Is the recovery data lost or unusable?

Author: abc122615, Created: 2020-02-05 08:19:08, Updated:

In this example, the data on February 3 is not there, what's the situation?img img


abc122615If this is not possible, the retest data will be invalidated. Depth has the following data on the actual day: {"Info":{"ActionDay":"20200203","OpenPrice":3233,"LowestPrice":3233,"AskVolume1":97,"AskPrice5":1.7976931348623157e+308,"OpenInterest":1248695,"BidPrice5":1.7976931348623157e+308,"AveragePrice131313":32631.752539512207,"AskPrice2":"AverageVolume137976931348623150,"OpenPrice":3233,"LowestPrice1":937","AskPrice1":937","AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice5:"AskPrice The detection system crashes without k wires, how do we adjust for this situation? It is recommended to supplement k wires for this situation, showing a diagonal line in the viewing software.

The grassYes, the drop is no K-line.