
创建日期: 2023-12-08 12:05:17 最后修改: 2023-12-08 12:05:17
复制: 0 点击次数: 748





  1. 使用EMA均线判断大趋势方向,EMA12大于EMA144则判断为大趋势向上
  2. 只在大趋势向上时开仓做多
  3. 网格大小默认为1倍ATR,可调整倍数
  4. 向下追踪价格建立1、2、3级网格,分别开仓做多
  5. 第5格设置止损点
  6. 开仓后设置止损点和止盈点
  7. 当价格上涨突破止盈点平仓
  8. 当价格下跌触发止损点平仓
  9. 当仓位全部平仓后,如果价格重新突破最后一个网格,则重新计算网格位置和数量,向上追踪



  1. 利用EMA判断大趋势方向,避免逆势开仓
  2. 网格策略能够分批建仓,降低单仓风险
  3. 止盈止损设置锁定利润,控制最大亏损
  4. 仓位平仓后可以重新计算网格继续追涨,扩大获利空间



  1. 大趋势判断可能出错,进错方向
  2. 行情出现大幅震荡,网格亏损过重
  3. 亏损达到止损点过快,仓位全部平仓
  4. 反弹后无法重新进入最佳入场点





  1. 优化EMA参数,提高大趋势判断的准确性
  2. 调整网格间距和数量,优化获利风险比
  3. 改进止盈止损逻辑,如部分仓位止盈、移动止损 等
  4. 增加重新入场条件限制,避免反弹过程中过早重新入场
  5. 结合更多指标判断入场时机,如K线形态、指标灵敏度等
  6. 增加行情异常判断,避免异常行情中巨亏




start: 2022-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-07 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © zxcvbnm3260

strategy("grid strategy long", overlay=true)

// 版本更新记录:
// v1.0 2021/11/09 只做多、不做空,选择大趋势向上的时间段。网格大小默认为1倍ATR,往下1、2、3个网格吃单,第5个网格止损。空仓时到达往上一个网格则网格整体抬升。(Only go long, not short, choose a time period when the general trend is up. The default grid size is 1x ATR, the next one, two, and three grids will take orders, and the fifth grid will stop loss. When the empty position reaches the upper grid, the grid as a whole rises.)

X_ATR = input.float(title='网格大小是多少倍ATR?', defval = 1)

// 1.基础变量
ema169 = ta.ema(close, 169)
ema144 = ta.ema(close, 144)
ema12 = ta.ema(close, 12)

ema576 = ta.ema(close, 576)
ema676 = ta.ema(close, 676)

plot(ema169, color=color.new(color.orange, 0), linewidth=2)
// plot(ema144, color=color.orange)
plot(ema12,  color=color.blue)
// plot(ema676, color=color.orange, linewidth=1)

mtr = math.max(high - low, math.abs(close[1] - high), math.abs(close[1] - low))
atr = ta.ema(mtr, 30)

is_0930 = hour(time, 'GMT-4') == 9  and minute(time, 'GMT-4') == 30
is_1500 = hour(time, 'GMT-4') == 15 and minute(time, 'GMT-4') == 00
is_1530 = hour(time, 'GMT-4') == 15 and minute(time, 'GMT-4') == 30

is_yangxian = close>open
is_yinxian = close<open

// 2.基本趋势标记

big_trend  = ema12 >= ema169 ? 1 : 0
big_trend2 = ema12 <= ema169 ? 1 : 0

// 背景的变色处理:
bgcolor(big_trend == 1 ? color.new(color.green, 90) : color.new(color.red, 90) )

// 3.网格点位初始化

grid_size = atr * X_ATR // 网格大小
price_entry1 = open - grid_size*1
price_entry2 = open - grid_size*2
price_entry3 = open - grid_size*3
price_stop_loss = open - grid_size*5

price_exit1 = price_entry1 + grid_size*1
price_exit2 = price_entry2 + grid_size*1
price_exit3 = price_entry3 + grid_size*1

qty1 = int(1000/price_entry1)
qty2 = int(1000/price_entry2)
qty3 = int(1000/price_entry3)

// 标出各种点位
slm_lines_time(time, price_entry1, price_entry2, price_entry3, price_stop_loss, price_exit1)=>
    time2 = time + 1000*3600*24*5
    line.new(time, price_stop_loss, time2, price_stop_loss, color=color.red, xloc = xloc.bar_time, width=2)  // 止损位
    line.new(time, price_entry1, time2, price_entry1, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_time)  // 
    line.new(time, price_entry2, time2, price_entry2, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_time)  // 
    line.new(time, price_entry3, time2, price_entry3, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_time)  // 
    line.new(time, price_exit1,  time2, price_exit1,  color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_time, width=2)  // 

slm_lines(time, price_entry1, price_entry2, price_entry3, price_stop_loss, price_exit1)=>
    line.new(bar_index, price_stop_loss, bar_index[5], price_stop_loss, color=color.red, xloc = xloc.bar_index, width=2)  // 止损位
    line.new(bar_index, price_entry1, bar_index[5], price_entry1, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_index)  // 
    line.new(bar_index, price_entry2, bar_index[5], price_entry2, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_index)  // 
    line.new(bar_index, price_entry3, bar_index[5], price_entry3, color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_index)  // 
    line.new(bar_index, price_exit1,  bar_index[5], price_exit1,  color=color.green, xloc = xloc.bar_index, width=2)  // 

// 4.网格点位更新和下单

is_entry0 = big_trend==1 and year>=2020

var is_entry = false

// 未进场时:
if is_entry0 and not is_entry
    is_entry := true
    grid_size := atr * X_ATR // 网格大小
    price_entry1 := close - grid_size*1
    price_entry2 := close - grid_size*2
    price_entry3 := close - grid_size*3
    price_stop_loss := close - grid_size*5
    price_exit1 := price_entry1 + grid_size*1
    price_exit2 := price_entry2 + grid_size*1
    price_exit3 := price_entry3 + grid_size*1
    qty1 := int(1000/price_entry1)
    qty2 := int(1000/price_entry2)
    qty3 := int(1000/price_entry3)
    // slm_lines(time, price_entry1, price_entry2, price_entry3, price_stop_loss, price_exit1)
    strategy.entry("open1", strategy.long, qty1, limit = price_entry1)
    strategy.entry("open2", strategy.long, qty2, limit = price_entry2)
    strategy.entry("open3", strategy.long, qty3, limit = price_entry3)
    strategy.exit("close1", qty = qty1, limit = price_exit1, stop = price_stop_loss)
    strategy.exit("close2", qty = qty2, limit = price_exit2, stop = price_stop_loss)
    strategy.exit("close3", qty = qty3, limit = price_exit3, stop = price_stop_loss)

// 已进场的各类情况

// 1.止损
if is_entry and close <= price_stop_loss
    is_entry := false

// 2.网格抬升
if is_entry and close >= price_exit1
    is_entry := false
