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Quant Strategy with Stochastic Signal, SMA Filter and Random Stop loss/take profit

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-08 16:07:02



The strategy is named “DayLight Hunter Quant Strategy with Two-way Position, Stochastic Signal and Random Stop loss/take profit”. The main idea is to generate trading signals with Stochastic indicator, filter the signals with SMA, implement two-way position opening, and set random stop loss and take profit points to lock in profits.

Strategy Logic

The strategy uses 5-day Stochastic Indicator %K and %D line crossovers to generate trading signals. When %K crosses over %D from below, a buy signal is generated. When %K crosses below %D from above, a sell signal is generated. To filter false signals, 50-day SMA lines are used - only when close price is below SMA low point, a buy signal is valid; only when close price is above SMA high point, a sell signal is valid.

Upon receiving a buy signal, the strategy will open long position with fixed quantity. Upon receiving a sell signal, if in one-way trading mode, it will close previous long position and open short position. If in hedging mode, it will simply open additional short position to hedge. For every trading unit, random stop loss and take profit points are set based on certain percentage of current price. This allows locking in profits and controlling risks.


The biggest advantage of this strategy is it uses Stochastic signals with SMA filter to achieve relatively low false signal rate in two-way trading. This provides more profit opportunities. In addition, the random stop loss/take profit mechanism allows taking profit in time after making profits, avoiding giving back all profits; and cutting losses in case of huge loss, to reduce loss. In summary, the strategy has larger profit margin and better risk control.


Main risks of this strategy include false signals of Stochastic indicator may lead to unnecessary losses; improper random stop loss/take profit points may be too aggressive, causing premature or late exit, impacting profitability; inability to cut loss in time in hedging trades can lead to amplification of losses.

To reduce risks, parameters of SMA filter can be optimized to filter out more false signals. Also consider combining other indicators to determine market trends to avoid trading against trends. Finally, reasonable stop loss range should be set, and independent stop loss points should be used for hedging units to control risk.

Optimization Directions

The strategies can be optimized in the following aspects:

  1. Optimize parameters of Stochastic to find best parameter combination to reduce false signals.

  2. Optimize or add other technical indicators to aid Stochastic in determining trends, e.g. MACD, KD etc.

  3. Use machine learning models to study metrics like accuracy, win rate etc of Stochastic signals under different parameters, to find optimal parameter space.

  4. Optimize the random stop loss/take profit algorithms to make them more intelligent and dynamic, e.g. incorporate concepts like moving stop loss, position sizing etc.

  5. Add position sizing module, allowing dynamic position adjustments based on performance, market regimes etc.


The “DayLight Hunter Quant Strategy with Two-way Position, Stochastic Signal and Random Stop loss/take profit” combines Stochastic crossover signals, SMA filter principle, two-way trading and random stop loss/take profit method. It has advantages like relatively accurate signals, abundant two-way trading opportunities, flexible stop loss/profit taking, and risks within acceptable range. Further optimizations on parameter tuning, indicator combinations and risk control modules can help achieve more stable and better performance. It provides a very good reference case for quantitative trading practice.

start: 2023-12-31 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-07 00:00:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

var int slippage = 0
strategy("X48 - DayLight Hunter | Strategy | V.01.01", overlay=true, calc_on_order_fills = true, initial_capital = 50,default_qty_type = strategy.fixed, default_qty_value = 1, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0, currency = currency.USD, slippage = 0)

var bool hedge_mode = false
var int sto_buy = 0
var int sto_sell = 0

Trade_Mode = input.string(defval = "Hedge", title = "⚖️ Mode For Trade [Oneway / Hedge]", options = ["Oneway", "Hedge"], group = "Mode Trade", tooltip = "Oneway = Switching Position Type With Signal\nHedge Mode = Not Switching Position Type Unitl TP or SL")
Risk_Mode = input.string(defval = "Low Risk", title = "⚖️ Risk Signal Mode [Low / Medium / High]", options = ["Low Risk", "Medium Risk", "High Risk"], group = "Mode Trade", tooltip = "[[Signal Form Stochastic]]\nLow Risk is >= 80 and <= 20\nMedium Risk is >= 70 and <= 30\nHigh Risk is >= 50 and <=50")

if Trade_Mode == "Oneway"
    hedge_mode := false
    hedge_mode := true

if Risk_Mode == "Low Risk"
    sto_buy := 20
    sto_sell := 80
else if Risk_Mode == "Medium Risk"
    sto_buy := 30
    sto_sell := 70
else if Risk_Mode == "High Risk"
    sto_buy := 50
    sto_sell := 50

periodK = input.int(15, title="%K Length", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0")
smoothK = input.int(3, title="%K Smoothing", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0")
periodD = input.int(3, title="%D Smoothing", minval=1, group = "Stochastic Setting", inline = "Sto0")

SMA_Mode = input.bool(defval = true, title = "SMA High and Low Filter Mode", group = "SMA Filter Mode", tooltip = "Sell Signal With Open >= SMA High\nBuy Signal With Close <= SMA Low")
SMA_High = input.int(defval = 50, title = "SMA High", group = "SMA Filter Mode", inline = "SMA1")
SMA_Low = input.int(defval = 50, title = "SMA Low", group = "SMA Filter Mode", inline = "SMA1")

k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK)
d = ta.sma(k, periodD)
high_line = ta.sma(high, SMA_High)
low_line = ta.sma(low, SMA_Low)
plot(SMA_Mode ? high_line : na, "H-Line", color = color.yellow, linewidth = 2)
plot(SMA_Mode ? low_line : na, "L-Line", color = color.blue, linewidth = 2)

entrybuyprice = strategy.position_avg_price

var bool longcondition = na
var bool shortcondition = na

if SMA_Mode == true
    longcondition := ta.crossover(k,d) and d <= sto_buy and close < low_line and open < low_line// or ta.crossover(k, 20)// and close <= low_line
    shortcondition := ta.crossunder(k,d) and d >= sto_sell and close > high_line and open > high_line// or ta.crossunder(k, 80)// and close >= high_line
    longcondition := ta.crossover(k,d) and d <= sto_buy
    shortcondition := ta.crossunder(k,d) and d >= sto_sell
//longcondition_double = ta.crossover(d,20) and close < low_line// and strategy.position_size > 0
//shortcondition_double = ta.crossunder(d,80) and close > high_line// and strategy.position_size < 0

//=============== TAKE PROFIT and STOP LOSS by % =================

tpsl(percent) =>
    strategy.position_avg_price * percent / 100 / syminfo.mintick
GR4 = "=====🆘🆘🆘 TAKE PROFIT & STOP LOSS BY [%] 🆘🆘🆘====="
mode= input.bool(title="🆘 Take Profit & Stop Loss By Percent (%)", defval=true, group=GR4, tooltip = "Take Profit & Stop Loss by % Change\n0 = Disable")
tp_l = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 TP [LONG] % >> [Oneway Only]', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable"))
tp_s = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 TP [SHORT] % >> [Oneway Only]', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable"))
sl = tpsl(input.float(0, title='🆘 Stop Loss %', group=GR4, tooltip = "0 = Disable"))
tp_pnl = input.float(defval = 1, title = "🆘 TP by PNL $ eg. (0.1 = 0.1$)", group = GR4)
spread_size = input.float(defval = 0.350, title = "🆘 Spread Point Size(Eg. 35 Point or 350 Point From Your Broker Digits)", tooltip = "Spread Point Form Your Broker \nEg. 1920.124 - 1920.135 or 1920.12 - 1920.13\nPlease Check From Your Broker", group = GR4)

GR5 = "===💮💮💮 Hedge Mode 💮💮💮==="
//hedge_mode = input.bool(defval = true, title = "⚖️ Hedge Mode", group = GR5)
hedge_point = input.int(defval = 500, title = "💯 Hedge Point Range", group = GR5, tooltip = "After Entry Last Position And Current Price More Than Point Range Are Open New Hedge Position")
hedge_gale = input.float(defval = 2.0, title = "✳️ Martingale For Hedge Multiply [default = 2]", tooltip = "Martingale For Multiply Hedge Order", group = GR5)
hedge_point_size = hedge_point/100

calcStopLossPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    if strategy.position_size > 0
        strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick
    else if strategy.position_size < 0
        strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick

calcStopLossL_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick
calcStopLossS_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick

calcTakeProfitPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    if strategy.position_size > 0
        strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick
    else if strategy.position_size < 0
        strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick

calcTakeProfitL_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    strategy.position_avg_price + OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick
calcTakeProfitS_AlertPrice(OffsetPts) =>
    strategy.position_avg_price - OffsetPts * syminfo.mintick

var stoploss = 0.
var stoploss_l = 0.
var stoploss_s = 0.
var takeprofit = 0.
var takeprofit_l = 0.
var takeprofit_s = 0.
var takeprofit_ll = 0.
var takeprofit_ss = 0.

if mode == true
    if (strategy.position_size > 0)
        if sl > 0
            stoploss := calcStopLossPrice(sl)
            stoploss_l := stoploss
        else if sl <= 0
            stoploss := na
        if tp_l > 0
            takeprofit := tp_l
            takeprofit_ll := close + ((close/100)*tp_l)
            //takeprofit_s := na
        else if tp_l <= 0
            takeprofit := na
    if (strategy.position_size < 0)
        if sl > 0
            stoploss := calcStopLossPrice(sl)
            stoploss_s := stoploss
        else if sl <= 0
            stoploss := na
        if tp_s > 0
            takeprofit := tp_s
            takeprofit_ss := close - ((close/100)*tp_s)
            //takeprofit_l := na
        else if tp_s <= 0
            takeprofit := na
    else if strategy.position_size == 0
        stoploss := na
        takeprofit := na
        //takeprofit_l := calcTakeProfitL_AlertPrice(tp_l)
        //takeprofit_s := calcTakeProfitS_AlertPrice(tp_s)
        //stoploss_l := calcStopLossL_AlertPrice(sl)
        //stoploss_s := calcStopLossS_AlertPrice(sl)

//////////// INPUT BACKTEST RANGE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
var string BTR1         = '════════⌚⌚ INPUT BACKTEST TIME RANGE ⌚⌚════════'
i_startTime             = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 1945 00:00 +0000"), title = "Start", inline="timestart", group=BTR1, tooltip = 'Start Backtest YYYY/MM/DD')
i_endTime               = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2074 23:59 +0000"), title = "End", inline="timeend", group=BTR1, tooltip = 'End Backtest YYYY/MM/DD')
//////////////// Strategy Alert For X4815162342 BOT //////////////////////
Text_Alert_Future = '{{strategy.order.alert_message}}'
copy_Fu = input( defval= Text_Alert_Future ,    title="Alert Message for BOT", inline = '00'  ,group = '═ Bot Setting ═ \n >> If You Dont Use Bot Just Pass It' ,tooltip = 'Alert For X48-BOT > Copy and Paste To Alert Function')
TimeFrame_input = input(defval= 'Input Your TimeFrame [1m, 15m, 1h, 4h, 1d ,1w]' ,    title="TimeFrame Text Alert", inline = '00'  ,group = '═ Bot Setting ═ \n >> If You Dont Use Bot Just Pass It')
string Alert_EntryL = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}} \n💱 Status : {{strategy.market_position}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n✅ TP : '+str.tostring(takeprofit_ll)+' $\n❌ SL : '+str.tostring(stoploss_l)+' $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}'
string Alert_EntryS = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}} \n💱 Status : {{strategy.market_position}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n✅ TP : '+str.tostring(takeprofit_ss)+' $\n❌ SL : '+str.tostring(stoploss_s)+' $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}'
string Alert_TPSL = '🪙 Asset : {{ticker}}\n🕛 TimeFrame : '+str.tostring(TimeFrame_input)+'\n💹 {{strategy.order.comment}}\n💸 Price : {{strategy.order.price}} $\n⏰ Time : {{timenow}}'

if true
    if longcondition
        strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment = "🌙", alert_message = Alert_EntryL)
    //if longcondition_double
    //    //strategy.cancel_all()
    //    strategy.entry("Long2", strategy.long, comment = "🌙🌙")
    //    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100 , profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚L", comment_loss = "SL💚L")
    if shortcondition
        strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment = "👻", alert_message = Alert_EntryS)
        //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S")
    //if shortcondition_double
    //    //strategy.cancel_all()
    //    strategy.entry("Short2", strategy.short, comment = "👻👻")

if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.opentrades >= 1 and hedge_mode == true
    entrypricel = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)
    callpointsize =  entrypricel - close
    lastsize = strategy.position_size
    if callpointsize >= hedge_point_size and longcondition
        strategy.order("Long2", strategy.long, qty = lastsize * hedge_gale, comment = "🌙⌛", alert_message = Alert_EntryL)

else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.opentrades >= 1 and hedge_mode == true
    entryprices = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)
    callpointsize = (entryprices - close)* -1
    lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1
    if callpointsize >= hedge_point_size and shortcondition
        strategy.order("Short2", strategy.short, qty = lastsize * hedge_gale, comment = "👻⌛", alert_message = Alert_EntryS)

last_price_l = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) + (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)/100) * takeprofit) + spread_size
last_price_s = (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1) - (strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)/100) * takeprofit) - spread_size 
current_price = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "1", close)
current_pricel = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "1", close) + spread_size
current_prices = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, "1", close) - spread_size
//if mode == true
if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit >= tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true
    lastsize = strategy.position_size
    lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit
    //if lastprofitorder >= 0.07
    //strategy.close('Long', qty = lastsize, comment = "TP💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚PNL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long2', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_l, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚LH", comment_loss = "SL💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_l, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚L", comment_loss = "SL💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
else if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.openprofit < tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true
    strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, stop = stoploss, comment_loss = "SL💚%L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)

if strategy.position_size > 0 and mode == true and hedge_mode == false
    //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚%L", comment_loss = "SL💚%L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Long', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP💚LL", comment_loss = "SL💚L", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)

//else if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.opentrades > 1
//    lastsize = strategy.position_size
//    lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit
//    if lastprofitorder >= 0.07
//        strategy.close_all(comment = "TP💚LL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit >= tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true
    lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1
    lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit
    //if lastprofitorder >= 0.07
    //strategy.close('Short', qty = lastsize, comment = "TP❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️PNL", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short2', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_s, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️SH", comment_loss = "SL❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = last_price_s, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.openprofit < tp_pnl and mode == true and hedge_mode == true
    strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, stop = stoploss, comment_loss = "SL❤️️%S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
if strategy.position_size < 0 and mode == true and hedge_mode == false
    //strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SH", alert_message = Alert_TPSL, immediately = true)
    strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️%S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️%S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)
    //strategy.exit("Exit",'Short', qty_percent = 100, profit = takeprofit, stop = stoploss, comment_profit = "TP❤️️S", comment_loss = "SL❤️️S", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)

//else if strategy.position_size < 0 and strategy.opentrades > 1
//    lastsize = (strategy.position_size) * -1
//    lastprofitorder = strategy.openprofit
//    if lastprofitorder >= 0.07
//        strategy.close_all(comment = "TP❤️️SS", alert_message = Alert_TPSL)

//===================== เรียกใช้  library =========================
import X4815162342/X48_LibaryStrategyStatus/2 as fuLi 
//แสดงผล Backtest

show_Net = input.bool(true,'Monitor Profit&Loss', inline = 'Lnet', group = '= PNL MONITOR SETTING =')
position_ = input.string('bottom_center','Position', options = ['top_right','middle_right','bottom_right','top_center','middle_center','bottom_center','middle_left','bottom_left'] , inline = 'Lnet')
size_i = input.string('auto','size', options = ['auto','tiny','small','normal'] , inline = 'Lnet') 
color_Net = input.color(color.blue,"" , inline = 'Lnet')
// fuLi.NetProfit_Show(show_Net , position_ , size_i,  color_Net )

template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6