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Dynamic Santa Claus Regression Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-12 14:00:00



The Dynamic Santa Claus Regression Strategy is a quantitative trading strategy that identifies potential entry and exit points based on the dynamic regression relationship between price and bar index. This strategy uses a dynamically adjustable moving average parameter to plot the regression trend line of prices. By analyzing the direction of the regression line, it determines whether to enter or exit positions.


The core of this strategy is to calculate the linear regression relationship between price and bar index. It first calculates simple moving averages and standard deviations of length N. Then based on sample correlation coefficients and standard deviation ratios, it obtains the slope k and intercept b of the regression line. This results in a dynamically adjusted linear regression equation:

y = kx + b

where x is the bar index, and y is the price.

According to the magnitude relationship between the current and previous values of the regression line, the trend direction is determined. If the regression line is rising and the closing price is higher than the opening price and the highest price of the previous moment, a buy signal is generated. If the regression line falls and the closing price is lower than the opening price and the lowest price of the previous moment, a sell signal is generated.


  1. Dynamic parameter settings that can adapt to price changes of different cycles by adjusting the N value
  2. The regression relationship considers the influence of time factors and better reflects the trend of prices
  3. The combination of multiple condition judgments generates trading signals and avoids misguidance
  4. Intuitive display of price regression trends, clear and easy to read

Risks and Solutions

  1. Improper N value setting may cause the regression line to be too smooth or sensitive

    • Solution: Adjust the N value to find the optimal balance
  2. Price volatility in the short term, regression relationship judgment fails

    • Solution: Combine with other indicators to filter entry points
  3. The ring ratio only considers one point in time and may miss local extremes

    • Solution: Set an appropriately loose interval to avoid misjudgment

Optimization Directions

  1. Increase dynamic exit mechanisms and adjust stop loss points based on regression relationships
  2. Combine trading volume and other indicators for signal verification to reduce erroneous transactions
  3. Use machine learning methods to automatically optimize parameters and adapt to a wider range of market environments
  4. Add graphical displays for a more intuitive demonstration of strategy effectiveness


The Dynamic Santa Claus Regression Strategy utilizes the dynamic regression relationship between price and time to implement a flexible, intuitive, and adjustable quantitative trading system. The logic of this strategy is clear and easy to understand. Through parameter optimization, it can be applied to different trading products and cycles. The innovation of this strategy lies in the introduction of time factors to establish a dynamic model, making judgments more trending. In summary, this strategy provides a worthwhile sample for quantitative trading.

start: 2023-01-05 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-11 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// Creator - TradeAI
strategy('Moving Santa Claus Strategy | TradeAI', overlay=true)

// Set the length of the moving average
length = input(64)

// Calculate the moving averages and standard deviations
x = bar_index
y = close
x_ = ta.sma(x, length)
y_ = ta.sma(y, length)
mx = ta.stdev(x, length)
my = ta.stdev(y, length)
c = ta.correlation(x, y, length)
slope = c * (my / mx)

// Calculate the parameters of the regression line
inter = y_ - slope * x_
reg = x * slope + inter

// Set the line color based on whether EMA is moving up or down
var color lineColor = na
if (reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1]))
    lineColor := color.new(#d8f7ff, 0)
if (reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1]))
    lineColor := color.new(#ff383b, 0)

// Plot the EMA line with different thicknesses
plot(reg, color=lineColor, title="EMA")

var color lineColorrr = na
if (reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1]))
    lineColorrr := color.new(#d8f7ff, 77)
if (reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1]))
    lineColorrr := color.new(#ff383b, 77)
plot(reg, color=lineColorrr, title="EMA", linewidth=5)

var color lineColorr = na
if (reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1]))
    lineColorr := color.new(#d8f7ff, 93)
if (reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1]))
    lineColorr := color.new(#ff383b, 93)
plot(reg, color=lineColorr, title="EMA", linewidth=10)

var color lineColorrrr = na
if (reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1]))
    lineColorrrr := color.new(#d8f7ff, 97)
if (reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1]))
    lineColorrrr := color.new(#ff383b, 97)
plot(reg, color=lineColorr, title="EMA", linewidth=15)

var color lineColorrrrr = na
if (reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1]))
    lineColorrrrr := color.new(#d8f7ff, 99)
if (reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1]))
    lineColorrrrr := color.new(#ff383b, 99)
plot(reg, color=lineColorr, title="EMA", linewidth=20)

// Implement trading strategy based on EMA direction
if reg > reg[1] and (close > open and close > high[1])
    strategy.entry('buy', strategy.long)

if reg < reg[1] and (close < open and close < low[1])
template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6