/*backtest start: 2023-10-16 00:00:00 end: 2023-11-15 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // (c) Noro //2017 //@version=2 strategy(title="Noro's SILA v1.6L Strategy", shorttitle="SILA v1.6L str", overlay=true) //settings sensup = input(5, title="Uptrend-sensivity", minval = -8, maxval = 8) sensdn = input(5, title="Downtrend-sensivity", minval = -8, maxval = 8) usewow = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator WOW?") usebma = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator BestMA?") usebc = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator BarColor?") usest = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator SuperTrend?") usedi = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator DI?") usetts = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator TTS?") usersi = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator RSI?") usewto = input(true, title="Use trend-indicator WTO?") dist = input(100, title="Distance SILA-lines", minval = 0, maxval = 100) usetl = input(true, title="Need SILA-lines?") usebgup = input(true, title="Need uptrend-background?") usebgdn = input(true, title="Need downtrend-background?") usealw = input(true, title="Need background always?") usearr = input(true, title="Need new-trend-arrows?") useloco = input(true, title="Need locomotive-arrows?") usemon = input(true, title="Need money?") //joke // WOW 1.0 method lasthigh = highest(close, 30) lastlow = lowest(close, 30) center = (lasthigh +lastlow) / 2 body = (open + close) / 2 trend1 = body > center ? 1 : body < center ? -1 : trend1[1] trend2 = center > center[1] ? 1 : center < center[1] ? -1 : trend2[1] WOWtrend = usewow == true ? trend1 == 1 and trend2 == 1 ? 1 : trend1 == -1 and trend2 == -1 ? -1 : WOWtrend[1] : 0 // BestMA 1.0 method SMAOpen = sma(open, 30) SMAClose = sma(close, 30) BMAtrend = usebma == true ? SMAClose > SMAOpen ? 1 : SMAClose < SMAOpen ? -1 : BMAtrend[1] : 0 // BarColor 1.0 method color = close > open ? 1 : 0 score = color + color[1] + color[2] + color[3] + color[4] + color[5] + color[6] + color[7] BARtrend = usebc == true ? score > 5 ? 1 : score < 3 ? -1 : BARtrend[1] : 0 // SuperTrend mehtod Up = hl2 - (7 * atr(3)) Dn = hl2 + (7 * atr(3)) TrendUp = close[1] > TrendUp[1] ? max(Up, TrendUp[1]) : Up TrendDown = close[1] < TrendDown[1] ? min(Dn, TrendDown[1]) : Dn SUPtrend = usest == true ? close > TrendDown[1] ? 1: close < TrendUp[1]? -1 : SUPtrend[1] : 0 //DI method th = 20 TrueRange = max(max(high-low, abs(high-nz(close[1]))), abs(low-nz(close[1]))) DirectionalMovementPlus = high-nz(high[1]) > nz(low[1])-low ? max(high-nz(high[1]), 0): 0 DirectionalMovementMinus = nz(low[1])-low > high-nz(high[1]) ? max(nz(low[1])-low, 0): 0 SmoothedTrueRange = nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1]) - (nz(SmoothedTrueRange[1])/14) + TrueRange SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus = nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus[1])/14) + DirectionalMovementPlus SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus = nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1]) - (nz(SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus[1])/14) + DirectionalMovementMinus DIPlus = SmoothedDirectionalMovementPlus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100 DIMinus = SmoothedDirectionalMovementMinus / SmoothedTrueRange * 100 DItrend = usedi == true ? DIPlus > DIMinus ? 1 : -1 : 0 //TTS method (Trend Trader Strategy) //Start of HPotter's code //Andrew Abraham' idea avgTR = wma(atr(1), 21) highestC = highest(21) lowestC = lowest(21) hiLimit = highestC[1]-(avgTR[1] * 3) loLimit = lowestC[1]+(avgTR[1] * 3) ret = iff(close > hiLimit and close > loLimit, hiLimit, iff(close < loLimit and close < hiLimit, loLimit, nz(ret[1], 0))) pos = iff(close > ret, 1, iff(close < ret, -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) //End of HPotter's code TTStrend = usetts == true ? pos == 1 ? 1 : pos == -1 ? -1 : TTStrend[1] : 0 //RSI method RSIMain = (rsi(close, 13) - 50) * 1.5 rt = iff(RSIMain > -10, 1, iff(RSIMain < 10, -1, nz(pos[1], 0))) RSItrend = usersi == true ? rt : 0 //WTO ("WaveTrend Oscilator") method by LazyBear //Start of LazyBear's code esa = ema(hlc3, 10) d = ema(abs(hlc3 - esa), 10) ci = (hlc3 - esa) / (0.015 * d) tci = ema(ci, 21) //End of LazyBear's code WTOtrend = usewto == true ? tci > 0 ? 1 : tci < 0 ? -1 : 0 : 0 //plots trends = usemon == true ? WOWtrend + BMAtrend + BARtrend + SUPtrend + DItrend + TTStrend + RSItrend + WTOtrend: -1 * (WOWtrend + BMAtrend + BARtrend + SUPtrend + DItrend + TTStrend + RSItrend + WTOtrend) pricehi = sma(high, 10) pricelo = sma(low, 10) per = usetl == 1 ? dist / 10000 : 0 color1 = usetl == true ? trends > 0 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - per), color=color1, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color2 = usetl == true ? trends > 1 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 2 * per), color=color2, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color3 = usetl == true ? trends > 2 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 3 * per), color=color3, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color4 = usetl == true ? trends > 3 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 4 * per), color=color4, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color5 = usetl == true ? trends > 4 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 5 * per), color=color5, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color6 = usetl == true ? trends > 5 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 6 * per), color=color6, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color7 = usetl == true ? trends > 6 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 7 * per), color=color7, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color8 = usetl == true ? trends > 7 ? blue : na : na plot(pricelo * (1 - 8 * per), color=color8, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color10 = usetl == true ? trends < 0 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + per), color=color10, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color11 = usetl == true ? trends < -1 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 2 * per), color=color11, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color12 = usetl == true ? trends < -2 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 3 * per), color=color12, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color13 = usetl == true ? trends < -3 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 4 * per), color=color13, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color14 = usetl == true ? trends < -4 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 5 * per), color=color14, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color15 = usetl == true ? trends < -5 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 6 * per), color=color15, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color16 = usetl == true ? trends < -6 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 7 * per), color=color16, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") color17 = usetl == true ? trends < -7 ? black : na : na plot(pricehi * (1 + 8 * per), color=color17, linewidth=1, title="SILA-line") //background col = usebgup == true and trends >= sensup ? 1 : usebgdn == true and trends <= (-1 * sensdn) ? -1 : usealw == true ? col[1] : 0 bgcolor = col == 1 ? lime : col == -1 ? red : na //bgcolor(bgcolor, transp=70) //arrows posi = trends >= sensup ? 1 : trends <= (-1 * sensdn) ? -1 : posi[1] arr = usearr == true ? posi == 1 and posi[1] < 1 ? 1 : posi == -1 and posi[1] > -1 ? -1 : na : na //plotarrow(arr == 1 ? 1 : na, title="UpArrow", colorup=blue, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0) //plotarrow(arr == -1 ? -1 : na, title="DnArrow", colordown=blue, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0) //locomotive bar = close > open ? 1 : close < open ? -1 : 0 locotop = bar == -1 and bar[1] == 1 and bar[2] == 1 ? 1 : 0 locobot = bar == 1 and bar[1] == -1 and bar[2] == -1 ? 1 : 0 entry = useloco == false ? 1 : posi == posi[1] ? (locotop == 1 and posi == -1) or (locobot == 1 and posi == 1) ? 1 : entry[1] : 0 //plotarrow(locobot == 1 and entry[1] == 0 and posi == 1 ? 1 : na, title="UpLocomotive", colorup=yellow, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0) //plotarrow(locotop == 1 and entry[1] == 0 and posi == -1 ? -1 : na, title="DnLocomotive", colordown=yellow, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0) longCondition = arr == 1 if (longCondition) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) shortCondition = arr == -1 if (shortCondition) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)