The coin returned a 403 error.

Author: bamsmen, Created: 2020-06-08 20:21:18, Updated: 2020-06-08 22:50:20

When using debug tools The first one. function main (() {exchange.IO("base", “”) let info = exchange.IOThe following is a list of the most commonly used APIs. return info I'm not sure. Returns the following error, look at the document as if authentication failed, is there a problem with the signature algorithm of fmz? {status: error, err_code:403, err_msg: Verification failure , ts:1591618683532}

var d = exchange.IO(api, GET, /market/history/kline, symbol=BTC_CQ&period=60min&size=30) return d If using tokens or wexApp can get to k-string data normally, but exchange tokens for futures, the following error will be reported Futures_OP 4: &{map[err-code:invalid-parameter err-msg:invalid period status:error ts:1.59162767652e+12]} This is a list of all the different ways Futures_OP 4 is credited in the database.

Ask why.


The grassThe default base address of the token is, generally no switching, prompting signature failure, first to verify that the key is not a problem, I just tested, no problem.