GetRecords gets the length of the string is 101 EMA is the last value of the subtraction

Author: teacherMa, Created: 2020-12-07 12:57:09, Updated: 2020-12-07 12:58:31

def main (: records = exchange.GetRecords ((PERIOD_H1))) Log (( K line root number)) Log (( K line array, records) Log (( EMA144, TA.EMA ((records, 144)))) is a Spanish-language newspaper. Log (( EMA676, TA.EMA ((records, 676)))) is an English-language newspaper. if records and len ((records) > 676: TA.EMA ((r, 676) TA.MACD ((r, 144, 169, and 12)


The grassThe length of the K-string is gradually accumulated, which is actually 101