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TrendHunter w/MF 多时间框架趋势策略

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-03-15 16:01:54

TrendHunter w/MF 多时间框架趋势策略


TrendHunter w/MF 多时间框架趋势策略是一种基于多个技术指标和多时间框架分析的趋势跟踪策略。该策略综合考虑了市场云图、均线、超级趋势、波浪趋势和资金流等因素,通过严格的条件来确定进场点,以捕捉市场的主要趋势。



  1. 市场云图(Ichimoku):通过分析价格与云图的相对位置,以及均线与云图的相对位置,来判断当前的市场趋势。当价格在云图之上,且均线也在云图之上时,被认为是上升趋势;反之则被认为是下降趋势。

  2. 超级趋势(SuperTrend):通过分析价格与超级趋势的相对位置,来确认当前的市场趋势。当价格在超级趋势之上时,被认为是上升趋势;反之则被认为是下降趋势。

  3. 波浪趋势(WaveTrend):通过分析波浪趋势指标的走向和位置,来判断当前的市场趋势。当波浪趋势向上且未达到超买区时,被认为是上升趋势;当波浪趋势向下且未达到超卖区时,被认为是下降趋势。

  4. 资金流(MoneyFlow):通过分析资金流指标的状态,来确认当前的市场趋势。当资金流为正时,被认为是上升趋势;反之则被认为是下降趋势。



  1. 多指标综合判断,可靠性高:该策略综合考虑了多个技术指标,这些指标在不同的市场状态下互为补充,可以全面反映市场趋势,避免了单一指标可能出现的失误。

  2. 严格的进场条件,避免频繁交易:策略设置了严格的进场条件,多个指标需要同时满足才能进场,这有效避免了在震荡市中频繁交易,降低了策略的损耗。

  3. 多时间框架分析,把握大趋势:策略在多个时间框架上进行分析,这有助于策略从更大的视角把握市场的主要趋势,避免被短期噪音所干扰。

  4. 止损策略明确,风险可控:策略使用超级趋势作为止损条件,一旦市场趋势发生变化,策略可以及时止损,将损失控制在可接受的范围内。


  1. 缺乏动态调整,应对市场变化能力有限:该策略的参数设置是固定的,缺乏根据市场状态进行动态调整的能力。在市场状态发生重大变化时,策略可能会失效。

  2. 进场条件过于严格,可能错失良机:策略的进场条件非常严格,这虽然可以避免频繁交易,但也可能导致策略错失一些良好的进场机会。

  3. 对极端行情的适应性未知:策略在常规市场状态下表现良好,但对于一些极端行情,如快速大幅变盘,策略的适应性还有待检验。

  4. 止损策略相对简单,有优化空间:目前策略仅使用超级趋势作为止损条件,这虽然简单明了,但止损策略还有进一步优化的空间,以更好地控制风险。


  1. 引入市场状态判断,动态调整参数:可以考虑引入一些市场状态判断指标,如波动率指标等,根据市场状态的变化动态调整策略参数,以适应不同的市场环境。

  2. 优化进场条件,提高灵敏度:可以考虑对进场条件进行一些优化,如引入更多的确认指标,以在保证可靠性的同时提高策略的灵敏度,捕捉更多的交易机会。

  3. 增加极端行情的应对措施:对于一些极端行情,如快速大幅变盘,可以考虑引入一些特殊的应对措施,如加大止损力度,或者暂停交易等,以降低策略在极端行情下的风险。

  4. 优化止损策略,提高风险控制能力:可以考虑引入更多的止损条件,如时间止损,横幅止损等,也可以考虑引入一些动态止损策略,如跟踪止损等,以更好地控制风险。


TrendHunter w/MF 多时间框架趋势策略是一个基于多指标,多时间框架分析的趋势跟踪策略。该策略通过综合考虑市场云图、均线、超级趋势、波浪趋势和资金流等因素,严格的进场条件设置,以及多时间框架的分析,可以比较可靠地捕捉市场的主要趋势,避免在震荡市中频繁交易,具有较好的稳定性和可靠性。


总的来说,TrendHunter w/MF 多时间框架趋势策略是一个具有良好潜力的趋势跟踪策略。在使用该策略时,交易者应当充分了解它的原理、优势和风险,并根据自己的风险偏好和交易风格进行必要的调整和优化。同时,也要密切关注市场状态的变化,及时调整策略以适应市场的变化。只有在深入理解、审慎使用的基础上,该策略才能发挥其潜在的优势,为交易者带来稳定的收益。

start: 2024-02-01 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-29 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © godzcopilot / blockybears

// Thanks to anthonyf50 for his MTF Ichimoku https://www.tradingview.com/script/Pw9cBFma/
// Thanks to KivancOzbilgic for his SuperTrend https://www.tradingview.com/script/r6dAP7yi/
// Thanks to ZenAndTheArtOfTrading / PineScriptMastery for their Higher Timeframe EMA https://www.tradingview.com/script/Vh3XG9sD-Higher-Timeframe-EMA/
//  Thanks to LazyBear for WaveTrend Oscillator https://www.tradingview.com/script/2KE8wTuF-Indicator-WaveTrend-Oscillator-WT/
//  Thanks to andreholanda73 for MFI+RSI Area https://www.tradingview.com/script/UlGZzUAr/

strategy("TrendHunter w/MF [Blocky]", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=80, initial_capital=1000, pyramiding=0)

// ================
// Strategy Inputs
// ================

// Defines user inputs for configuring the strategy.

// Inputs for EMA
len     = input.int(title="EMA Length", defval=200, group ='== EMA ==')
col     = input.bool(title="Colour EMA", defval=true, group ='== EMA ==')

// SuperTrend
Periods = input(title='ATR: Period', defval=10, group = '== Supertrend ==', inline = 'atr')
Multiplier = input.float(title='Mult', step=0.1, defval=3.0, group = '== Supertrend ==', inline = 'atr')
Src = input.source(title='Src', defval=hl2, group = '== Supertrend ==', inline = 'atr')

// Ichimoku
conversionPeriods = input.int(9, minval=1, title='Conversion', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'ich1')
basePeriods = input.int(26, minval=1, title='Base', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'ich1')
laggingSpan2Periods = input.int(52, minval=1, title='Lagging', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'ich2')
displacement = input.int(26, minval=1, title='Displacement', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'ich2')

// Ichimoku Display Options
isActiveConversion = input(false, 'Conversion', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')
isActiveBase = input(false, 'Base', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')
isActiveLagging = input(false, 'Lagging', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')
isActiveCloud = input(true, 'Cloud', group = '== Ichimoku ==', inline = 'lines1')

// Input for WaveTrend
n1 = input(9, 'Channel Length', group = '== WaveTrend ==', inline = 'wt1')
n2 = input(12, 'Average Length', group = '== WaveTrend ==', inline = 'wt1')

obLevel = input(60, 'Over Bought', group = '== WaveTrend ==', inline = 'wt2')
osLevel = input(-60, 'Over Sold', group = '== WaveTrend ==', inline = 'wt2')

// Input for Money Flow
rsiMFIperiod = input(60, 'Money Flow Length', group = '== Money Flow ==', inline = 'mf')
rsiMFIMultiplier = input(190, 'RSI+MFI Area multiplier', group = '== Money Flow ==', inline = 'mf')
MFRSIMA = input.string(defval='SMA', title='Money Flow MA Type', options=['RMA', 'SMA', 'EMA', 'WMA', 'VWMA'], group = '== Money Flow ==', inline = 'mf')

// ================
// Strategy Options
// ================

bTable = input.bool(false, title='Trade Table', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Show table that shows current selected options and trade trade entry parameters")

bLong = input.bool(true, title='Enter Longs', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'LongShort')
bShort = input.bool(true, title='Enter Shorts', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'LongShort', tooltip = "Filter long / short trade signals")

bPriceCloud = input.bool(true, title='Price outside cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceCloud')
priceActionOption = input.string(title="", defval="Close", options=["Close", "Candle Body", "Full Candle"], group = "== Strategy Options ==", inline='PriceCloud')

bPriceEMA = input.bool(false, title='Price above/below EMA', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline='PriceEMA')
priceEMAOption = input.string(title="", defval="Close", options=["Close", "Candle Body", "Full Candle"], group = "== Strategy Options ==", inline='PriceEMA')

bSuper = input.bool(true, title='Supertrend transistions', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Trade in direction of the supertrend transitions")

bEMACloud1 = input.bool(true, title='EMA Outside Cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "EMA must be outside the ichimoku cloud")
bEMACloud2 = input.bool(false, title='EMA above/below Cloud', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Longs when EMA above the cloud.\nShort when EMA below the cloud")

bMFI = input.bool(false, title='Money Flow', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Money Flow Green for Long\nMoney Flow Red for Short")
bWT = input.bool(false, title='Wavetrend', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'WT')
bWTOB = input.bool(false, title='Overbought/sold', group='== Strategy Options ==', tooltip = "Longs when WT Rising\nShort when WT Falling\n\nRestrict entries if in overbough or oversold levels",inline = 'WT')

bExitHTFTrail = input.bool(true, title='Super Trend Exits', group='== Strategy Options ==', inline = 'Exits')

// ===========================
// EMA Functions and Plotting
// ===========================

// Calculate EMA
ema = ta.ema(close, len)
emaSmooth = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "", ema[barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0], gaps=barmerge.gaps_on)[barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1]

// Draw EMA
plot(emaSmooth, color=col ? (close > emaSmooth ? color.rgb(76, 163, 175) : color.rgb(6, 23, 173)) : color.black, linewidth=2, title="HTF EMA")

// ==================================
// Supertrend Functions and Plotting
// ==================================

// Function to calculate SuperTrend
calcSuperTrend(src, atrPeriods, multiplier) =>
    atr = ta.atr(atrPeriods)
    up = src - multiplier * atr
    up1 = nz(up[1], up)
    up := close[1] > up1 ? math.max(up, up1) : up
    dn = src + multiplier * atr
    dn1 = nz(dn[1], dn)
    dn := close[1] < dn1 ? math.min(dn, dn1) : dn
    trend = 1
    trend := nz(trend[1], trend)
    trend := trend == -1 and close > dn1 ? 1 : trend == 1 and close < up1 ? -1 : trend
    [up, dn, trend]

// Fetching the higher time frame data
[HTF_up, HTF_dn, HTF_trend] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "", calcSuperTrend(hl2, Periods, Multiplier), lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

// Plotting for the higher time frame
plot(HTF_trend == 1 ? HTF_up : HTF_dn, title='HTF Up Trend', color= HTF_trend == 1 ? color.green : color.red, linewidth=4)

// ===============================
// Ichimoku Functions and Plotting
// ===============================

// Function to convert timeframe to hours
f_convertTimeframeToHours(tf) =>
    val = 0.0
    if tf == "1S" or tf == "S"
        val := 1.0 / 3600.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "S")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "S", "")) / 3600.0
    else if tf == "1D" or tf == "D"
        val := 24.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "D")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "D", "")) * 24.0
    else if tf == "1W" or tf == "W"
        val := 24.0 * 7.0
    else if str.contains(tf, "W")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "W", "")) * 24.0 * 7.0
    else if tf == "1M" or tf == "M"
        val := 24.0 * 30.0  // Approximation for a month
    else if str.contains(tf, "M")
        val := str.tonumber(str.replace(tf, "M", "")) * 24.0 * 30.0  // Approximation for months
        // Default to minutes
        val := str.tonumber(tf) / 60.0

// Time
timeOffset = time - time[1]

// Returns the displacement based on the chart / HTF resolution
f_getDisplacement(_res) =>
    _res == '' ? displacement : math.round(f_convertTimeframeToHours(_res) / f_convertTimeframeToHours(timeframe.period) * displacement)
    //f_avgDilationOf(_res) * displacement

// Returns average value between lowest and highest
f_avgLH(_len) =>
    math.avg(ta.lowest(_len), ta.highest(_len))

// Returns f_donchian data 
f_donchian(_tf, _src) =>
    request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _tf, _src, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on)

// Returns ichimoku data
f_ichimokuData(_tf) =>
    _isShow = _tf == '' or f_convertTimeframeToHours(_tf) >= f_convertTimeframeToHours(timeframe.period)
    _displacement = _isShow ? f_getDisplacement(_tf) : na
    _Conversion = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(conversionPeriods)) : na
    _Base = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(basePeriods)) : na
    _Lagging = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, close) : na
    _SSA = _isShow ? math.avg(_Conversion, _Base) : na
    _SSB = _isShow ? f_donchian(_tf, f_avgLH(laggingSpan2Periods)) : na
    _middleCloud = _isShow ? _SSA[0] > _SSB[0] ? _SSA[0] - math.abs(_SSA[0] - _SSB[0]) / 2 : _SSA[0] + math.abs(_SSA[0] - _SSB[0]) / 2 : na
    [_displacement, _Conversion, _Base, _Lagging, _SSA, _SSB, _middleCloud]

// Plotting ichimoku data

[Displacement, Conversion, Base, Lagging, SSA, SSB, fisrtMiddleCloud] = f_ichimokuData("")

// ————— Conversion
plot(isActiveConversion ? Conversion : na, color=color.new(color.blue, 0), title=' Conversion', linewidth=1)
// ————— Base
plot(isActiveBase ? Base : na, color=color.new(color.fuchsia, 0), title=' Base', linewidth=2)
// ————— Lagging
plot(isActiveLagging ? Lagging : na, offset=-Displacement, color=color.new(color.green, 0), title=' Lagging')

// ————— SSA + SSB
ssa = plot(isActiveCloud ? SSA : na, offset=Displacement, color=color.new(color.green, 0), title=' SSA', linewidth=1)
ssb = plot(isActiveCloud ? SSB : na, offset=Displacement, color=color.new(color.red, 0), title=' SSB', linewidth=1)
fill(ssa, ssb, color=color.new(SSA > SSB ? color.green : color.red , 80), title=' Cloud')

// ===============================
// Makret Cypher Additions
// ===============================

// WaveTrend calculations
ap = hlc3
esa = ta.ema(ap, n1)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ta.ema(ci, n2)

wt1 = tci
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 3)

// WaveTrend plotting
//plot(0, color=color.rgb(120, 123, 134), title='Zero Line')
//plot(emaSmooth + wt1, color=color.rgb(191, 228, 255), style=plot.style_linebr, title='WaveTrend 1')
//plot(emaSmooth + wt2, color=color.rgb(56, 56, 56, 40), style=plot.style_linebr, title='WaveTrend 2')

// WaveTrend shapes
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2[2] < osLevel ? close : na, title='Pos Crossover', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.cross, size=size.small, color=color.rgb(63, 255, 0, 60))
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt2, wt1) and wt1[2] > osLevel ? close : na, title='Neg Crossover', location=location.abovebar, style=shape.cross, size=size.small, color=color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 60))
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and osLevel ? close : na, title='Positive Crossover', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, color=color.rgb(63, 255, 0, 60))
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt2, wt1) and obLevel ?  close : na, title='Negative Crossover', location=location.abovebar, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, color=color.rgb(255, 82, 82, 60))

// Function to determine WaveTrend direction and steepness
isWaveTrendUp() =>
    wt1Slope = wt1 - wt1[1]
    wt2Slope = wt2 - wt2[1]
    if wt1 > wt2 // wt1Slope > 0 and wt2Slope > 0
        1  // Both are going up
    else if wt1 < wt2 // wt1Slope < 0 and wt2Slope < 0
        2 // Both are going down
        na  // Trends are not in the same direction

ma(matype, src, length) =>
    if matype == 'RMA'
        ta.rma(src, length)
        if matype == 'SMA'
            ta.sma(src, length)
            if matype == 'EMA'
                ta.ema(src, length)
                if matype == 'WMA'
                    ta.wma(src, length)
                    if matype == 'VWMA'
                        ta.vwma(src, length)

// Money Flow calculations
candleValue = (close - open) / (high - low)
MVC = ma(MFRSIMA, candleValue, rsiMFIperiod)
MVC := MVC * rsiMFIMultiplier
mfi_transp = math.abs(MVC) > 35 ? 0 : math.abs(MVC) > 30 ? 20 : math.abs(MVC) > 25 ? 30 : math.abs(MVC) > 20 ? 40 : math.abs(MVC) > 15 ? 50 : math.abs(MVC) > 10 ? 60 : math.abs(MVC) > 5 ? 65 : math.abs(MVC) > 2 ? 70 : 80
color_area = MVC > 0 ? color.rgb(76, 255, 80, mfi_transp) : color.rgb(255, 82, 82, mfi_transp)

// Money Flow plotting
// RSIMFIplot = plot(MVC * rsiMFIMultiplier, title='Money Flow', color=color_area, style=plot.style_area)
// fill(RSIMFIplot, plot(0), color_area)

plotshape(MVC > 0 ? true : na, title='MFI', location=location.top, style=shape.labeldown, size= size.tiny, color=color_area)
plotshape(MVC < 0 ? true : na, title='MFI', location=location.top, style= shape.labelup, size= size.tiny, color=color_area)

// ===============================
// Strategy Entries
// ===============================

// Checks whether price is inside the Ichimoku cloud
f_PriceCloud(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bPriceCloud
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := switch priceActionOption
                "Close" => close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Candle Body" => open > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Full Candle" => low > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and high > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) 
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := switch priceActionOption
                "Close" => close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Candle Body" => open < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Full Candle" => low < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and high < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) 
        _enter := na

// Checks whether price is above / below the ema
f_PriceEMA(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bPriceEMA
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := switch priceEMAOption
                "Close" => close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Candle Body" => open > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and close > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Full Candle" => low > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and high > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) 
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := switch priceEMAOption
                "Close" => close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Candle Body" => open < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and close < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
                "Full Candle" => low < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) and high < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]) 
        _enter := na

// Checks HTF supertrend direction
f_Super(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bSuper
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := HTF_trend == 1
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := HTF_trend == -1
        _enter := na


// Checks whether ema is inside the Ichimoku cloud
f_EMACloud1(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bEMACloud1
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := (emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])) or (emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]))
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := (emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])) or (emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement]))
        _enter := na

// Checks whether ema is above/below Ichimoku cloud
f_EMACloud2(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bEMACloud2
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := emaSmooth > math.max(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := emaSmooth < math.min(SSA[Displacement], SSB[Displacement])
        _enter := na

// Checks whether moneyflow is positive
f_MFI(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bMFI
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := MVC > 0
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := MVC < 0
        _enter := na

// Checks whether wavetrend is rising or falling
f_WT(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bWT
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := isWaveTrendUp() == dir
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := isWaveTrendUp() == dir
        _enter := na

f_WTOB(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if bWT and bWTOB
        if bLong and dir == 1
            _enter := wt1 < obLevel
        if bShort and dir == 2
            _enter := wt1 > osLevel
        _enter := na

// Check if a value is 'na' or true.
f_NATrue(val) =>
    _enter = false
    if na(val)
        _enter := true
    if val
        _enter := true

// Consolidates entry conditions.
f_checkCondition(dir) =>
    _enter = false
    if na(f_PriceCloud(dir)) and na(f_PriceEMA(dir)) and na(f_Super(dir)) and na(f_EMACloud1(dir)) and na(f_EMACloud2(dir)) and na(f_MFI(dir)) and na(f_WT(dir)) and na(f_WTOB(dir))
        _enter := false
    else if f_NATrue(f_PriceCloud(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_PriceEMA(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_Super(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_EMACloud1(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_EMACloud2(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_MFI(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_WT(dir)) and f_NATrue(f_WTOB(dir))
        _enter := true

// Execute long trade entries
longCondition = bLong and f_checkCondition(1)
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)

// Execute short trade entries
shortCondition = bShort and f_checkCondition(2)
if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

// Excute trade exits
exitLong = (bExitHTFTrail and (close < HTF_up or HTF_trend == -1))
exitShort = (bExitHTFTrail and (close > HTF_dn or HTF_trend == 1))

if exitLong

if exitShort

// Creates a table shoing all the user options and their current status for entering a trade
if bTable
    // Create a table
    tbl = table.new(position = position.bottom_right, columns = 4, rows = 11, bgcolor=color.new(color.black,100), border_width = 0, frame_width = 0)

    table.cell(tbl, 1, 0, "Selected", text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 0, "Long", bgcolor=na(bLong) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bShort ? color.rgb(4, 112, 8) : color.rgb(100, 7, 7), text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 0, "Short", bgcolor=na(bShort) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bShort ? color.rgb(4, 112, 8) : color.rgb(100, 7, 7), text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 1, "Entry", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 1, longCondition  ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=longCondition ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 1, shortCondition  ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=shortCondition ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 3, "Price Cloud", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 3, bPriceCloud ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bPriceCloud) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bPriceCloud ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 3, f_PriceCloud(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_PriceCloud(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_PriceCloud(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 3, f_PriceCloud(2)  ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_PriceCloud(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_PriceCloud(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 4, "Price EMA", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 4, bPriceEMA ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bPriceEMA) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bPriceEMA ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 4, f_PriceEMA(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_PriceEMA(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_PriceEMA(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 4, f_PriceEMA(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_PriceEMA(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_PriceEMA(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 5, "SuperTrend", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 5, bSuper ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bSuper) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bSuper ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 5, f_Super(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_Super(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_Super(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 5, f_Super(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_Super(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_Super(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 6, "EMA Outside Cloud", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 6, bEMACloud1 ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bEMACloud1) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bEMACloud1 ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 6, f_EMACloud1(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud1(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_EMACloud1(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 6, f_EMACloud1(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud1(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_EMACloud1(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 7, "EMA Above/Below Cloud", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 7, bEMACloud2 ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bEMACloud2) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bEMACloud2 ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 7, f_EMACloud2(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud2(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_EMACloud2(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 7, f_EMACloud2(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_EMACloud2(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_EMACloud2(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 8, "Moneyflow", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 8, bMFI ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bMFI) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bMFI ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 8, f_MFI(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_MFI(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_MFI(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 8, f_MFI(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_MFI(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_MFI(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 9, "WaveTrend", text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 9, bWT ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bWT) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bWT ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 9, f_WT(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_WT(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_WT(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 9, f_WT(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_WT(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_WT(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))

    table.cell(tbl, 0, 10, "Overbought/Sold  " + str.tostring(wt1, '#.#'), text_halign = text.align_left, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 1, 10, bWTOB ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(bWTOB) ? color.new(color.black,100) : bWTOB ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 2, 10, f_WTOB(1) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_WTOB(1)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_WTOB(1) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
    table.cell(tbl, 3, 10, f_WTOB(2) ? "✓" : "✗", bgcolor=na(f_WTOB(2)) ? color.new(color.black,100) : f_WTOB(2) ? color.green : color.red, text_halign = text.align_center, text_size = size.small, text_color = color.rgb(207, 207, 207))
