Unable to use a permanent contract

Author: I'm not sure., Created: 2020-04-07 13:00:03, Updated:

I'm testing using a perpetual contract, but the ok option and the token futures are not possible when setting up a perpetual contract. Below is the test code, the log can only print the first line, I can't find any exception there, please answer, thank you!

function main (() { Log (see below for a test of a permanent contract swap); Log ((exchange.SetContractType ((swap button)))) Log ((exchange.GetContractType)) is the name of the I'm not sure.


The grassIt should be retesting not supporting tokens permanently, already on your work order.

The grassNeed to update the host

The grassThe last line of retrieval should not show any information, the rest is normal.

I'm not sure.I'm retesting, it has nothing to do with the host, right?