Inventors quantify new additions to the real disk robot parameters and import and export functions

Author: The Little Dream, Created: 2017-08-24 13:22:39, Updated: 2019-07-31 18:28:07

Import and export function of the real disk robot parameters

In real disk, analog disk testing Quantization strategies often need to adjust the policy parameters according to the real test situation, but the parameters tested also need to be saved effectively for comparison analysis, so there is a pressing need for quick saving, quick importing functionality for parameter configuration. The inventors of the quantization implemented this very well, making it convenient for real disk testing strategies, real disk use strategies for the management of parameter configuration.

  • Exporting


    Export the file as JSON


  • Imported


    To find the JSON file to be imported, you can specially save it in a directory with parameter configuration.


    Successfully imported tip


    • Remember to save the validity of the app after importing

    • Remember to save the validity of the app after importing

    • Remember to save the validity of the app after importing


  • Please note:

    Import/Export configuration does not include settings in the following regions (except for K-line cycle settings), only save or import, policy parameters, template parameters, K-line cycle settings.


    If the appropriate Controls button does not appear on the web page, you need to clear the browser cache to refresh the web page.


edwardgywThe most recent configuration can be saved online to avoid problems.

The Little DreamI've been using my phone all day, so I downloaded my phone and entered it.

edwardgywThere's no backstory in the old loop.

The Little DreamYou can create a folder, save the configuration, and name it.