multiplier', step=0.1)
AP = input(14, 'Common Period')
ATR = ta.sma(ta.tr, AP)
src5 = input(close)
showsignalsk = input(title='Show Signals?', defval=true)
novolumedata = input(title='Change calculation (no volume data)?', defval=false)
upT = low - ATR * coeff
downT = high + ATR * coeff
AlphaTrend = 0.0
AlphaTrend := (novolumedata ? ta.rsi(src5, AP) >= 50 : ta.mfi(hlc3, AP) >= 50) ? upT < nz(AlphaTrend[1]) ? nz(AlphaTrend[1]) : upT : downT > nz(AlphaTrend[1]) ? nz(AlphaTrend[1]) : downT

color1 = AlphaTrend > AlphaTrend[2] ? #00E60F : AlphaTrend < AlphaTrend[2] ? #80000B : AlphaTrend[1] > AlphaTrend[3] ? #00E60F : #80000B
k1 = plot(AlphaTrend, color=color.new(#0022FC, 0), linewidth=3)
k2 = plot(AlphaTrend[2], color=color.new(#FC0400, 0), linewidth=3)

fill(k1, k2, color=color1)

buySignalk = ta.crossover(AlphaTrend, AlphaTrend[2])
sellSignalk = ta.crossunder(AlphaTrend, AlphaTrend[2])

K1 = ta.barssince(buySignalk)
K2 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk)
O1 = ta.barssince(buySignalk[1])
O2 = ta.barssince(sellSignalk[1])

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © vixca

//indicator('EMA Strategy', overlay=true)

// EMA values
ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5)
ema20 = ta.ema(close, 20)
ema50 = ta.ema(close, 50)
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200)
ema900 = ta.ema(close, 900)

// Plot EMA lines
//plot(ema5, color=color.new(color.blue, 0), linewidth=2)
//plot(ema20, color=color.new(color.orange, 0), linewidth=2)
plot(ema50, color=color.new(color.green, 0), linewidth=2)
plot(ema200, title="ema200", color=color.new(color.red, 0), linewidth=3)
plot(ema900, title="ema900", color=color.new(color.purple, 0), linewidth=4)

// Long condition
//longCondition = ema5 > ema20 and ema50 > ema200 and close > ema900

// Short condition
//shortCondition = ema5 < ema20 and ema50 < ema200 and close < ema900

// Plot signals
//plotshape(longCondition, style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(color.green, 0), size=size.large)
//plotshape(shortCondition, style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(color.red, 0), size=size.large)

//plotshape(long, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#21f356, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Longtrend', text='Lt', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(short, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#a7510b, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Shorttrend', text='St', textcolor=color.white)

// Güçlü al ve güçlü sat koşulları
//strongBuy = longCondition and long
//strongSell = shortCondition and short

// Güçlü al ve güçlü sat sinyalleri 3 mum sonrada doğru mu?
//strongBuy = longCondition and long and close[3] > close[0]
//strongSell = shortCondition and short and close[3] < close[0]

// Güçlü al ve güçlü sat sinyallerini çiz
//plotshape(strongBuy, style=shape.circle, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(color.blue, 0), size=size.large, title='Strong Buy', text='B', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(strongSell, style=shape.xcross, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(color.black, 0), size=size.large, title='Strong Sell', text='S', textcolor=color.white)

//plotshape(strongBuy, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#21f356, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Strong Buy', text='B', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(strongSell, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#a7510b, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Strong Sell', text='S', textcolor=color.white)

long = ema5 > ema20  and close > OTT2up and close[1] > OTT2up[1] and close > OTTup and close[1] > OTTup[1] and close > AlphaTrend and close[1] > AlphaTrend[1] and low > OTTup and low[1] > OTTup[1] and close > openSeriesAlt and close[1] > openSeriesAlt[1]// and  and low[1] > OTT2up and low[2] > ema50[2] and low[2] > OTT2up//and AlphaTrend > OTT2up and close > ema50
short = ema5 < ema20 and close < OTT2dn and close[1] < OTT2dn[1] and close < OTTdn and close[1] < OTTdn[1] and close < AlphaTrend and close[1] < AlphaTrend[1] and high < OTTdn and high[1] < OTTdn[1] and close < closeSeriesAlt and close[1] < closeSeriesAlt[1]//] and high [1] < OTT2dn and high [2] < ema50[2] and high [2] < OTT2dn//and AlphaTrend < OTTdn and close < ema50

//close > ema50 and close[1] > ema50[1] and close[2] > ema50[2]

// longShortCond şartını çiz
//plotshape(long, style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#21f356, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Long Condition', text='L', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(short, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#a7510b, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Short Condition', text='S', textcolor=color.white)

// Pozisyon açma ve kapatma sinyallerini belirleyin
buy = long and not long[1]
sell = short and not short[1]
close_long = short and not short[1]
close_short = long and not long[1]

// Sinyalleri grafiğe işaretleyin
plotshape(buy,style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, color=color.new(#21f356, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Long Condition', text='L', textcolor=color.white)
plotshape(sell, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, color=color.new(#a7510b, 0), size=size.tiny, title='Short Condition', text='S', textcolor=color.white)
//plotshape(close_long, style=shape.xcross, location=location.abovebar, color=color.green, text="Close Long")
//plotshape(close_short, style=shape.xcross, location=location.belowbar, color=color.red, text="Close Short")

// Sinyalleri stratejiye uygulayın
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when=buy)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, when=sell)
strategy.close("Long", when=close_long)
strategy.close("Short", when=close_short)
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6