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Dual MA Crossover Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-12-25 11:06:49



This is a simple quantitative strategy that uses double moving average crossover as buy and sell signals. It uses two MA lines with different periods. When the short period MA crosses over the long period MA from the bottom, a buy signal is generated. When the short period MA crosses below the long period MA, a sell signal is generated.

Strategy Principle

The strategy calculates the 8-period EMA and 72-period EMA of the close price and plots them on the chart. When 8EMA crosses over 72EMA, a buy signal is generated. When 8EMA crosses below 72EMA, a sell signal is generated.

The basic assumption of the strategy is: the short period MA represents recent price trends and momentum, while the long period MA represents long term trends. When the short MA crosses over the long MA, it indicates the short term trend is strengthening, driving prices to break through the long term MA, so we can buy. When the short MA crosses below the long MA, it indicates the short term upward trend has ended, the long term support is broken, so we should consider selling.

The strategy also uses the William %R indicator to determine overbought and oversold areas, and the MACD indicator to determine price momentum direction for reference. In addition, some auxiliary indicators such as Dema and Pivots are set in the strategy to help analyze trends.

Advantage Analysis

The biggest advantage of the dual MA crossover strategy is that it is simple and easy to understand and implement. It can generate trading signals simply based on the crossover of two MAs, without complex models and parameter optimization.

Another advantage is that MA crossover strategies perform well in trending markets. When stock prices show obvious upward or downward trends, MA crossover strategies can capture the big trends and generate good returns.

Risk Analysis

The dual MA crossover strategy also has some risks to note. First, in range-bound choppy markets, MA line crossovers occur frequently, which can easily generate false signals and chained losses. Second, MA crossover signals are often lagging, and cannot respond timely to the impact of sudden events. Finally, parameter settings such as MA period lengths need experience to adjust and determine.

Risks can be reduced by combining other indicators to confirm signals, optimizing MA parameters, or operating in obvious trending markets. In addition, setting stop loss, profit taking, position sizing etc. is also very important.

Optimization Directions

This simple dual MA strategy can be optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Test different combinations of MA period parameters to find the optimal parameters;

  2. Add other indicators for signal filtering, such as MACD, KDJ etc. to make the strategy more stable;

  3. Build a dynamic exit mechanism to track the best stop loss and take profit levels, rather than just using fixed values;

  4. Adopt adaptive MA periods according to market conditions to optimize parameters;

  5. Incorporate advanced machine learning and deep learning models for prediction to improve signal accuracy.


As a simple dual MA crossover strategy, although it has some lagging and false signal issues, it is easy to understand and implement. With some optimization and modifications, it can still be a basic and practical quantitative trading strategy.

start: 2022-12-18 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-24 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © DalmarSantos
//Entry and Exit points to TRADE ==> Pontos de Entrada e Saida de TRADE
//Functions in use ==> Funções em uso
//(1) DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average 08/17/34/72 ==> Média Móvel Exponencial Dupla
//(2) ema() - Exponential Moving Averge 72/ochl4 ==> Média Móvel Exponencial
//(3) plot()
//(4) barcolor()
//(5) cross()
//(6) pivots()
//(7) William R% Md
//(8) Maximum and Minimum Value
//(9) fill()
//(10) macd() - Moving Average Convergence Divergence
//(11) tsi() - Trading Strenght Indicator==> Índice de Força Real (IFR)
//(12) Buy and Sell TRADE Points
//(13) Strategy Buy and Sell TRADE Points
strategy("[DS]Entry_Exit_TRADE.V01-Strategy", overlay=true)
//variable ==> variáveis
return = input(title="Return Candels ?", type=input.integer, defval=190) //quantity of candles to analise ==> quantidade de candles para analise
//Function==> Função | (1)DEMA
//Dema 08
e1 = ema(close,8)
e2 = ema(e1,8)
dema08 = 2 * e1 - e2
//Dema 17
e1 := ema(close,17)
e2 := ema(e1,17)
dema17 = 2 * e1 - e2
//Dema 34
e1 := ema(close,34)
e2 := ema(e1,34)
dema34 = 2 * e1 - e2
//Dema 72
e1 := ema(close,72)
e2 := ema(e1,72)
dema72 = 2 * e1 - e2
//Function==> Função | (2) ema()
ema72 = ema(close,72)
//Function==> Função | (3)plot()
////Show the avareges ==> Apresenta as médias 
//plot(dema17, title="DEMA 17", color=color.new(color.lime,0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, transp=0, show_last=return) // Doble Exponential Moving Avarage 17
//plot(dema34, title="DEMA 34", color=color.new(color.black,0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line, transp=0, show_last=return) // Doble Exponential Moving Avarage 34

plot(dema72, title="DEMA 72", color=color.orange, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line, transp=0, show_last=return) // Doble Exponential Moving Avarage 72
plot(emaOhlc4, title="EMA ohlc4", color=emaOhlc4>dema72 ? color.new(color.green,0) : color.new(color.red,0), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line, transp=0, show_last=return) // Doble Exponential Moving Avarage 72
//Function==> Função | (4) barcolor()
//Show color TRADE bar if emaOhlc4>dema72 green (Buy) if not red (Red) ==> Mostra a cor da barra de TRADE se emaOhlc4>dema72 verde (Compra) se não vermelha (Venda)
barcolor(close>dema34 and close>dema72 or close>close[1]  ? color.new(color.green,0) : color.new(color.red,0), show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (5) cross()
// Show the intersections crossing average on the graph ==> Apresenta no gráfico o local dos cruzamentos das médias 
//UP ==> para CIMA
plot(crossover(emaOhlc4,dema72) ? dema72 : na, title="Cross UP", color=color.green, transp=0, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=5, show_last=return)
//DOWM ==> para BAIXO
plot(crossunder(emaOhlc4,dema72) ? dema72 : na, title="Cross DOWN", color=color.red, transp=50, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=5, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (6) pivot()
//Reference: Pine Script Manual
_Pivots	= input(title = "══════ Pivots ══════", type = input.bool, defval = false)
leftBars = input(4)
pivotHigh = pivothigh(leftBars, rightBars) //pivot de alta
plot(pivotHigh>ema72[rightBars] ? pivotHigh : na, title="Pivot High", style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color= color.purple, transp=50, offset=-rightBars, show_last=return)
pivotLow = pivotlow(leftBars, rightBars) //pivot de baixa
plot(pivotLow<ema72[rightBars] ? pivotLow : na, title="Pivot Low", style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=3, color= color.blue, transp=50, offset=-rightBars, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (7) WILLIAM R% MOD
//Reference: Pine Script Manual
// Getting inputs
_WilliamR	= input(title = "══════ William R% Mod ══════", type = input.bool, defval = false)
SOB_William = input(title="OverBought Area", type=input.integer, defval=-7) //OverBought area ==> Area de SobreCompra
SOS_William = input(title="OverSold Area", type=input.integer, defval=-93) //OverSold area ==> Area de SobreVenda
length_William = input(17, minval=1) //interval ==> intervalo
highestHigh_William = highest(length_William) //maximum value ==> valor máximo
highestLow_William = lowest(length_William) //minumum value ==> valor mínimo
R_William = (highestHigh_William - close) / (highestHigh_William - highestLow_William) * -100
//Show the position ==> mostra a posição
//plotshape(R_William > SOS_William ? na : high, text="+R%", title="+r(+)%R Up", location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=30, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
//plotshape(R_William < SOB_William ? na : low, text="-R%", title="(-)%R DN", location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=30, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
// Show label with William %R value ==> Mostra a etiqueta com o valor do William %R
// The color label red is when the value arrive on OverBought Area and green on OverSold Area, be careful with these areas ==> O rótulo de cor vermelha é quando o valor chega na área de SobreCompra e verde na área de SobreVenda, cuidado com estas áreas
colorText = color.white
estilo = label.style_label_upper_left
if R_William>SOB_William
    corTest := color.new(color.red,0) //vermelho escuro
    estilo := label.style_label_lower_left

if R_William>-30 and R_William<=SOB_William
    corTest := #f5948e //vermelho intermediário
    estilo := label.style_label_lower_left

if R_William>-50 and R_William<=-30
    corTest := #f5d5d3 //vermelho claro
    colorText := color.black

if R_William>-70 and R_William<=-50
    corTest := #e7f5d3 //verde claro
    colorText := color.black

if R_William>=SOS_William and R_William<=-70
    corTest := color.lime //verde intermediario
    estilo := label.style_label_upper_left
    colorText := color.black

if R_William<SOS_William
    corTest := color.new(color.green,0) // verde escuro
    estilo := label.style_label_upper_left
// Make a label at the high of the current bar
myLabel = label.new(x=bar_index, y=close, style= estilo, color=corTest, text=tostring(R_William,"#.#")+"% "+textW, textcolor=colorText, size=size.normal)
// Get the label text
labelText = label.get_text(id=myLabel)
// Then set the label's text to a new string that
// includes its current text
label.set_text(id=myLabel, text=labelText)
//Function==> Função | (8) MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM VALUE
//Reference: Pine Script Manual
//Maximum High and Minimum Low close position ==> Posição Máxima e Minima de fechamento 
plot(ExtremoHigh, color=color.new(color.red,70), style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, show_last=return)
plot(ExtremoLow, color=color.new(color.green,70), style=plot.style_line, linewidth=1, show_last=return)
//Show the Extreme High and Low close position ==> Mostra a extrema posicao alta e baixa do fechamento
lH1 = 0.0
lHInt = close
lL1 = close
lLInt = close
if emaOhlc4<dema72 
    Vr_LinhaH := high+(highestHigh_William-high)
    lH1 := Vr_LinhaH>dema72 ?  Vr_LinhaH : dema72
    lHInt:=emaOhlc4<dema72 ? dema72 : emaOhlc4
    lLInt := lHInt==emaOhlc4 ? dema72 : emaOhlc4
    Vr_LinhaL:= low-(low-highestLow_William)
    lL1 := Vr_LinhaL>lLInt ?  lLInt : Vr_LinhaL

if emaOhlc4>dema72 
    Vr_LinhaH := high+(highestHigh_William-high)
    lH1 := Vr_LinhaH>dema72 ?  Vr_LinhaH : dema72
    lHInt:=dema72>emaOhlc4 ? dema72 : emaOhlc4
    lLInt := lHInt==dema72 ? emaOhlc4 : dema72
    Vr_LinhaL:= low-(low-highestLow_William)
    lL1 := Vr_LinhaL>lLInt ?  lLInt : Vr_LinhaL
//Function==> Função | (9) fill()
//Reference: Pine Script Manual
//Show TRADE area in red (Sell) and green (Buy) ==> Mostra a área de trade em vermelho (Venda) e verde (Compra)
Line1 = plot(emaOhlc4, title="Dema ohlc4", color=color.new(color.white,100), linewidth=1, transp=0, show_last=return)
Line2 = plot(dema72,  title="Dema 72", color=color.new(color.white,100), linewidth=1,transp=0, show_last=return)
fill(Line1, Line2, color=emaOhlc4>dema72 ? color.new(color.green,90) : color.new(color.red,90), transp=70, show_last=return)

//High area ==> Area de alta
HighlH1 = plot(lH1, title="HighlH1", color=color.green, linewidth=1, transp=90, show_last=return, style=plot.style_linebr)
HighlHInt = plot(lHInt, title="HighlHInt", color=color.green, linewidth=1, transp=100, show_last=return, style=plot.style_linebr)
fill(HighlH1, HighlHInt, color=color.new(color.purple,90),  transp=0, show_last=return)

//Low area ==> Area de baixa
LowlL1 = plot(lL1, title="LowlL1", color=color.red, linewidth=1, transp=90, show_last=return, style=plot.style_linebr)
LowlLInt = plot(lLInt, title="LowlLInt", color=color.red, linewidth=1, transp=100, show_last=return, style=plot.style_linebr)
fill(LowlL1, LowlLInt, color=color.new(color.blue,90),  transp=0, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (10) macd() - Moving Average Convergence Divergence
//Reference: Pine Script Manual - adapted TradingView version - Dalmar Santos
// Getting inputs
_Macd	= input(title = "═════ Macd ══════════", type = input.bool, defval = false)
fast_length_Macd = input(title="Fast Length", type=input.integer, defval=12)
slow_length_Macd = input(title="Slow Length", type=input.integer, defval=26)
src_Macd = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
signal_length_Macd = input(title="Signal Smoothing", type=input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9)
// Calculating
fast_ma_Macd = ema(src_Macd, fast_length_Macd)
slow_ma_Macd = ema(src_Macd, slow_length_Macd)
macd_Macd = fast_ma_Macd - slow_ma_Macd
signal_Macd = ema(macd_Macd, signal_length_Macd)
hist_Macd = macd_Macd - signal_Macd
//cross Macd
MacdUp = crossover(macd_Macd,signal_Macd) ? 1 : 0
MacdDown = crossunder (macd_Macd,signal_Macd) ? 1 : 0
plotshape(MacdUp, text="+Md", title="(+)MACD UP", location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=30, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
plotshape(MacdDown, text="-Md", title="(-)MACD DN", location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=30, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (11) tsi() - Trading Strenght Indicator ==> Indice de Força do Trading
//Reference: Pine Script Manual - adapted TradingView version - Dalmar Santos
_Tsi	= input(title = "═════ Tsi ══════════", type = input.bool, defval = false)
long_tsi = input(title="Long Length", type=input.integer, defval=72)
short_tsi = input(title="Short Length", type=input.integer, defval=17)
signal_tsi = input(title="Signal Length", type=input.integer, defval=17)
price_tsi = close
double_smooth(src_tsi, long_tsi, short_tsi) =>
	fist_smooth_tsi = ema(src_tsi, long_tsi)
	ema(fist_smooth_tsi, short_tsi)
pc_tsi = change(price_tsi)
double_smoothed_pc_tsi = double_smooth(pc_tsi, long_tsi, short_tsi)
double_smoothed_abs_pc_tsi = double_smooth(abs(pc_tsi), long_tsi, short_tsi)
tsi_value_tsi = 100 * (double_smoothed_pc_tsi / double_smoothed_abs_pc_tsi)
//TSI signal ==> Signal do TSI
TsiUp = crossover(tsi_value_tsi,ema(tsi_value_tsi, signal_tsi)) ? 1 : 0
TsiDown = crossunder(tsi_value_tsi,ema(tsi_value_tsi, signal_tsi)) ? 1 : 0
//Show the Position ==> Mostra a posicao
plotshape(TsiUp==1 ? low : na, text="+Tsi", title="(+)TSI Up", location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=30, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
plotshape(TsiDown==1 ? high : na, text="-Tsi", title="(-)TSI DN", location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=30, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (12) Buy and Sell TRADE Points
//Reference: Pine Script Manual - adapted TradingView version - Dalmar Santos
//Cross Point ==> pontos de cruzamento
//Show de Buy and Sell points ==> mostra pontos de compra e venda
tradeColor=crossUP ? color.red : crossDN ? color.green : na
//line buy or sell ==> linha de compra ou venda
plot(crossUP ? dema34 : crossDN ? dema34: na, color=tradeColor, style=plot.style_line, linewidth=4, editable=false, show_last=return)
//Buy point ==> pontos de compra
plotshape(crossUP ? dema34 : na, style=shape.labelup, location=location.absolute, text="Buy", transp=0, textcolor = color.white, color=color.green, editable=false, show_last=return)
//Sell points ==> pontos de venda
plotshape(crossDN ? dema34: na, style=shape.labeldown, location=location.absolute, text="Sell", transp=0, textcolor = color.white, color=color.red, editable=false, show_last=return)
//Function==> Função | (13) Strategy Buy and Sell TRADE Points
//Reference: Pine Script Manual - Dalmar Santos
//Start backtest year, month, day, hour, minute, second ==> Inicio do backtest ano, mês, dia, hora, minuto, segundo
start = timestamp(2021,01,01,1,00,00)
if time>= start
    if crossUP
        strategy.close("Short", comment="Close Sell")
        strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, 1, comment="Open Buy")

//SELL ==> Venda
    if crossDN
        strategy.close("Long", comment="Close Buy")
        strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, 1, comment="Open Sell")
