The custodian supports extension functions for some exchanges to call.

Author: Zero, Created: 2015-12-14 16:23:32, Updated: 2017-10-09 00:49:35

Supports extensions to call all digital currency exchanges (unwrapped)

Supported by Trusteesexchange.IO("api", httpMethod, resource, params)Calls, returns the corresponding Object structure, can print out its own analysis calls

How to call

For example, call OKCoin's cancellation of loan application interface


exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/api/v1/", "symbol=cny&borrow_id=123");

api_key and sign do not need to be passed, the administrator will calculate it themselves.

How to get loans

exchange.IO("api", "POST", "/api/v1/", "symbol=cny");


Because the submission paths are the same., so resource only passes method names:

// 提现
exchange.IO("api", "POST", "withdraw", "amount=0.1&currency=BTC&address=xxx");


If needed, support. Updated hosts can be downloaded again.


The short-line king won selling the high-price strategyI can't get backwards compatible, so I have to change the previous code!!! Admired

The Little DreamIt's great. It's fun.

The grass sofa

The short-line king won selling the high-price strategyYou can only use the boss first.

ZeroIf the workload is large, it can be judged by continuing with the old host or using Version (((), mainly to be more unified later, easy to write, inconvenient for a while, convenient forever haha