
Author: AiKPM-, Created: 2021-04-10 19:35:35, Updated: 2022-03-29 23:15:20


The grassSend the code and see.

yuxiaoYour problem is solved, no, I've had the same problem, I don't know how to handle it

AiKPM-What's up? BKVOL >0 && (KDJUP の RSIUP の CLOSE <= Multiple head stops), SP ((BKVOL); BKVOL is a type of BKVOL that is used to control the speed of a vehicle. SKVOL>0 && (KDJDOWN の RSIDOWN の CLOSE >= Blank head stop), BP (SKVOL); (empty 1 ∈ Empty 2) && BKVOL>0, SP ((BKVOL); // Stop and Flatten multiple positions (more 1 ≠ more 2) && SKVOL>0, BP(SKVOL); // Stop flattening the empty shed (empty1&& BARSLAST(empty2) <2) Kyros (empty2&& BARSLAST(empty1) <2), SK ((MAX ((hand count, SKVOL)); // open space (more 1&& BARSLAST(more 2) <2) (more 2&& BARSLAST(more 1) <2), BK ((MAX ((hand count, BKVOL)); // more I'm not sure what you mean. What's up?