
创建日期: 2024-01-31 11:01:45 最后修改: 2024-01-31 11:01:45
复制: 1 点击次数: 295







  1. 多时间框架组合,可以有效过滤假信号,识别主要趋势
  2. 15分钟细节指标,可以获取比较精确的入场时机
  3. 指标组合使用RSI、随机指标、MACD等主流技术指标,容易理解,also易于优化
  4. 采用mStop盈、止损、追踪止损等严格的风险管理手段,可以有效控制单笔交易的风险


  1. 过度交易风险。该系统对短期时间框架比较敏感,可能会产生大量的交易信号,导致过度交易
  2. 假突破风险。短期指标判断可能会发生误判,产生假突破信号
  3. 指标失效风险。技术指标本身存在一定的局限性,在极端行情中可能会失效


  1. 调整指标参数,使之更适合不同市场环境
  2. 增加过滤条件,以减少交易频率,防止过度交易
  3. 优化止盈止损策略,使之更符合市场波动范围
  4. 测试不同的指标组合方案,寻找最优解



start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Cowabunga System from babypips.com", overlay=true)
// 4 Hour Stochastics
length4 = input(162, minval=1, title="4h StochLength"), smoothK4 = input(48, minval=1, title="4h StochK"), smoothD4 = input(48, minval=1, title="4h StochD")
k4 = sma(stoch(close, high, low, length4), smoothK4)
d4 = sma(k4, smoothD4)

//15 min Stoch
length = input(10, minval=1, title="15min StochLength"), smoothK = input(3, minval=1, title="15min StochK"), smoothD = input(3, minval=1, title="15min StochD")
k = sma(stoch(close, high, low, length), smoothK)
d= sma(k, smoothD)

//4 hour RSI
src1 = close, len1 = input(240, minval=1, title="4H RSI Length")
up1 = rma(max(change(src1), 0), len1)
down1 = rma(-min(change(src1), 0), len1)
rsi4 = down1 == 0 ? 100 : up1 == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up1 / down1))

//15 min RSI
src = close, len = input(9, minval=1, title="15M RSI Length")
up = rma(max(change(src), 0), len)
down = rma(-min(change(src), 0), len)
rsi15 = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))

//MACD Settings
source = close
fastLength = input(12, minval=1, title="MACD Fast"), slowLength=input(26,minval=1, title="MACD Slow")
signalLength=input(9,minval=1, title="MACD Signal")
fastMA = ema(source, fastLength)
slowMA = ema(source, slowLength)
macd = fastMA - slowMA
signal = ema(macd, signalLength)

// Stops and Profit inputs
inpTakeProfit   = input(defval = 1000, title = "Take Profit", minval = 0)
inpStopLoss     = input(defval = 0, title = "Stop Loss", minval = 0)
inpTrailStop    = input(defval = 400, title = "Trailing Stop", minval = 0)
inpTrailOffset  = input(defval = 0, title = "Trailing Stop Offset", minval = 0)

// Stops and Profit Targets
useTakeProfit   = inpTakeProfit  >= 1 ? inpTakeProfit  : na
useStopLoss     = inpStopLoss    >= 1 ? inpStopLoss    : na
useTrailStop    = inpTrailStop   >= 1 ? inpTrailStop   : na
useTrailOffset  = inpTrailOffset >= 1 ? inpTrailOffset : na

//Specific Time to Trade
myspecifictradingtimes = input('0500-1600', title="My Defined Hours")

longCondition1 = time(timeframe.period, myspecifictradingtimes) != 0
longCondition2 = rsi4 <= 80
longCondition3 = k4 >= d4 and k4 <= 80
longCondition4 = ema(close, 80) >= ema(close, 162)
allLongerLongs = longCondition1 and longCondition2 and longCondition3 and longCondition4

longCondition5 = rsi15 <= 80
longCondition6 = k >= d and k <= 80 and fastMA >= slowMA
longCondition7 = ema(close, 5) >= ema(close, 10)
allLongLongs = longCondition5 and longCondition6 and longCondition7

if crossover(close, ema(close, 5)) and allLongerLongs and allLongLongs
    strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, comment="LongEntry")

shortCondition1 = time(timeframe.period, myspecifictradingtimes) != 0
shortCondition2 = rsi4 >= 20
shortCondition3 = k4 <= d4 and k4 >= 20
shortCondition4 = ema(close, 80) <= ema(close, 162)
allShorterShorts = shortCondition1 and shortCondition2 and shortCondition3 and shortCondition4

shortCondition5 = rsi15 >= 20
shortCondition6 = k <= d and k >= 20 and fastMA <= slowMA
shortCondition7 = ema(close, 5) <= ema(close, 10)
allShortShorts = shortCondition5 and shortCondition6 and shortCondition7

if crossunder(close, ema(close,5)) and allShorterShorts and allShortShorts
    strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, comment="ShortEntry")

strategy.exit("Exit Long", from_entry = "Long", profit = useTakeProfit, loss = useStopLoss, trail_points = useTrailStop, trail_offset = useTrailOffset)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", from_entry = "Short", profit = useTakeProfit, loss = useStopLoss, trail_points = useTrailStop, trail_offset = useTrailOffset)