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Dual Channel Tracking Reversal Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-11-02 16:31:50



The Dual Channel Tracking Reversal strategy is a reversal trading strategy that combines Bollinger Bands, Keltner Channels, and momentum indicators. It identifies price compression zones through the synthesis of Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels, and utilizes momentum indicators to determine reversal signals for entry and exit.

Strategy Logic

  1. Calculate the middle, upper and lower bands for Bollinger Bands

    • Middle band uses SMA of close
    • Upper and lower bands are middle band ± adjustable standard deviation multiple
  2. Calculate the middle, upper and lower bands for Keltner Channels

    • Middle band uses SMA of close
    • Upper and lower bands are middle band ± adjustable ATR multiple
  3. Determine if Bollinger Bands are inside Keltner Channels

    • Squeeze on when lower BB > lower KC and upper BB < upper KC
    • Squeeze off otherwise
  4. Calculate the linear regression slope val of close against BB and KC midpoints

    • val > 0 indicates close is increasing, val < 0 means decreasing
  5. Calculate the ROC and EMA of ROC for close

    • Determine if change rate exceeds adjustable threshold
    • Above threshold indicates existing trend
  6. When in squeeze, long when val > 0 and ROC exceeds threshold

    • Vice versa for short
  7. Set stop loss and take profit conditions


  1. Improved accuracy by combining dual channel system for reversal

  2. Avoid false signals using linear regression and change rate

  3. Flexible adjustable parameters for optimization across products

  4. Effective risk control per trade with stop loss/take profit

  5. Sufficient backtest data to validate strategy viability

Risks and Solutions

  1. Squeeze does not always lead to effective reversal

    • Optimize parameters and tighten squeeze criteria
  2. False breakouts generate wrong signals

    • Add linear regression to determine trend direction
  3. Stop loss too wide leading to excessive single loss

    • Optimize stop loss points and control per trade loss
  4. Insufficient test periods

    • Expand testing into more periods to prove long-term viability

Enhancement Opportunities

  1. Parameter optimization for more products

  2. Add machine learning for support/resistance identification

  3. Incorporate volume change to improve breakout validity

  4. Perform multi-timeframe analysis for trend persistence

  5. Optimize dynamic stop loss/take profit


The Dual Channel Tracking Reversal strategy utilizes indicators like Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels for reversal trading. With parameter optimization, it can be adapted across different products to identify breakout validity to some extent. But reversal trading still carries inherent risks, requiring further incorporation of machine learning etc. to improve accuracy for steady excess returns.

start: 2023-10-02 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-01 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// Credit for the initial Squeeze Momentum code to LazyBear, rate of change code is from Kiasaki
strategy("Squeeze X BF 🚀", overlay=false, initial_capital=10000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.0)

/////////////// Time Frame ///////////////
testStartYear = input(2012, "Backtest Start Year") 
testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay, 0, 0)

testStopYear = input(2019, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay, 0, 0)

testPeriod() => true

/////////////// Squeeeeze ///////////////
length = input(20, title="BB Length")
mult = input(2.0,title="BB MultFactor")
lengthKC=input(22, title="KC Length")
multKC = input(1.5, title="KC MultFactor")
useTrueRange = input(true, title="Use TrueRange (KC)")
// Calculate BB
source = close
basis = sma(source, length)
dev = mult * stdev(source, length)
upperBB = basis + dev
lowerBB = basis - dev

// Calculate KC
ma = sma(source, lengthKC)
range = useTrueRange ? tr : (high - low)
rangema = sma(range, lengthKC)
upperKC = ma + rangema * multKC
lowerKC = ma - rangema * multKC

sqzOn  = (lowerBB > lowerKC) and (upperBB < upperKC)
sqzOff = (lowerBB < lowerKC) and (upperBB > upperKC)
noSqz  = (sqzOn == false) and (sqzOff == false)

val = linreg(source - avg(avg(highest(high, lengthKC), lowest(low, lengthKC)),sma(close,lengthKC)), lengthKC,0)

///////////// Rate Of Change ///////////// 
roclength = input(30, minval=1), pcntChange = input(7, minval=1)
roc = 100 * (source - source[roclength]) / source[roclength]
emaroc = ema(roc, roclength / 2)
isMoving() => emaroc > (pcntChange / 2) or emaroc < (0 - (pcntChange / 2))

/////////////// Strategy ///////////////
long = val > 0 and isMoving()
short = val < 0 and isMoving()

last_long = 0.0
last_short = 0.0
last_long := long ? time : nz(last_long[1])
last_short := short ? time : nz(last_short[1])

long_signal = crossover(last_long, last_short)
short_signal = crossover(last_short, last_long)

last_open_long_signal = 0.0
last_open_short_signal = 0.0
last_open_long_signal := long_signal ? open : nz(last_open_long_signal[1])
last_open_short_signal := short_signal ? open : nz(last_open_short_signal[1])

last_long_signal = 0.0
last_short_signal = 0.0
last_long_signal := long_signal ? time : nz(last_long_signal[1])
last_short_signal := short_signal ? time : nz(last_short_signal[1])

in_long_signal = last_long_signal > last_short_signal
in_short_signal = last_short_signal > last_long_signal

last_high = 0.0
last_low = 0.0
last_high := not in_long_signal ? na : in_long_signal and (na(last_high[1]) or high > nz(last_high[1])) ? high : nz(last_high[1])
last_low := not in_short_signal ? na : in_short_signal and (na(last_low[1]) or low < nz(last_low[1])) ? low : nz(last_low[1])

sl_inp = input(100.0, title='Stop Loss %') / 100
tp_inp = input(5000.0, title='Take Profit %') / 100
take_level_l = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + tp_inp)
take_level_s = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - tp_inp)

since_longEntry = barssince(last_open_long_signal != last_open_long_signal[1]) 
since_shortEntry = barssince(last_open_short_signal != last_open_short_signal[1]) 

slLong = in_long_signal ? strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - sl_inp) : na
slShort = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + sl_inp)
long_sl = in_long_signal ? slLong : na
short_sl = in_short_signal ? slShort : na

/////////////// Execution ///////////////
if testPeriod()
    strategy.entry("Long",  strategy.long, when=long)
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, when=short)
    strategy.exit("Long Ex", "Long", stop=long_sl, limit=take_level_l, when=since_longEntry > 0)
    strategy.exit("Short Ex", "Short", stop=short_sl, limit=take_level_s, when=since_shortEntry > 0)
/////////////// Plotting ///////////////
bcolor = iff(val > 0, iff(val > nz(val[1]), color.lime, color.green), iff(val < nz(val[1]), color.red, color.maroon))
plot(val, color=bcolor, linewidth=4)
bgcolor(not isMoving() ? color.white : long ? color.lime : short ? color.red : na, transp=70)
bgcolor(long_signal ? color.lime : short_signal ? color.red : na, transp=50)
hline(0, color = color.white)
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6