Please teach me about the _C function.

Author: wufuhao100w, Created: 2019-12-10 20:54:24, Updated:

If the error tolerance function is called with the _C function, the call is a custom function, but the function is stuck or invalid when it does not return a value.


wangfulinIf a custom function does not return a value, then what is the point of using the function _C, if the retry function must have a successful condition, and if it does, you can return only true?

The grassCannot use custom functions

wufuhao100wOh, thank you, I'm a programmer and a white...

wufuhao100wThank you.

The grassOh, yes, it's supported, you can test it yourself.

wufuhao100wBut the API documentation says that you can use custom functions.