Invalid symbol

Author: allpot, Created: 2020-10-06 19:31:13, Updated:

def main(): exchange.SetCurrency(“ETH_USDT”) exchange.SetContractType(“swap”) message =“symbol=” + “ETH_USDT” + “&side=BUY” + “&type=MARKET”+ “&quantity=0.01” id = exchange.IO("api", “POST”, “/fapi/v1/order”, message)

Bitcoin futures, no matter how I change the "ETH_USDT", will prompt Futures_OP 4: 400: {code:-1121, msg:Invalid symbol.} The exchange.Buy ((-1, 0.01) provided by the system can be ordered to the exchange. What's wrong?


allpotI tried it in the afternoon.

allpotI was the administrator of a key rental platform, because I saw that someone had similar problems before, so I bought a lightweight server in Hong Kong yesterday in Ali Cloud, and it still couldn't be fixed; I just tried to upgrade the hosting, and the problem is the same.

The grassUpgrading the Trustee