This strategy is a trading strategy based on Delta Volume and Fibonacci Retracement. It determines the market trend by comparing the volume of buyers and sellers over a period of time, while using Fibonacci retracement lines to determine entry and exit points. When the buyer’s volume exceeds the seller’s volume and the price breaks through the 61.8% Fibonacci retracement line, it enters a long position; when the seller’s volume exceeds the buyer’s volume and the price falls below the 38.2% Fibonacci retracement line, it closes the position.
By combining Delta Volume and Fibonacci Retracement lines, this strategy enters when a trend is forming and exits when the trend may reverse, in order to capture the main trend of the market. However, it may face the risk of frequent trading in the oscillating market, so it needs to be optimized with other indicators and risk control measures. Overall, the strategy is clear in thought, logically rigorous, and can be used as a basic strategy for further development and application.
/*backtest start: 2023-05-09 00:00:00 end: 2024-05-14 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 strategy("Delta Volume with Fibonacci Levels Strategy", overlay=true) // Input pour la période de calcul du volume et du delta N = input(14, title="Période du Delta Volume") fibLength = input(21, title="Fibonacci Lookback Period") // Choix de la barre pour l'entrée et la sortie des trades entryPriceType = input.string("close", title="Entry Price Type", options=["open", "close"]) exitPriceType = input.string("close", title="Exit Price Type", options=["open", "close"]) // Correction des dates de début et de fin pour le backtest startDate = input(defval = timestamp("2021-01-01"), title = "Start Date") endDate = input(defval = timestamp("2022-01-01"), title = "End Date") // Calcul des volumes des acheteurs et des vendeurs buyerVolume = array.new_float() sellerVolume = array.new_float() // Mise à jour des volumes à chaque bougie buyVol = close > open ? volume : 0 sellVol = close < open ? volume : 0 array.unshift(buyerVolume, buyVol) array.unshift(sellerVolume, sellVol) // Gardez seulement les N dernières valeurs pour le delta volume if array.size(buyerVolume) > N array.pop(buyerVolume) if array.size(sellerVolume) > N array.pop(sellerVolume) // Calcul du delta de volume sumBuyerVolume = array.sum(buyerVolume) sumSellerVolume = array.sum(sellerVolume) deltaVolume = sumBuyerVolume - sumSellerVolume // Calcul du plus haut et du plus bas pour Fibonacci highestPrice = ta.highest(high, fibLength) lowestPrice = ta.lowest(low, fibLength) // Fibonacci Levels fib382 = lowestPrice + (highestPrice - lowestPrice) * 0.5 fib618 = lowestPrice + (highestPrice - lowestPrice) * 0.786 // Vérification des dates pour le backtest bool isInDateRange = true // Conditions d'entrée et de sortie entryPrice = entryPriceType == "open" ? open : close exitPrice = exitPriceType == "open" ? open : close // Acheter quand le volume des acheteurs dépasse celui des vendeurs, le prix est au-dessus du niveau 61.8% de Fibonacci if isInDateRange and deltaVolume > 0 and entryPrice > fib618 strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long) // Vendre quand le volume des vendeurs dépasse celui des acheteurs, le prix est en dessous du niveau 38.2% de Fibonacci if isInDateRange and deltaVolume < 0 and exitPrice < fib382 strategy.close("Buy") // Affichage des niveaux de Fibonacci et du delta de volume plot(fib382,, title="Fibonacci 38.2%") plot(fib618,, title="Fibonacci 61.8%") plot(deltaVolume, color=deltaVolume > 0 ? :, title="Delta Volume")template: strategy.tpl:40:21: executing "strategy.tpl" at <.api.GetStrategyListByName>: wrong number of args for GetStrategyListByName: want 7 got 6