Is there a problem with Binance's bar data?

Author: Quantitative on the spot, Created: 2020-08-18 11:03:37, Updated:

In the feedback system, the bar data obtained in the binance spot, the rest is correct, the volume fields are all 0?


Quantitative on the spotFor example, on July 6th, 2020, BTC-ustd, 30min bar

The grassI'll check to see what time period, what species.

The grassIt should be fixed now.

The grassWell, there are some problems now.

Quantitative on the spotThese volumes are not evenly spaced and some are negative. For example, {'Time': 1596333600000, 'Open': 11942.54, 'High': 11965.01, 'Low': 11894.31, 'Close': 11921.0, 'Volume': -1980.569202, 'OpenInterest: 0.0}

The grassI know that there is a problem, and it will be solved soon.

Quantitative on the spotThis is a list of all the different ways GetRecords is credited in the database: {'Time': 1595880000000, 'Open': 10792.0, 'High': 10834.0, 'Low': 10782.02, 'Close': 10822.01, 'Volume': 0.0, 'OpenInterest': 0.0}