SR Breakout Strategy是一个基于LonesomeTheBlue的breakout finder指标开发的支撑阻力突破策略。该策略的主要思路是通过判断收盘价是否突破支撑位或阻力位来产生做多或做空信号。默认设置基于8小时K线,但在4小时K线上有更优的参数设置。该策略使用了pivothigh和pivotlow函数来确定支撑位和阻力位,并使用最高价和最低价来判断突破。同时,该策略还设置了止损和止盈。
SR Breakout Strategy是一个基于经典支撑阻力突破思路的交易策略,通过使用pivothigh和pivotlow函数计算支撑位和阻力位,并通过判断收盘价是否突破这些位置来产生交易信号。该策略的优势在于思路清晰,易于实现和优化;同时也存在一些风险,如在震荡行情中表现不佳,以及固定的止损止盈比例可能带来的风险。未来可以考虑从技术指标、止损止盈、过滤条件、支撑阻力优化等方面对该策略进行优化和改进,以提高其稳定性和盈利能力。
start: 2024-05-07 00:00:00
end: 2024-05-14 00:00:00
period: 10m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © LonesomeTheBlue © chanu_lev10k
strategy('SR Breakout Strategy', overlay=true, max_bars_back=500, max_lines_count=400)
prd =, title='Period', minval=2)
bo_len =, title='Max Breakout Length', minval=30, maxval=300)
cwidthu = input.float(defval=3., title='Threshold Rate %', minval=1., maxval=10) / 100
mintest =, title='Minimum Number of Tests', minval=1)
bocolorup = input.color(, title='Breakout Colors', inline='bocol')
bocolordown = input.color(, title='', inline='bocol')
// lstyle = input.string(defval=line.style_solid, title='Line Style')
issl = input.bool(title='SL', inline='linesl1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=false)
slpercent = input.float(title=', %', inline='linesl1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=18.0, minval=0.0, step=0.1)
istp = input.bool(title='TP', inline='linetp1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=false)
tppercent = input.float(title=', %', inline='linetp1', group='Stop Loss / Take Profit:', defval=18.0, minval=0.0, step=0.1)
lll = math.max(math.min(bar_index, 300), 1)
float h_ = ta.highest(lll)
float l_ = ta.lowest(lll)
float chwidth = (h_ - l_) * cwidthu
// check if PH/PL
ph = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
pl = ta.pivotlow(prd, prd)
//keep Pivot Points and their locations in the arrays
var phval = array.new_float(0)
var phloc = array.new_int(0)
var plval = array.new_float(0)
var plloc = array.new_int(0)
// keep PH/PL levels and locations
if bool(ph)
array.unshift(phval, ph)
array.unshift(phloc, bar_index - prd)
if array.size(phval) > 1 // cleanup old ones
for x = array.size(phloc) - 1 to 1 by 1
if bar_index - array.get(phloc, x) > bo_len
if bool(pl)
array.unshift(plval, pl)
array.unshift(plloc, bar_index - prd)
if array.size(plval) > 1 // cleanup old ones
for x = array.size(plloc) - 1 to 1 by 1
if bar_index - array.get(plloc, x) > bo_len
// check bullish cup
float bomax = na
int bostart = bar_index
num = 0
hgst = ta.highest(prd)[1]
if array.size(phval) >= mintest and close > open and close > hgst
bomax := array.get(phval, 0)
xx = 0
for x = 0 to array.size(phval) - 1 by 1
if array.get(phval, x) >= close
xx := x
bomax := math.max(bomax, array.get(phval, x))
if xx >= mintest and open <= bomax
for x = 0 to xx by 1
if array.get(phval, x) <= bomax and array.get(phval, x) >= bomax - chwidth
num += 1
bostart := array.get(phloc, x)
if num < mintest or hgst >= bomax
bomax := na
// if not na(bomax) and num >= mintest
//, y1=bomax, x2=bostart, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup)
//, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomax - chwidth, color=bocolorup)
//, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup)
//, y1=bomax - chwidth, x2=bar_index, y2=bomax, color=bocolorup)
plotshape(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest, location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangleup, color=bocolorup, size=size.small)
//alertcondition(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest, title='Breakout', message='Breakout')
// check bearish cup
float bomin = na
bostart := bar_index
num1 = 0
lwst = ta.lowest(prd)[1]
if array.size(plval) >= mintest and close < open and close < lwst
bomin := array.get(plval, 0)
xx = 0
for x = 0 to array.size(plval) - 1 by 1
if array.get(plval, x) <= close
xx := x
bomin := math.min(bomin, array.get(plval, x))
if xx >= mintest and open >= bomin
for x = 0 to xx by 1
if array.get(plval, x) >= bomin and array.get(plval, x) <= bomin + chwidth
num1 += 1
bostart := array.get(plloc, x)
if num1 < mintest or lwst <= bomin
bomin := na
// if not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest
//, y1=bomin, x2=bostart, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown)
//, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomin + chwidth, color=bocolordown)
//, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bostart, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown)
//, y1=bomin + chwidth, x2=bar_index, y2=bomin, color=bocolordown)
plotshape(not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, location=location.abovebar, style=shape.triangledown, color=bocolordown, size=size.small)
//alertcondition(not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, title='Breakdown', message='Breakdown')
//alertcondition(not na(bomax) and num >= mintest or not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest, title='Breakout or Breakdown', message='Breakout or Breakdown')
// Long Short conditions
longCondition = not na(bomax) and num >= mintest
if longCondition
strategy.entry('Long', strategy.long)
shortCondition = not na(bomin) and num1 >= mintest
if shortCondition
strategy.entry('Short', strategy.short)
// Entry price / Take Profit / Stop Loss
//entryprice = strategy.position_avg_price
entryprice = ta.valuewhen(condition=longCondition or shortCondition, source=close, occurrence=0)
pm = longCondition ? 1 : shortCondition ? -1 : 1 / math.sign(strategy.position_size)
takeprofit = entryprice * (1 + pm * tppercent * 0.01)
stoploss = entryprice * (1 - pm * slpercent * 0.01)
strategy.exit(id='Exit Long', from_entry='Long', stop=issl ? stoploss : na, limit=istp ? takeprofit : na, alert_message='Exit Long')
strategy.exit(id='Exit Short', from_entry='Short', stop=issl ? stoploss : na, limit=istp ? takeprofit : na, alert_message='Exit Short')