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Tracking Stop Loss Moving Average Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-01 10:59:06



This is a tracking stop loss trading strategy based on moving average. It uses two EMA lines with different periods to generate golden cross and dead cross signals for long and short trades. Meanwhile, the strategy utilizes percentage or fixed points method to trail stop loss and take profit levels. This allows the strategy to lock in profits while effectively controlling risks.

Strategy Logic

The strategy employs fast and slow EMA lines. The fast EMA reacts sensitively while the slow EMA moves in a more stable manner. Golden cross is formed when the two lines move up to intersect, generating buy signals. Dead cross occurs when they intersect downwards, prompting sell signals. This is the underlying rationale behind moving average strategies.

On top of that, the strategy trails stop loss and profit target once trade is entered. Specifically, the stop loss and profit target levels will adjust towards favorable direction as price fluctuates. This allows profits to be locked while risks are capped. The trailing pace can be configured using percentage or fixed points. This makes the stop loss and take profit mechanism more flexible and intelligent.


  1. Utilizes dual EMA crossovers to generate quality signals and steady returns.
  2. Trailing stop loss and take profit locks in profits and controls risks effectively.
  3. Supports both percentage and fixed points for flexible trailing.
  4. Performs well in long run with trailing mechanism.

Risks & Optimization

  1. Overly frequent stop loss triggers may impact profitability in ranging markets. Widen stop loss zone or increase activation level of trailing.
  2. EMA crossover signals have lagging effect and may miss some opportunities. Consider adding Momentum to improve sensitivity.
  3. Insufficient backtest data may cause overfitting. Validate thoroughly across longer timeframe and more products.


The strategy integrates the strengths of moving average signaling and trend tracking techniques. It demonstrates steady and stellar performance over long term and possesses practical value for live trading. Further improvements can be achieved through parameter tuning and combination optimization. The strategy merits real-world verification.

start: 2023-01-31 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-31 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Sharad_Gaikwad

strategy("Traling.SL.Target", overlay=true, process_orders_on_close = true, max_labels_count = 500)
// << Parameters section {
_1 = input.bool(title = "━━━━━━━ ↓ Pivot parameters for trade ↓ ━━━━━━━", defval = false)
fast_len = input.int(title = 'Fast len', defval = 20)
slow_len = input.int(title = 'Slow len', defval = 50)
label_bg_color = input.color(title = 'BG color for ongoing trade SL/Target label', defval=color.white)
sl_target_method = input.string(title = 'Method to be used for SL/Target trailing', defval='% Based Target and SL', options = ['% Based Target and SL','Fix point Based Target and SL'])
_2 = input.bool(title = "━━━━━━━ ↓ % Based Target and SL ↓ ━━━━━━━", defval = true)
initial_profit_percent = input.float(title = 'Inital profit %', defval = 1) / 100
initial_sl_percent = input.float(title = 'Inital SL %', defval = 1) / 100
initiate_trailing_percent = input.float(title = 'Initiate trailing %', defval = 0.5, tooltip = 'Initiate trailing of target and SL after change in price in % after taking trade') / 100
trail_profit_percent = input.float(title = 'Trail profit by %', defval = 0.3) / 100
trail_sl_percent = input.float(title = 'Trail SL by %', defval = 0.3) / 100

_3 = input.bool(title = "━━━━━━━ ↓ Fix point Based Target and SL ↓ ━━━━━━━", defval = false)
initial_profit_points = input.float(title = 'Inital profit target points', defval = 100)
initial_sl_points = input.float(title = 'Inital SL points', defval = 50)
initiate_trailing_points = input.float(title = 'Initiate trailing points', defval = 60, tooltip = 'Initiate trailing of target and SL after change in price in points after taking trade')
trail_profit_points = input.float(title = 'Trail profit by points', defval = 25)
trail_sl_points = input.float(title = 'Trail SL by %', defval = 30)
// } Parameters section >>

// } << Common function {
tab = table.new(position=position.bottom_right, columns=7, rows=200,frame_color = color.yellow, frame_width = 1)
msg(int row, int col, string msg_str, clr=color.blue) =>
    table.cell(table_id=tab, column=col, row=row, text=msg_str, text_color=clr)

getVal(val) =>
    ret_val = na(val) ? 0 : val

t(val) => str.tostring(val, "0.00")

timeToString(int _t) =>
         str.tostring(dayofmonth(_t), '00') + '/' + 
         str.tostring(month(_t), '00') + '/' + 
         str.tostring(year(_t), '0000') + ' ' + 
         str.tostring(hour(_t), '00') + ':' + 
         str.tostring(minute(_t), '00') + ':' + 
         str.tostring(second(_t), '00')
// } Common functions>>

// Variable declarations {
percent_based = sl_target_method  == '% Based Target and SL' ? true : false
var initial_long_entry_price = float(na)
var initial_short_entry_price = float(na)
var long_target = float(na)
var long_sl = float(na)
var short_target = float(na)
var short_sl = float(na)
var long_entry_price = float(na)
var short_entry_price = float(na)
var initial_long_percent_target = float(na)
var initial_long_percent_sl = float(na)
var initial_long_point_target = float(na)
var initial_long_point_sl = float(na)
var initial_short_percent_target = float(na)
var initial_short_percent_sl = float(na)
var initial_short_point_target = float(na)
var initial_short_point_sl = float(na)
var is_long = bool(na)
var is_short = bool(na)
var trail_long_iteration = int(na)
var trail_short_iteration = int(na)

// }

// derive important variable values

// Strategy logic
fast_ema = ta.ema(close, fast_len)
slow_ema = ta.ema(close, slow_len)
plot(fast_ema, color = color.red)
plot(slow_ema, color = color.green)
go_long = ta.crossover(fast_ema, slow_ema) and strategy.position_size == 0
go_short = ta.crossunder(fast_ema, slow_ema) and strategy.position_size == 0

// barcolor(ph ? color.purple : na, offset = -lb)
// barcolor(pl ? color.yellow : na, offset = -lb)

// barcolor(ph ? color.white : na)
// barcolor(pl ? color.blue : na)

// //trailing logic for long
long_trailing_point = percent_based ? (close >= long_entry_price + (long_entry_price * initiate_trailing_percent)) :
     (close >= long_entry_price + initiate_trailing_points)

short_trailing_point = percent_based ? (close <= short_entry_price - (short_entry_price * initiate_trailing_percent)) :
     (close >= short_entry_price - initiate_trailing_points)

if(is_long and long_trailing_point)
    // initial_long_percent_target = initial_long_percent_target + (initial_long_percent_target * trail_profit_percent)
    // initial_long_percent_sl = initial_long_percent_sl - (initial_long_percent_sl * trail_sl_percent)

    // initial_long_point_target = initial_long_point_target + trail_profit_points
    // initial_long_point_sl = initial_long_point_sl - trail_sl_points
    trail_long_iteration :=  trail_long_iteration + 1
    long_target := percent_based ? (long_target + (long_target * trail_profit_percent)) : 
         (long_target + trail_profit_points)
    long_sl := percent_based ? (long_sl + (long_sl * trail_sl_percent)) :
         (long_sl + trail_sl_points)
    long_entry_price := percent_based ? (long_entry_price + (long_entry_price * initiate_trailing_percent)) :
         (long_entry_price + initiate_trailing_points)

if(is_short and short_trailing_point)
    // initial_short_percent_target = initial_short_percent_target - (initial_short_percent_target * trail_profit_percent)
    // initial_short_percent_sl = initial_short_percent_sl + (initial_short_percent_sl * trail_sl_percent)

    // initial_short_point_target = initial_short_point_target - trail_profit_points
    // initial_short_point_sl = initial_short_point_sl + trail_sl_points
    trail_short_iteration :=  trail_short_iteration + 1
    short_target := percent_based ? (short_target - (short_target * trail_profit_percent)) : 
         (short_target - trail_profit_points)
    short_sl := percent_based ? (short_sl - (short_sl * trail_sl_percent)) :
         (short_sl - trail_sl_points)
    short_entry_price := percent_based ? (short_entry_price - (short_entry_price * initiate_trailing_percent)) :
         (short_entry_price - initiate_trailing_points)
    is_long := true
    is_short := false
    trail_long_iteration := 0
    trail_short_iteration := 0
    initial_long_entry_price := close
    long_entry_price := close
    initial_long_percent_target := close + (close * initial_profit_percent)
    initial_long_percent_sl := close - (close * initial_sl_percent)

    initial_long_point_target := close + initial_profit_points
    initial_long_point_sl := close - initial_sl_points
    long_target := percent_based ? initial_long_percent_target : initial_long_point_target
    long_sl := percent_based ? initial_long_percent_sl : initial_long_point_sl 
    strategy.entry(id = 'Long', direction = strategy.long)

    is_long := false
    is_short := true
    trail_long_iteration := 0
    trail_short_iteration := 0
    initial_short_entry_price := close
    short_entry_price := close

    initial_short_percent_target := close - (close * initial_profit_percent)
    initial_short_percent_sl := close + (close * initial_sl_percent)

    initial_short_point_target := close - initial_profit_points
    initial_short_point_sl := close + initial_sl_points

    short_target := percent_based ? initial_short_percent_target : initial_short_point_target
    short_sl := percent_based ? initial_short_percent_sl : initial_short_point_sl 
    strategy.entry(id = 'Short', direction = strategy.short)

method = percent_based ? '% Based' : 'Fixed Points'
long_tooltip = 'Long @ ' + timeToString(time) + '\n' +
     'Method             : ' + method + '\n' +
     'Initial Trade Price: ' + t(initial_long_entry_price) + '\n' +
     'Inital Target      : ' + t(long_target) + '\n' + 
     'Inital SL          : ' + t(long_sl) 

short_tooltip = 'Short @ ' + timeToString(time) + '\n' +
     'Method             : ' + method + '\n' +
     'Initial Trade Price: ' + t(initial_short_entry_price) + '\n' +
     'Inital Target      : ' + t(short_target) + '\n' + 
     'Inital SL          : ' + t(short_sl)
label.new(go_long ? bar_index : na, go_long ? bar_index : na,
     style = label.style_diamond, yloc = yloc.belowbar, color = color.green, size=size.tiny, tooltip = long_tooltip)
label.new(go_short ? bar_index : na, go_short ? bar_index : na,
     style = label.style_diamond, yloc = yloc.abovebar, color = color.red, size=size.tiny, tooltip = short_tooltip)
trail_long_tooltip = 'Trail @ ' + timeToString(time) + '\n' +
     'Iteration no : ' + t(trail_long_iteration) + '\n' +
     'New Target   : ' + t(long_target) + '\n' +
     'New SL       : ' + t(long_sl)

trail_short_tooltip = 'Trail @ ' + timeToString(time) + '\n' +
     'Iteration no : ' + t(trail_short_iteration) + '\n' +
     'New Target   : ' + t(short_target) + '\n' +
     'New SL       : ' + t(short_sl) 

label.new(is_long and long_trailing_point and strategy.position_size > 0 ? bar_index : na, is_long and long_trailing_point and strategy.position_size > 0 ? bar_index : na,
      text = str.tostring(trail_long_iteration), style = label.style_circle, textcolor = color.white, yloc = yloc.belowbar, color = color.green, size=size.tiny, tooltip = trail_long_tooltip)
label.new(is_short and short_trailing_point and strategy.position_size < 0 ? bar_index : na, is_short and short_trailing_point and strategy.position_size < 0 ? bar_index : na,
     text = str.tostring(trail_short_iteration), style = label.style_circle, textcolor = color.white,  yloc = yloc.abovebar, color = color.red, size=size.tiny, tooltip = trail_short_tooltip)
strategy.close(id = 'Long', when = close <= long_sl, comment = 'SL')
strategy.close(id = 'Short', when = close >= short_sl, comment = 'SL')

strategy.close(id = 'Long', when = close >= long_target, comment = 'Target')
strategy.close(id = 'Short', when = close <= short_target, comment = 'Target')

// no_of_labels = 1
// label_q(_array, _val) =>
//     array.push(_array, _val)
//     _return = array.shift(_array)

// var target_label = float(na)
// var sl_label = float(na)
// if(strategy.position_size > 0)
//     target_label := long_target
//     sl_label := long_sl
// else if(strategy.position_size < 0)
//     target_label := short_target
//     sl_label := short_sl
// else
//     target_label := float(na)
//     sl_label := float(na)

// var label[] target_array = array.new_label(no_of_labels)
// label.delete(label_q(target_array, label.new(bar_index, target_label, "Target:"+t(target_label), style = label.style_label_down, color = label_bg_color, size=size.small, textcolor = color.green)))

// var label[] sl_array = array.new_label(no_of_labels)
// label.delete(label_q(sl_array, label.new(bar_index, sl_label, "SL:"+t(sl_label), style = label.style_label_up, color = label_bg_color, size=size.small, textcolor = color.red)))

template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6