由于HTTPServer本身有些坑,考虑使用ThreadingHTTPServer代替。 参考:https://docs.python.org/3.7/library/http.server.html 需要Python3.7版本。
HTTPServer问题的资料: https://www.zybuluo.com/JunQiu/note/1350528
''' 请求格式:http://x.x.x.x:xxxx/data?access_key=xxx&secret_key=yyy&type=buy&amount=0.001 策略机器人参数: - 类型:加密字符串,AccessKey , SecretKey ,可以用FMZ平台的低权限的API KEY,或者自己生成KEY也可以。 - 类型:字符串,合约ID,ContractType - 类型:数值,端口号,Port ''' import re import _thread import json from http.server import ThreadingHTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse def url2Dict(url): query = urlparse(url).query params = parse_qs(query) result = {key: params[key][0] for key in params} return result class Executor(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): try: dictParam = url2Dict(self.path) Log("测试", dictParam) except Exception as e: Log("Provider do_GET error, e:", e) def do_POST(self): try: self.send_response(200) self.send_header("Content-type", "application/json") self.end_headers() dictParam = url2Dict(self.path) # 测试POST请求Body信息 data = self.rfile.read(200) # 指定了读取长度 Log("data:", data) # 打印POST请求的数据,可以根据请求中的数据具体再让机器人执行对应的操作 # 校验 if len(dictParam) == 4 and dictParam["access_key"] == AccessKey and dictParam["secret_key"] == SecretKey: del dictParam["access_key"] del dictParam["secret_key"] Log("接收到请求", "参数:", dictParam, "#FF0000") ''' map[access_key:xxx amount:0.001 secret_key:yyy type:buy] ''' isSpot = True if exchange.GetName().find("Futures") != -1: if ContractType != "": exchange.SetContractType(ContractType) isSpot = False else : raise "未设置期货合约" q = None if exchange.GetName() == "Futures_CTP" and UseMarketOrderForCTP == False: q = ext.NewTaskQueue() if isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "buy": exchange.Buy(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) Log(exchange.GetAccount()) elif isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "sell": exchange.Sell(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) Log(exchange.GetAccount()) elif not isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "long": exchange.SetDirection("buy") if not q: exchange.Buy(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) else : q.pushTask(exchange, ContractType, "buy", float(dictParam["amount"]), lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")) Log("持仓:", exchange.GetPosition()) elif not isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "short": exchange.SetDirection("sell") if not q: exchange.Sell(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) else : q.pushTask(exchange, ContractType, "sell", float(dictParam["amount"]), lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")) Log("持仓:", exchange.GetPosition()) elif not isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "cover_long": exchange.SetDirection("closebuy") if not q: exchange.Sell(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) else : q.pushTask(exchange, ContractType, "closebuy", float(dictParam["amount"]), lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")) Log("持仓:", exchange.GetPosition()) elif not isSpot and dictParam["type"] == "cover_short": exchange.SetDirection("closesell") if not q: exchange.Buy(-1, float(dictParam["amount"])) else : q.pushTask(exchange, ContractType, "closesell", float(dictParam["amount"]), lambda task, ret: Log(task["desc"], ret, "#FF0000")) Log("持仓:", exchange.GetPosition()) if q is not None: while q.size() > 0: q.poll() Sleep(500) # 处理body数据 if isDealBodyMsg: if exchange.GetName().find("Futures") != -1: Log("data:", data.decode('utf-8')) # 测试 if re.search(r'buy', data.decode('utf-8')): Log("触发buy") exchange.SetContractType(ct) exchange.SetDirection("buy") exchange.Buy(-1, amount) elif re.search(r'sell', data.decode('utf-8')): Log("触发sell") exchange.SetContractType(ct) exchange.SetDirection("sell") exchange.Sell(-1, amount) # 写入数据应答 self.wfile.write(json.dumps({"state": "ok"}).encode()) except Exception as e: Log("Provider do_POST error, e:", e) def createServer(host): try: server = ThreadingHTTPServer(host, Executor) Log("Starting server, listen at: %s:%s" % host) server.serve_forever() except Exception as e: Log("createServer error, e:", e) raise Exception("stop") def main(): # 开启一个线程 try: _thread.start_new_thread(createServer, (("", Port), )) # VPS服务器上测试 except Exception as e: Log("错误信息:", e) raise Exception("stop") if exchange.GetName().find("Futures") != -1: exchange.SetContractType(ContractType) Log("账户资产信息:", _C(exchange.GetAccount)) while True: if exchange.GetName() == "Futures_CTP": if exchange.IO("status"): LogStatus(_D(), "CTP连接") else: LogStatus(_D(), "CTP未连接") else: LogStatus(_D()) Sleep(2000)template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6