
创建日期: 2023-09-21 10:41:52 最后修改: 2023-09-21 10:41:52
复制: 0 点击次数: 469




  1. 使用范围量指标判断量能突破
  2. 突破时做多入场,之后在跌破阈值时加仓
  3. 计算DCA机器人参数,包括安全订单价格、数量、最大安全订单数等
  4. 当价格触发安全订单价格时加仓
  5. 当达到盈利目标或超过最大安全订单时止盈



  1. 结合范围量指标判断量能,提高入场准确性
  2. 加仓机制可以以低成本追踪趋势
  3. 可灵活配置DCA参数,适应市场环境
  4. 有止盈和止损机制,可控制风险


  1. 量能判断失败风险,可能入场错误方向
  2. DCA加仓次数过多风险,成本和风险增大
  3. 需适时调整DCA参数,否则效果可能不佳
  4. 止损位置设置不当可能扩大单笔损失



  1. 测试不同的量参数组合找出最佳参数
  2. 优化DCA参数,适应不同品种和周期
  3. 增加移动止损追踪价格实时变化
  4. 添加再入场条件在趋势放量时重新入场
  5. 评估趋势过滤以避免错误方向入场
  6. 比较不同止损算法优劣找出最优配置



start: 2022-09-20 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-20 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
args: [["v_input_8",500]]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Ranged Volume DCA Strategy - R3c0nTrader ver 2022-04-19
// For backtesting with 3Commas DCA Bot settings
// Thank you "EvoCrypto" for granting me permission to use "Ranged Volume" to create this strategy
// Thank you "junyou0424" for granting me permission to use "DCA Bot with SuperTrend Emulator" which I used for adding bot inputs, calculations, and strategy
strategy("Ranged Volume DCA Strategy - R3c0nTrader", shorttitle="Ranged Vol DCA Strategy", format=format.volume, overlay=true, pyramiding=999, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, initial_capital=50000, commission_value=0.0)

// Start and End Dates
i_startTime = input(defval=timestamp('01 Jan 2015 00:00 +0000'), title='Start Time')
i_endTime = input(defval=timestamp('31 Dec 2050 23:59 +0000'), title='End Time')
inDateRange = true

//Ranged Volume Settings
Range_Length    =   input.int(5,        title="Volume Range Length",                       minval=1)

Heikin_Ashi     =   input(true,     title="Heikin Ashi  (Try toggling for different results)")
Display_Bars    =   input(true,     title="Show Bar Colors")
Display_Break   =   input(true,     title="Show Break-Out")
Display_Range   =   input(true,     title="Show Range")

truncate(number, decimals) =>
    factor = math.pow(10, decimals)
    int(number * factor) / factor

// Strategy Inputs
//sourceInput = input.source(close, "Source")
sourceInput = close
price_deviation = input.float(6.0, title='Price deviation to open safety orders (%)', step=0.25, minval=0.0) / 100
take_profit = input.float(22.0, title='Target Take Profit (%)', step=0.5, minval=0.0) / 100
trailing = input.float(0.0, title='Trailing deviation. Default= 0.0 (%)', step=0.5, minval=0.0) / 100
base_order = input(100.0, title='Base order')
safe_order = input(500.0, title='Safety order')
safe_order_volume_scale = input.float(2.0, step=0.5, title='Safety order volume scale')
safe_order_step_scale = input.float(1.4, step=0.1, title='Safety order step scale')
max_safe_order = input(5, title='Max safety orders')

var current_so = 0
var initial_order = 0.0
var previous_high_value = 0.0
var original_ttp_value = 0.0
// Calculate our key levels
take_profit_level = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + take_profit)

// }

Close = Heikin_Ashi ? request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, close) : close
//Close = Heikin_Ashi ? request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, close) : sourceInput
Open = Heikin_Ashi ? request.security(ticker.heikinashi(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, open) : open

Positive        =    volume
Negative        =   -volume

Highest         =   ta.highest(volume, Range_Length)
Lowest          =   ta.lowest(-volume, Range_Length)

Up              =   Highest > Highest[1] and Close > Open
Dn              =   Highest > Highest[1] and Close < Open

Volume_Color = 
 Display_Break and Up ? color.new(#ffeb3b, 20) : 
 Display_Break and Dn ? color.new(#f44336, 20) : 
 Close > Open ? color.new(#00c0ff, 20) : 
 Close < Open ? color.new(#0001f6, 20) : na
// }

//Plot bar color for volume range indicator
barcolor(Volume_Color, title='Ranged Volume Bar Coloring: (You must disable bar coloring in any studies you added or this may not work properly)')
//barcolor(Display_Bars ? Volume_Color : na)


// First Position
if strategy.position_size == 0 and sourceInput > 0 and (Up) and inDateRange
    strategy.entry('Long @' + str.tostring(sourceInput)+'💎✋🤚', strategy.long, qty=base_order / sourceInput)
    initial_order := sourceInput
    current_so := 1
    previous_high_value := 0.0
    original_ttp_value := 0

threshold = 0.0

if safe_order_step_scale == 1.0
    threshold := initial_order - initial_order * price_deviation * safe_order_step_scale * current_so

else if current_so <= max_safe_order
    threshold := initial_order - initial_order * ((price_deviation * math.pow(safe_order_step_scale, current_so) - price_deviation) / (safe_order_step_scale - 1))

else if current_so > max_safe_order
    threshold := initial_order - initial_order * ((price_deviation * math.pow(safe_order_step_scale, max_safe_order) - price_deviation) / (safe_order_step_scale - 1))

// Average Down
if current_so > 0 and sourceInput <= threshold and current_so <= max_safe_order and previous_high_value == 0.0
    strategy.entry('😨🙏 SO ' + str.tostring(current_so) + '@' + str.tostring(sourceInput), direction=strategy.long, qty=safe_order * math.pow(safe_order_volume_scale, current_so - 1) / sourceInput)
    current_so += 1

// Take Profit!
if take_profit_level <= sourceInput and strategy.position_size > 0 or previous_high_value > 0.0
    if trailing > 0.0
        if previous_high_value > 0.0
            if sourceInput >= previous_high_value
                previous_high_value := sourceInput
                previous_high_percent = (previous_high_value - original_ttp_value) * 1.0 / original_ttp_value
                current_high_percent = (sourceInput - original_ttp_value) * 1.0 / original_ttp_value
                if previous_high_percent - current_high_percent >= trailing
                    strategy.close_all(comment='Close (trailing) @' + str.tostring(truncate(current_high_percent * 100, 3)) + '%')
                    current_so := 0
                    previous_high_value := 0
                    original_ttp_value := 0
            previous_high_value := sourceInput
            original_ttp_value := sourceInput
        strategy.close_all(comment='💰 Close @' + str.tostring(sourceInput))
        current_so := 0
        previous_high_value := 0
        original_ttp_value := 0

// Plot TP
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? take_profit_level : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.green, linewidth=2, title="Take Profit")

// Plot All Safety Order lines except for last one as bright blue
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and current_so <= max_safe_order and current_so > 0 ? threshold : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.new(#00ffff,0), linewidth=2, title="Safety Order")

// Plot Last Safety Order Line as Red
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and current_so > max_safe_order ? threshold : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="No Safety Orders Left")

// Plot Average Position Price Line as Orange
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? strategy.position_avg_price : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.orange, linewidth=2, title="Avg Position Price")

// Fill TP Area and SO Area
h1 = plot(strategy.position_avg_price, color=color.new(#000000,100), title="Avg Price Plot Area", display=display.none, editable=false)
h2 = plot(take_profit_level, color=color.new(#000000,100), title="Take Profit Plot Area", display=display.none, editable=false)
h3 = plot(threshold, color=color.new(#000000,100), title="SO Plot Area", display=display.none, editable=false)

// TP Area
fill(h1,h2,color=color.new(#38761d,70), title="Take Profit Plot Area")
// Current SO Area
fill(h1,h3,color=color.new(#3d85c6,70), title="SO Plot Area")