This analogue drawdown, and the spot drawdown, how can you not subscribe to a digital currency futures contract?

Author: Apollo, the sun god, Created: 2021-04-26 16:09:49, Updated:

How to write the data of this call quarter futures contract, where to test it?


Apollo, the sun god /upload/asset/1dbbaab48fcb9d5bf6127.png /upload/asset/1db4f54ea46ee00f02313.png /upload/asset/1db5c56d3ec09d2ad5f1e.png

The grass exchange.SetContractType('quarter')

The grassSetContractType (('this_week') is the name of the user's computer.

Written by TradeManLook at the API documentation, don't rush into the basics.

The grassTip: Do not call SetCurrency

Apollo, the sun godOr not.